Sub-Forum Spotlight Thread


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Are you addicted to the General Discussion and rarely venture outside of it's Generalized walls ?? If that is the case, there are some great discussions that you have missed out on. Be sure to spread your voice around to all the areas of MJJC. You know you love to speak your mind on things ... why limit yourselves to just this forum all the time ??

This thread will highlight & link some of the other thought provoking and browser worthy threads in MJJCommunity's other forums.

To coin a phrase straight from Michael himself, "You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet" ;)


MJ's Groove Theory
the time change" in Remember The Time music video
Billie Jean appreciation
Young people showing their love for MJ in song and dance.
2000 Watts- The Truth On MJ's voice
morphine: meaning
If Michael WERE on here as a "Regular"
How would you react at an MJ concert?
Official Launch: 'Thrill The Troops'
'For All Time' -All threads merged-
Jackson Family News
Driving in the Desert & Jermaine Jackson was in the next car. (Cute lil' story)
Have you met any of The Jacksons?
Music Makes The World Go 'Round
OK, it's Official...The NKOTB THREAD OMG !!! :p :D
Recommend some artists from your country
Where's the fun gone?
Speaking of Marvin... "Love Party" (1981)
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I'm only addicted to here because no one else is in the other forums :lol:

*teleports to Groove Theory*
OK Chichi...will do
Also teleporting, like Fayik, to....lets see...hummm...OK Michaelmania I think....hehe
Billie Jean appreciation! That song can never have too much attention. ;) The discussion in the thread is awesome- are the lyrics literal or not? What's it about? :D
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This thread need some sort of emblem or something to make it stand out (maybe one of those exclamation thingys or something or rename it 'New Album' or some such thing). I came looking for it and had to actively search to find it. I don't think people will spot it.

Aw... You never added the link I requested. :cry: I don't count. :cry:

This was in the respect thread:

Here is one of my favorite reads. There is an older version of this thread as well which started with a quote from Leonard Bernstein. (sp?) This one is quotes from famous people about Michael.

*looks at Chichi hopefully*

*goes off to find the Bernstein thread too*

Oops. I guess my original link didn't work.

*dries eyes and fixes link*

Here is the link to the "A Quote from Leonard Bernstein" thread which is also from MJ's Groove Theory
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