Suggest DVDs that I should buy!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I don't have ANY MJ DVDs. I just ordered HIStory Volume 2, because I'm interested in seeing the HIStory videos on my tv (vs. on YouTube.) I also plan on ordering the Dangerous Short Films DVD.

Are these good choices? What else do you suggest?

Also, are any of MJ's DVDs in widescreen?
Between History Vol I and Vol II, Number Ones, and the Dangerous Short Films, you'll have all of the available videos released on DVD, which is pretty much most that he created (though not all). . . . Number Ones does repeat itself if you have both History sets, but it also has Man in the Mirror and Dirty Diana, and a slightly different Smooth Criminal video, so for 10 bucks it's worth it for those additions alone, especially MitM and DD. . . . And yeah, Live in Bucharest is a must.
Thanks for the recommendations. I'll definitely put Live in Bucharest at the top of my list.
Thanks, Tarah! I meant except those written by himself. Now i am ordering For the record since it is not sold here. But i need some "documentary" book, as well. Reliable, of course.
Reliable books: Michael Jackson: A Visual Documentary by Adrian Grant was a book approved by Michael himself. It's like a diary covering his whole life. An updated version of the book is due to be available later this month. I also recommend Dancing the Dream 7 books by the authors of For the Record.
Reliable books: Michael Jackson: A Visual Documentary by Adrian Grant was a book approved by Michael himself. It's like a diary covering his whole life. An updated version of the book is due to be available later this month. I also recommend Dancing the Dream 7 books by the authors of For the Record.

Thank you so much! I needed to know that it is approved by MJ himself. Thank you!
Dangerous concert
dangerous the short films
History 1 and 2
Michael Jackson number ones dvd
Michael Jackson moonwalker

These are a must have :)
Reliable books: Michael Jackson: A Visual Documentary by Adrian Grant was a book approved by Michael himself. It's like a diary covering his whole life. An updated version of the book is due to be available later this month. I also recommend Dancing the Dream 7 books by the authors of For the Record.

I also recommend A visual documentary by Adrian Grant, it's a great book :)

dancing the dream is another one and moonwalker

Dancing The Dream (a fortune at the moment though unfortunately)
Conspiracy - I think it's called that, I can't remember who it's by though (my brother has stolen the book off me for a read) but it covers the WHOLE trial and reports everything that the media didn't at the time

Btw, also get The Wiz on DVD, it's so cheap at the moment, and you will just LOVE Michael playing the scarecrow in it :)

Dancing The Dream (a fortune at the moment though unfortunately)
Conspiracy - I think it's called that, I can't remember who it's by though (my brother has stolen the book off me for a read) but it covers the WHOLE trial and reports everything that the media didn't at the time

Btw, also get The Wiz on DVD, it's so cheap at the moment, and you will just LOVE Michael playing the scarecrow in it :)

'Conspiracy' is by Aphrodite Jones. :)
Another poster here called Muchos posted a link where Dancing the Dream will be available soon for £8.99 on! :)


Dancing The Dream (a fortune at the moment though unfortunately)
Conspiracy - I think it's called that, I can't remember who it's by though (my brother has stolen the book off me for a read) but it covers the WHOLE trial and reports everything that the media didn't at the time

Btw, also get The Wiz on DVD, it's so cheap at the moment, and you will just LOVE Michael playing the scarecrow in it :)
what other concert dvds are there other than dangerous burachest (which I already have) and history vol 1/2 (which I already have) ?
Thank you, ThankyouMichael, I know she has an unusual name! :)

I know!! (ref. Dancing The Dream). All the ones on Ebay are really expensive, but half an hour ago I went on Play and it really is very cheap on there. I don't like the cover it (first edition is much better) but it's got all of his work in there the same! It's so good that they are releasing it again and at a better price :)

There are no other concert DVD's that I'm aware of (that are official anyway). But you can find lots of stuff in the 2000 Watts section here :)
They have changed the cover! When I looked at it previously, it had the original cover. They have also pushed the date back from today to ten days later. I was hoping they would not change the cover.
I bought Live in Bucharest after seeing it in parts on youtube. AMAZING! I so regret not seeing him live, but I was pretty young then and I don't think my parents woulda been comfortable with me going to one of those big venues...
I don't have ANY MJ DVDs. I just ordered HIStory Volume 2, because I'm interested in seeing the HIStory videos on my tv (vs. on YouTube.) I also plan on ordering the Dangerous Short Films DVD.

Are these good choices? What else do you suggest?

Also, are any of MJ's DVDs in widescreen?

I bought the History Vol. II. Glad you are getting it/ have it by now? But the 1995 MTV performance. WOW! I think it is like a 15 min performance. I think covered like 7 or 8 songs in the performance. The dancing was absolutely awesome. i have watched it everyday for three weeks.
I bought the History Vol. II. Glad you are getting it/ have it by now? But the 1995 MTV performance. WOW! I think it is like a 15 min performance. I think covered like 7 or 8 songs in the performance. The dancing was absolutely awesome. i have watched it everyday for three weeks.

Yeah, I have History Vol. II now, but I haven't had a chance to watch it yet. I want to watch all of it at once, so it's a little tough to find the time. Hopefully within the next week I'll have time. I've really looking forward to it!
Between History Vol I and Vol II, Number Ones, and the Dangerous Short Films, you'll have all of the available videos released on DVD, which is pretty much most that he created (though not all). . . . Number Ones does repeat itself if you have both History sets, but it also has Man in the Mirror and Dirty Diana, and a slightly different Smooth Criminal video, so for 10 bucks it's worth it for those additions alone, especially MitM and DD. . . . And yeah, Live in Bucharest is a must.

Don't forget that Ones also has You Rock My World which I love.
I suggest all of them. They've all got something worth owning. I just repurchased all of them because the ones I had were scratched.
Reliable books: Michael Jackson: A Visual Documentary by Adrian Grant was a book approved by Michael himself. It's like a diary covering his whole life. An updated version of the book is due to be available later this month. I also recommend Dancing the Dream 7 books by the authors of For the Record.

Would you happen to know if the updated version is simply the old version + recent information? Or is it an entirely new book? The older versions are nearly impossible to find, so I'd like to buy the new one... I just want to know if I'll be getting the same info as the original book.
They are updating the book, so it will be the fifth edition. It's due to be published July 31st in the UK. I have preordered it on I don't know what the schedule is for Canada.

Would you happen to know if the updated version is simply the old version + recent information? Or is it an entirely new book? The older versions are nearly impossible to find, so I'd like to buy the new one... I just want to know if I'll be getting the same info as the original book.
Imeant to comment on this too. I have been watching the Dangerous portion of that performance a lot. That's definitely one of my fav. MJ performances, very sexy :) & I love the little speech he gives about a work on the wild side, lol.

I bought the History Vol. II. Glad you are getting it/ have it by now? But the 1995 MTV performance. WOW! I think it is like a 15 min performance. I think covered like 7 or 8 songs in the performance. The dancing was absolutely awesome. i have watched it everyday for three weeks.
Buy Dangerous Tour Bucharest.

Download HIStory Tour Gothenburg, Bad Tour Yokohama and MJ 30th Anniversary Celebration from here lol