Survey Study--Your feedback is needed

Maria MJ

Proud Member
Nov 16, 2009
East Europe
Dear all,

I am conducting a survey study on tabloid media and privacy issues for a graduate school course in Applied Communication Research Methods.
Your feedback to my survey questionnaire is very important because of our common status as Michael Jackson fans and knowledge of tabloid methods.
The questionnaire is divided in three parts, each containing 10, 10, and 9 questions respectively. Please follow the links below in the order given so that continuity and logical sequence is maintained.
You are kindly requested to fill all three parts, as filling only one part or two will skew the results.

The deadline for the survey is November 30, 10:00 p.m. Central European Time.

Here are the links in the order you should follow them:

Part I

Part II

Part III

Important instructions:
1. Rating scales questions start from lower intensity on the left and increase as you move to the right. For example, if you completely disagree with "Fair" in question number 2, you mark the first dot on the left, if you totally agree you mark the last dot on the right.
2. Some questions allow you for multiple choices, others only one.

I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to each and everyone of you for taking the time and energy to respond, and I will be more than pleased to share the results with you if you so wish.

Maria MJ
I took the 3 surveys MariaMJ :ciao:

I love a GOOD survey so I wish you all the BEST with this project... BTW, GOOD to the point Questions ;)
Thank you so much for participating Daryll. It's taken a long and painful effort to get this project going. Your kind words are very encouraging.