Susan Olsen (Cindy Brady) speaks of Michael

Very good, thanks for sharing. I like what she said about people now claiming to be friends with Michael, when they were not.
An enjoyable interview.

But I agree with MJ...Marcia (played by Maureen McCormick) was the best looking of the 3 Brady sisters!

thank you when you posted this thread, i followed the link and have been on youtube since watching anything about other people talking about michael
This was a very nice interview with Susan! LMAO at her saying that Marie Osmond was supposed to be on the date with Michael, but she had a big crush on Jermaine! I am surprised to find out that Jackson and the Osmonds are better friends than I thought.

I like the way that she talks about Michael. Good memories!
Wow. I love her. Her honesty is refreshing. She's so real. LMAO at World of Warcraft. I was neglected by three different ex-bfs because of this game, haha. =P I wish she had reached out, though. She seems to really get him. It sounds like they had a whole lot in common!! I think they'd have had fun together. =) I wish a lot of past friends had reached out, but I can't blame them all. They did have their own lives and I can see how they might feel it wasn't their place to step in and were afraid of coming off like "Hey, looks like you need help, you need friends, Here, let me fix it." =P It's just sad that most of the people who did step up couldn't be trusted. =/ Anyway, thank you so much for this!
Your very welcome! I also love how she's so honest and doesn't pretend they were friends. So many people are just NOW coming out and pretending they were Michael's best buddies its very sickening.