Surrealist Portrait Allegedly Stolen


Proud Member
Jan 19, 2012
Photo of Michael Jackson as Jesus Christ stolen, doctor claims
June 21, 2012 | 1:10 pm

It is a dispute pitting a man who takes pictures of famous people against one who makes their faces camera ready.

Arnold Klein, the Beverly Hills doctor touted as “dermatologist to the stars,” has accused David LaChapelle, famed for surrealist portraits of celebrities, of the theft of a piece of his own art. The photographer admitted reclaiming his work -- an image of Michael Jackson as Jesus Christ -- but insisted he did nothing wrong.

The quarrel between two auxiliary players in the celebrity world has gone on for more than a year, but it only became public recently when the Los Angeles district attorney’s office opted not to bring criminal charges against LaChapelle.

In a one-page document declining to prosecute the matter, a deputy district attorney wrote that there was no proof of Klein’s allegations of grand theft or LaChapelle’s denial of them.

“Neither victim nor suspect can be corroborated. There is no physical evidence.” prosecutor Jennifer Turkat wrote last month.

Klein declined to comment and a representative for LaChapelle said he was out of the country and unavailable.

The piece in question was part of a collection called “American Jesus” that LaChapelle showed in galleries around the world after Jackson’s death. It is a Pieta -- the traditional religious art scene of the Virgin Mary cradling the dead body of Jesus -- with the pop star in place of Christ. The work has been valued at $48,000, according to the prosecutor.

Jackson was a longtime client and friend of Klein's, but after the singer’s 2009 death, questions arose about the the care and prescription drugs he provided the singer. Klein acknowledged last year that he was the subject of a medical board investigation.

It was only one of a host of problems for Klein. He filed for bankruptcy protection and a 2010 fire damaged his beloved Windsor Square mansion where part of his $7-million art collection was held. Among the items affected was the Jackson photograph, which Klein described to police as a gift from LaChapelle.

Klein sent the piece back to the photographer for repair and LaChapelle subsequently refused to return it, according to a prosecutor’s summary of the case. When questioned by the LAPD’s Art Theft Detail, the photographer said the piece wasn’t a gift at all, but compensation for dermatological services that Klein had failed to provide.

Klein “could have artwork back when he paid for it,” according to the case summary.

Given the competing accounts of ownership, the prosecutor wrote, “The matter cannot be proven BRD” (beyond a reasonable doubt).

The photograph remains in the police evidence vault. A representative for LaChapelle said Klein’s ongoing bankruptcy proceedings seemed to be interfering with its return.

“We don’t know what’s happening with the piece,” said Patrick Toolan, a representative for LaChapelle.

Det. Don Hrycyk of the Art Theft Detail declined to explain why the police still have the artwork, saying that he didn’t want to aid or abet additional media attention for “these personalities.”

“I’m glad to get rid of it,” he said of the case.
Photo of Michael Jackson stolen, doctor claims

June 21, 2012 | 1:10pm

It is a dispute pitting a man who takes pictures of famous people against one who makes their faces camera ready.

Arnold Klein, the Beverly Hills doctor touted as “dermatologist to the stars,” has accused David LaChapelle, famed for surrealist portraits of celebrities, of the theft of a piece of his own art. The photographer admitted reclaiming his work -- an image of Michael Jackson as Jesus Christ -- but insisted he did nothing wrong.

The quarrel between two auxiliary players in the celebrity world has gone on for more than a year, but it only became public recently when the Los Angeles district attorney’s office opted not to bring criminal charges against LaChapelle.

In a one-page document declining to prosecute the matter, a deputy district attorney wrote that there was no proof of Klein’s allegations of grand theft or LaChapelle’s denial of them.

“Neither victim nor suspect can be corroborated. There is no physical evidence.” prosecutor Jennifer Turkat wrote last month.

Klein declined to comment and a representative for LaChapelle said he was out of the country and unavailable.

The piece in question was part of a collection called “American Jesus” that LaChapelle showed in galleries around the world after Jackson’s death. It is a Pieta -- the traditional religious art scene of the Virgin Mary cradling the dead body of Jesus -- with the pop star in place of Christ. The work has been valued at $48,000, according to the prosecutor.

Jackson was a longtime client and friend of Klein's, but after the singer’s 2009 death, questions arose about the the care and prescription drugs he provided the singer. Klein acknowledged last year that he was the subject of a medical board investigation.

It was only one of a host of problems for Klein. He filed for bankruptcy protection and a 2010 fire damaged his beloved Windsor Square mansion where part of his $7-million art collection was held. Among the items affected was the Jackson photograph, which Klein described to police as a gift from LaChapelle.

Klein sent the piece back to the photographer for repair and LaChapelle subsequently refused to return it, according to a prosecutor’s summary of the case. When questioned by the LAPD’s Art Theft Detail, the photographer said the piece wasn’t a gift at all, but compensation for dermatological services that Klein had failed to provide.

Klein “could have artwork back when he paid for it,” according to the case summary.

Given the competing accounts of ownership, the prosecutor wrote, “The matter cannot be proven BRD” (beyond a reasonable doubt).

The photograph remains in the police evidence vault. A representative for LaChapelle said Klein’s ongoing bankruptcy proceedings seemed to be interfering with its return.

“We don’t know what’s happening with the piece,” said Patrick Toolan, a representative for LaChapelle.

Det. Don Hrycyk of the Art Theft Detail declined to explain why the police still have the artwork, saying that he didn’t want to aid or abet additional media attention for “these personalities.”

“I’m glad to get rid of it,” he said of the case.


So, what do you guys think of this portrait????

Re: Photo of Michael Jackson as Jesus Christ stolen, doctor claims

Now let's see: Klien says he got it as a gift and sent it to the artist to fix. The artist said he gave it for work to be done. Now we have to believe that the artist gave the art as full payment before the work was even done. Because LaChap mentions the bankruptcy issue, I think he kept the painting because he was afraid that it might have to be sold to pay off Klien's creditors. There seems to be something fishy about this case.
Det. Don Hrycyk of the Art Theft Detail declined to explain why the police still have the artwork, saying that he didn’t want to aid or abet additional media attention for “these personalities.”

“I’m glad to get rid of it,” he said of the case.
I could care less about Klein his constant attention seeking antics - that above says it all

but the picture above, although controversial is beautiful - :cry: and makes a profound statement
Re: Photo of Michael Jackson as Jesus Christ stolen, doctor claims

This image of Michael Jackson is at the center of a dispute between David LaChapelle and Dr. Arnold Klein. This image is from and appears in an article about a 2010 David LaChapelle show in New York. (David LaChapelle / June 21, 2012)

I guess in a way to be fair since LaChapelle was the one that made the artwork he does have a fair right to own it back, but thats just my thinking
I think all of them are really good.
I hope Arnie doesn't get it back, he doesn't deserve any pics of Michael.
I love the painting. When was it produced - after Michael's passing? And how did Arnie come to own it?
I love the painting. When was it produced - after Michael's passing? And how did Arnie come to own it?

Rhilo according to the story above the artist said he gave it Arnie for some dermatology work, and arnie did not do the work so he took it back. Arnie said he was given the art as a gift, it got damaged and he sent it back to the artist to repair it. Unfortunately the artist kept it and said it was his. If you can find the truth in this tale, then share it with me.

The style of the paintings remind me of some of Michael's art in the Opus, and I think I saw a similar style in Dancing the dream.