Sunflowers ~Michael’s favourite Flowers~


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
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Symbolism Of The Sunflower
“I do not think there’s anything that trumpets life on this planet like the sunflower. “I don’t think there’s anything on this planet that trumpets life like the sunflower.
Wherever light is, no matter how weak, tissue flowers Will Find It. “ Wherever light is, no matter how weak, these flowers will find it.”

One tiny seed is placed by man in the dark of Mother Earth. One tiny seed is placed by man in the dark of Mother Earth. Like it grows six feet tall man. “When the sunflower is mature and in season it often becomes like older man, stooped with age. Like man it grows six feet tall. When the sunflower is mature and in season it often becomes like older man, stooped with age.

Its main stalk is the center of life, and it is strong.

Seven branches or twigs – Seven Days of the Week.

Twelve green leaves – Twelve months of the year.

Three Flowers on the branch – the Trinity.

The flower has yellow petals Fifty-two – 52 weeks in the year.

In the center of the frame of yellow is Three hundred and Sixty-Five rich seeds – the days of the Year.

The sunflower is one of the patterns in nature which reflect “pi”, the Golden Ratio and Divine Proportion. It is the link between science, and spiritual thought. It is a link between science, and spiritual thought.

The patterns and symbolism of “pi” is prevalent in nature: sunflowers, the overlapping petals of the rose, the nautilus shell, the arrangement and growth of leaves, crystals, Even the order of galaxies …

The Sunflower: symbolizing the cycles of life, given by the Great Spirit who is Fully Manifesting present in all life forms, no matter how near or how light in time, space, or dimension, how great or how small.

We live … We live. We live…We live

Vincent van Gogh

Still Life: Vase with Twelve Sunflowers (1888), all intended to form the décoration for the Yellow House.







I hope you enjoy it ❤
I hate sunflowers, to be honest. However, Michael seems to really love them. :)

me too , they are not romantic flowers , i would not give my mother or my boyfriend a bouquet of sunflowers ,,they look ugly in the paintings too...LOL

what is your favourite flower smooth criminal ??
Here more sunflowers and Thriller Jacket - THIS IS IT - Michael Jackson


Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I ❤ sunflowers Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Remember this article

It was Carl von Linné,the king of flowers, who gave the name sunflower.
They say you never get a prophet in your homecountry,I suppose that´s why we call it sunrose in Sweden.
But we still visits Linnés garden, every year there is a Linné week and some years ago we had a big celebration because it was 300 years since he was born.
It´s off topic but my point here is that Linné is still remembered for what he did after so long time.

There are different kind of sunflowers
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He had them on the lightman in This Is It

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in the demo of "Gone Too Soon" he sings

Like a perfect sunflower
That is just beyond your reach
Gone too soon

It was changed to "flower" in the final version though.