Stupid question - was MJ left or right-handed?

He's someone you'd ASSUME were a lefty for some reason, but no!
He's someone you'd ASSUME were a lefty for some reason, but no!

I think what you mean is the fact that MJ was just so creative, that he was left-handed....I think that some think that left-handed people are much more creative than right-handed people are...I don't think so, but I have read this.

When a person is right handed, according to scientific theory, the left hemisphere of the brain is the dominant hemisphere. The left hemisphere of the brain is said to be the rational side of the brain. This side of the brain responds to verbal instructions, solves problems by logically and sequentially looking at the parts of things, tends to look at differences in things, is more planned and structured, prefers established certain information, prefers talking and writing, prefers multiple choice tests, and also the left hemisphere of the brain controls feelings. A recent study found that right handed people use the right side of the brain to focus on an entire image; however the left side of the brain is used to focus on the details within the image.

People who are left handed, according to scientific theory, the right hemisphere of the brain is the dominant hemisphere. The right dominant type talks in feelings, but often in the negative, is past oriented, many people of this type are very charismatic and extroverted, they search for fun activities like painting, making music, working in gardens, and being creative. People who are left handed tend to think of many things simultaneously and start many activities.
I think what you mean is the fact that MJ was just so creative, that he was left-handed....I think that some think that left-handed people are much more creative than right-handed people are...I don't think so, but I have read this.

Thats a myth created by movies, thats all.

I notice than in every movie creative people is left handed LOL thats not true at all.
In reality is usually the opposite.

There is noo way to think someone like Michael was left handed.
Artist and creativity has nothing to do with being right or left handed.

I am right-handed like Mike, by the way, and I am very creative, I draw, I paint, I write, etc etc, and all great artists I know are actually right handed too.

The left handed people are usually the opposite, I know left handed people and they have some problems with artist work with hands, and they are just terrible in drawing :better:
He was definitely right-handed...There are plenty of pictures of him signing autographs...Definitely using his right hand
at the signing for invincible he is using his right hand.
i'm left handed, and like to think of myself as very creative ;)
there's also the left handed twin theory i remember professor robert winston talking about.
it's kinda weird, not positive whether it's true or not. i'm sure he said it was though. hmm.
He's someone you'd ASSUME were a lefty for some reason, but no!

Hump.. My first gut feeling was that he is right handed without thinking or checking to make sure..

I also agree with LindaC781 I know plenty of ppl that are right handed as well that are very creative. I've heard that myth as well,but never really heard the whole making movies story tied into it before.