Sunburn Itching!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

Has anyone ever suffered through this? Or better yet, IS suffering from it now?

I had it last year on my back, it was horrible having it there especially as I couldnt even touch it! Now I have it on my shoulders and arms!!!!!!!

It is horrible, when I first got it last year I was running around my acaravn in panic. My dad had to spray with me with a cold hose! It went after like 3 days.

I have heard aloe vera is the best thing for it, my mum gave me this cream to use which has made it TONS better! So I am quite happy right now!

I am finding it hilarious watching videos of people who have had it on youtube. I thought I was over reacting when I got it, but watching these it has made me feel a whole lot better.

Isn't that just heat rash/prickly heat? I get it all the time now, from about 2 years ago, and it's horrible :( What cream do you use??
Eucerin Dry Skin Therapy I get the Plus Intensive Repair Lotion :yes: I try not to get burned but my skin is so pale I burn very easily.
I pretty much burn once a summer, sometimes more, sometimes less...I can't really be in the sun much because my skin is so pale...sometimes five minutes in the sun is enough for my face to get burnt. :( I have to wear sunscreen that has a really high SPF (30-60)...but I still get burnt if I don't watch out. Usually I get burnt when I go shopping for a day and walk outside for too long...Get my shoulders burnt. Or my back. And usually my face (nose mostly). I haven't gotten a bad sunburn in a couple of years (only mild ones with just some redness) because I've tried to stay out of the sun, and if I did go in the sun, I went in the evenings. I've gotten second degree burns from the sun though. With blisters and all. Wasn't fun. Sunburns really hurt like HELL....even the mild ones are awful!! It burns, the skin is itchy and tight, it hurts when the clothes rub against the skin, it hurts if you touch the skin, taking a shower is pure torture.....Not fun. :(

What I usually do when I get a burn...(and this is the "private me" talking....not the "nurse" don't take this as a "medical advice"...) but when I get a burn, I sometimes put natural yogurt on the skin for a while and then rinse it off after a few minutes. It cools the skin, and it's less itchy least it has always helped me. But anyone with a bad sunburn with blisters and stuff should be careful and not "experiment" with home remedies...because it could get infected if you put the wrong stuff on it.

Anyways....I'm looking forward to sunny summer days....not looking forward to sunburns though! :lol: Be safe everyone!!
OMG! One word for those guys on the videos: SUNSCREEN!! :bugeyed:doh:

My skin is very pale too so I dont stay out in the sun too much, and when I do I always use sunscreen before I leave home, so I give it a time to get into my skin and start protecting it. Usually I use high fps too 30-60, and when its summer and the heat is too intensive I use my dad's sunscreen fps 100 (he has lupus so hes allergic to the sun like Mike).

I once got badly sun burned when I was little and used the sunscreen in the morning and stayed in the water park for the whole day without re-applying it. I couldnt raise my arms to wash my hair, it burned like hell. But I never got itching with sun burns! :mello:
Ouch Summer, I'm sorry to read that. I don't burn that easily but I have had sunburns sometimes. Skin peeling off, getting red and itchy. I don't get tanned I just get red and then burn. I've never burn my face, the benefits of having a very oily skin naturally I guess.
I wear a lot of long sleeve t-shirts or just something over my t-shirt.
In 1995 was the last time that I burt my legs and arms and that was when I decided not to just lay in the sun for hours.
My eyes are very sensitive for sunlight I have to wear sunglasses and a hat, othervise I get a terrible headache. I think I should go to a eye doctor to check my eyes for that. I don't think it's normal.
I pretty much burn once a summer, sometimes more, sometimes less...I can't really be in the sun much because my skin is so pale...sometimes five minutes in the sun is enough for my face to get burnt. :( I have to wear sunscreen that has a really high SPF (30-60)...but I still get burnt if I don't watch out. Usually I get burnt when I go shopping for a day and walk outside for too long...Get my shoulders burnt. Or my back. And usually my face (nose mostly). I haven't gotten a bad sunburn in a couple of years (only mild ones with just some redness) because I've tried to stay out of the sun, and if I did go in the sun, I went in the evenings. I've gotten second degree burns from the sun though. With blisters and all. Wasn't fun. Sunburns really hurt like HELL....even the mild ones are awful!! It burns, the skin is itchy and tight, it hurts when the clothes rub against the skin, it hurts if you touch the skin, taking a shower is pure torture.....Not fun. :(

What I usually do when I get a burn...(and this is the "private me" talking....not the "nurse" don't take this as a "medical advice"...) but when I get a burn, I sometimes put natural yogurt on the skin for a while and then rinse it off after a few minutes. It cools the skin, and it's less itchy least it has always helped me. But anyone with a bad sunburn with blisters and stuff should be careful and not "experiment" with home remedies...because it could get infected if you put the wrong stuff on it.

Anyways....I'm looking forward to sunny summer days....not looking forward to sunburns though! Be safe everyone!!
it,s funny you mentioned that summer about the natural yoghurt,my sister and i were in greece a while back and got badly burnt,so i go down and ask one of the waiters what the local people use,and he said here use this natural yoghurt ,it was really cold and soothing,we went to bed and left it on,and when we woke up in the morning it had dried like plaster,we couldnt move,anyway after taking a shower all was fine,but the yoghurt worked.:lol:hey l,t.d i see you are from merseyside,i am not far away .i live in chester,it was hot wasn,t it.
BTW those videos sound like porn videos :lol: I watched them on mute so my mom wouldnt suspect I was doing sth wrong! :hysterical: