Studying Abroad


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Toronto, Canada
Hi guys,

Just need advice from anyone who has ever taken a study term abroad.
Deadlines are fast approaching (I need to do an application within the next two weeks), and I have been looking around on websites from different schools, but haven't had much luck.
I'm interested in taking French courses in Europe (I've looked at France, but the websites of universities in France are extremely hard to navigate), but not sure what the best schools to look at are.
I've taken a look at King's College in London as well.

Any tips? (e.g. websites that may help with research)

All help is appreciated!
I studied for a year at the University of Glasgow in 2008-2009. I lived in a student flat with four other people, and three of them were from France! You can take a lot of French courses there, the University has good teachers AND the University's been used as one of the locations for the Harry Potter films. :D I really enjoyed studying there, even though the weather was kind of a drag sometimes. The university's website is here:

If you have an international affairs co-ordinator at your university, it might be a good idea to contact him/her for information since they usually have some brochures for different universities etc. There's also the website which has a comprehensive listing of all the universities in the world, that might help you too. the site will let you go to the universities' websites as well. :flowers: