Surely this is not the real Michael in this video right?

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Jan 17, 2004
I was checking youtube and under recommended videos i saw a video of a crime scene investigation kind of program about Michael's death. And at 3:08 they have a scene and it really looks like Michael, but surely that's all 'staged' right? I mean...this is a actor...right? Just wondering....

Video is reconstruction, nothing real.
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That is not really Michael. It is a reenactment. They used an actor to portray him. :)
Yeah i thought so too, just wanted to be sure about that. Since there's barely any footage or pictures about that...which is very very good of course. Nobody needs videos of the real happening, nobody. Also glad as hell that nothing from the autopsy has come out. It did happen to several celebs like 2Pac and i believe Aaliyah too? For shame!!!
you should have put a warning in the name of the thread. I avoided that program when it was aired and I could live without this image in my head even if it's an actor :(
you should have put a warning in the name of the thread. I avoided that program when it was aired and I could live without this image in my head even if it's an actor :(
I agree!
I suggest you edit out the youtube link please. Staffordshire Bullterrier.

Thank you Strat
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