Suggestion: for the time when the pain increases..


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi All,

Im sure grief of us fans will go thru the roof top when MJ's Body is dispalyed for paying tribute. The actual funeral will make the pain unberable for some fans, coz seeing your loved one wrapped in a white shroud is the most painful thing in one's life.

So I'm hoping that each fan who is struggling right now find a fellow fan to confide in. So that we could take care off each other...

wat I mean is One person to take responsibility of another greving Fan.
Yes I agree we should have someone for support
during this time of grieveing ... BUT

Michael is not going to wrapped in a white shroud :doh:
he is going to be all decked out as the KING of POP
and looking like a beautiful angel and for me the funeral will
help _becuase the world will see how much that man was loved
revered and respected - when kings, queens dignataries and people
from all walks of life come to pay there respect _regardless of the
TRASH the Tabloids have printed to make the general public think different

I want to see him looking like an angel and getting the respect
he deserved while he was living - that will help my heart
start to heal ..

also to see his last performance (Dress rehearsal of TII)
The world needs to see him in all his glory _ his legacy will
not end like this ..

Also Im curious ???????
what funerals have people wrapped in white shrouds ??
Ive been to many and never seen that _ maybe in some other
culture but not in The USA ..
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^no, but he's right. i KNOW for a fact it'll hit be the hardest. i realize i'm living in denial right now, but once i see him and his family around him, i'll won't be able to stop crying. so a part of me actually hopes the Jackson family will do a small, private funeral (God it actually hurts to write that word), so Michael can be laid to rest without all the mess going around him, but I know that's not the way it's gonna happen.

i can't even think about it, it hurts so much, just imagining..

Michael is not going to wrapped in a white shroud :doh:
he is going to be all decked out as the KING of POP
and looking like a beautiful angel and for me the funeral will
help _becuase the world will see how much that man was loved
revered and respected - when kings, queens dignataries and people
from all walks of life come to pay there respect _regardless of the
RASH the Tabloid have printed to make the general public think different

I want to see him looking like an angel and getting the respect
he deserved while he was living - that will help my heart
start to heal ..

also to see his last performance (Dress rehearsal of TII)
The world needs to see him in all his glory _ his legacy will
not end like this ..

Also Im curious ???????
what funerals have people wrapped in white shrouds ??
Ive been to many and never seen that _ maybe in some other
culture but not in The USA ..

Im glad too see strong people like you spreading positivity...
btw, in Asia (especially in India & the middle east) the body is wrapped in white cloth.
I couldn't bear to see him lying in a coffin. It'll just be too much. I hope they have a private funeral.
I just can't imagine the moment when...the funeral...
It's too much...