Summer Heights High


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hey everyone, anyone caught the Chris Lilley comedy Summer Heights High ? Its been aired in Australia an is now airing in the UK an soon to air in the US. I did a clip for an upcoming special edition DVD of the show which is being released Aug 7 just thought id show you the clip, let me know what ya think, thanks, Laurie :)
Summer Heights High is the best comedy show I've ever seen. Sooo clever! exaggerated? yes, but pretty on point with Australian public high schools :lol: Must get the dvd!
:rofl: Chris Lilly is gold! I thought he did this far better than that Australian of the Year mockumentary he did earlier.

We have a Mr G at our school btw our music teacher is just like him :rofl:

Last year I had to endure my students speaking like Jonah, "Aww but miiisss"

I think he's gearing up for another season of this too
I love this show, Chris Lilley is great! We can be heros was hilarious too :yes:
I'm so glad this show is getting shown internationally. Is 'We Can Be Heroes' being shown internationally as well? Both are excellent. Comedy gold. What I love the most is how relatable all the characters are. Every Australian knows at least someone who is just like one of the characters out of either series. Chris Lilley is such a talent. To be able to pull off all of those characters so well. Brilliant. I wonder if he's got any future plans for another mockumentary series. I hope so.
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Hey Bob I think he said he was thinking of doing another season later on :D

though i did read it in TV week :unsure: :lol:
Hey Bob I think he said he was thinking of doing another season later on :D

though i did read it in TV week :unsure: :lol:

Sounds awesome. If true.

If he does do another season, I hope it's not to cash in on his already established success. If he does another series, it has to be good. And it has to be on ABC. I'd hate to see it commercialised on Seven, Nine or Ten.
From what I know of him he seems fairly loyal to the ABC but yeah gotta agree would really hate to see his staff get commmericalised, and I'm just cringing at the thought of those fake commercials companies make that spoof the shows that they are time slotted with *shudders*
From We Can Be Heroes it's gotta be...Ricky I guess. Summer Heights High though is sooo difficult to chose from. All the characters are fabulous!! Jamie the popular stuck up hottie, Islander boy Jonah, or oh so flamboyant and self centred Mr G...hmmm I gotta go with Jonah. Cracks me up the most..slightly more than the others.
They just finished the repeasts of it a few weeks ago on ABC. Is it broadcast overseas?

Yeah they did ! I dont know if "We Can Be Heroes" is overseas yet. But Summer Heights High finished airing in the UK a few weeks back an is starting in the US in November I think.