Survey: If You're 16-29, Statistically Your Favorite Musical Performer is Michael Jackson


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Jul 25, 2011
Pew Research: Your favorite band sucks (if you're between 30-46)

by Ryan White, The Oregonian Wednesday August 12, 2009, 8:00 AM

Bad news if you, like me, are between the ages of 30 and 46:
The Eagles are our favorite band.

Possibly worse news if you, unlike me, are between the ages of 16 and 29: There's so little memorable music right now you're forced to tell researchers your favorite musician is the first guy to fall dead in front of you.

As part of a survey of generational changes since Woodstock (always Woodstock, isn't it?), Pew Research compiled a list of most popular musical performers by age. And if you're 16-29, statistically your favorite musical performer is Michael Jackson, who, if you're 20, put out his most popular record when you were three. However, the survey was conducted between July 25 and Aug. 2, about a month after Jackson's death. So the kids went out and bought the records and decided he was their favorite. Woe T-Pain. Sorry Ms. Ga Ga.

More than anything, the kids seem to be answering based on what they've seen in their parent's CD collections. Jefferson Airplane pulled 9-percent of the vote.Only Coldplay, Carrie Underwood and Kanye are remotely contemporary.
Thus, a lessened generation gap since those days on a muddy farm. Pew:
Forty years after the Woodstock music festival glorified and exacerbated the generational fractures in American life, the public today says there are big differences between younger and older adults in their values, use of technology, work ethic, and respect and tolerance for others. But this modern generation gap is a much more subdued affair than the one that raged in the 1960s, for relatively few Americans of any age see it as a source of conflict -- either in society at large or in their own families.
Maybe that's why the music isn't as good*.

(*This, of course, of course, is plenty debatable. There's tons of great music being made right now, but not lots of popular music -- fracturing of the industry, etc., etc. It's rather undeniable that the state of popular music isn't nearly as strong as it was when most of these bands became stars.)
The Beatles were the most popular act overall, followed by the Eagles, Johnny Cash, Michael Jackson and Elvis. There's your top five.
The 50 to 64 set digs most on the mop tops.
The 65+ demographic prefers Fox News. (And Sinatra.)
As for the rest of us, the 30-46s, the Eagles? Seriously?

All I know is I had a rough night and I hate the (bleeping) Eagles. (That NSFW quote brought to you by The Dude.)
The right answer is obviously Springsteen, and even if we'd have chosen Dylan that would have been fine. But Dylan is near the bottom of the list, tied with Kanye. The only thing we got right was burying the Grateful Dead, who, by the way, came in behind Mariah Carey on the 50-64s list.
And that's your Woodstock generation. They prefer Mariah Carey over the Grateful Dead. Peace.

Pew's full study with all kinds of numbers and graphs and stuff is right here
I'd say 22 - 40 are most likely to appreciate MJ the most. 40 year olds were barely born when MJ hit the scene with the J5, but they were teenagers when Thriller came out. 22 year olds (I'm almost 21) were barely born when Bad came out, but when he was all over TV in 1993 for Oprah and SuperBowl, we were old enough to recognize and say "Oooohhh how'd he do that?" and we're of the era of MTV and VH1 that always had MJ-weekends throughout the 90s.

But I agree that his fanbase extends from 2 - 200 rr as the Christmas song says "kids from 1 to 92." :D
well im glad that people under 20 love them some michael! its not that surprising really, we are the youtube generation. Its really easy to stumble across some MJ like if you search michael or jackson or beat or dangerous etc some mj usually pops up in assocaited videos lol and peeps go "ooo michael jackson? i'll just have a nosey at that....OMG!!!! THIS MAN IS AMAZING!!!!!!" lol true story it happened to me lol.
This is great!

I mean usually an artist of his age has nostalgic fans, who used to be his fans when they were young and grew old with him. But in Michael's case it seems his music is simply timeless and he can reach the young generations again and again and again. That is when the radios and TVs finally allow their DJs and VJs to play his songs again, of course.