Stranger in Moscow Russian


Proud Member
Oct 25, 2009
OK, so I am learning Russian. After all of these years, I noticed that at the end of the song, someone is saying something in Russian. but it is very low and I am not that well versed in the language as of yet.

Can anyone who speaks Russian, tell me what he says?

I can only hear Отец or father.

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He says exactly the same in the end if you read translated part of it in English.:) He doesn't say "Отец".
Thank you for your response. I am for certain I hear otsa and veeleekaye, krast and podkypeet. Which is father, great, steal, and win over or bribe.

Google says this for the lyrics in Russian:

[KGB interrogator - Russian to English Translation]
"Why have you come from the West?
Confess! To steal the great achievments of
The people, the accomplishments of the workers..."

I know I am not very fluent but there are some words missing. I was just wondering if anybody who speaks Russian could tell me conclusively.
Thank you for your response. I am for certain I hear otsa and veeleekaye, krast and podkypeet. Which is father, great, steal, and win over or bribe.

Google says this for the lyrics in Russian:

[KGB interrogator - Russian to English Translation]
"Why have you come from the West?
Confess! To steal the great achievments of
The people, the accomplishments of the workers..."

I know I am not very fluent but there are some words missing. I was just wondering if anybody who speaks Russian could tell me conclusively.

Ok I have to listen to it in my car next time more lauder and I will tell you what KGB guy said. OK? But I think it is pretty much the same like in English.
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Here's what he's saying. But there is a mistake in his speech!

Зачем приехал к нам ты, враг, от Запада? Признайся!
Приехал, чтобы украсть у нас великие достижения народа, великие труды рабочих? Признайся!

If you are learning Russian, you should know that it's not correct to say "приехал ОТ запада". You should say "приехал С запада". The rest of the speech is correct grammatically.
Here's what he's saying. But there is a mistake in his speech!

Зачем приехал к нам ты, враг, от Запада? Признайся!
Приехал, чтобы украсть у нас великие достижения народа, великие труды рабочих? Признайся!

If you are learning Russian, you should know that it's not correct to say "приехал ОТ запада". You should say "приехал С запада". The rest of the speech is correct grammatically.

Yes it is pretty much correct.

But it is a bit different. To say "Tы враг, от Запада" it is grammatically correct. In this case the word enemy was missing and here is the structure:"Tы враг, от Запада"

The whole thing is: "Зачем tы приехал к нам? Tы враг, от Запада." which means:Why have you come here (to us)? You are an enemy from the West. Confess! etc"

Official translation:"Why have you come from the West?

You hear " ОТ запада" like you hear Отец lol It is OK sometimes I hear strange words when ppl spek English too fast :)
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Зачем tы приехал к нам? Tы враг, от Запада.

The puntuation is wrong here, in my opinion. From the way he says it, it's clearly one sentence. And we don't say "от Запада", the preposition is wrong. A russian person would never say it like that. The person who translated these words for the song didn't know the language very well...
The puntuation is wrong here, in my opinion. From the way he says it, it's clearly one sentence. And we don't say "от Запада", the preposition is wrong. A russian person would never say it like that. The person who translated these words for the song didn't know the language very well...

Well, you do not need to brake it into 2 sentences if you do not want to. It is not clear at all. For me both ways are OK. But still...

You can say: Зачем tы приехал к нам, tы враг от Запада. And still in this case the word enemy applies to the word “the West” which is " враг от Запада" not to the word "приехал (от Запада)". This is the difference.

To say:"приехал от Запада" is very incorrect but to say "враг от Запада" is correct. The same is correct to say "враг c Запада". :)
Oooohhhhhh!!!! You guys are so awesome. i guess I was hearing things. thanks for explaining it to me.:wub::wub:
Well, you do not need to brake it into 2 sentences if you do not want to. It is not clear at all. For me both ways are OK. But still...

You can say: Зачем tы приехал к нам, tы враг от Запада. And still in this case the word enemy applies to the word “the West” which is " враг от Запада" not to the word "приехал (от Запада)". This is the difference.

To say:"приехал от Запада" is very incorrect but to say "враг от Запада" is correct. The same is correct to say "враг c Запада". :)

no, sorry :) it's not. I don't want to argue or anything. but I am an editor, so this is professional for me and I can't let it go. Hope you understand, lol. it's not a correct way to say it. you can't say "от" here, it's not literate. This phrase was quite a giggle for Russian fans, when the song came out, because it's wrong. :)

Another funny moment about Michael and the Russian language

"Доброе утро страМа (instead of страна). Я лЯблю (instead of люблю) вас" :wub: :wub::wub:
no, sorry :) it's not. I don't want to argue or anything. but I am an editor, so this is professional for me and I can't let it go. Hope you understand, lol. it's not a correct way to say it. you can't say "от" here, it's not literate. This phrase was quite a giggle for Russian fans, when the song came out, because it's wrong. :)


Well, I am not arguing here either. My point was ppl used to say it before keeping kind of ONE word in mind and it sounds like: "Zaslannyi OT Zapada" LOL, means ot sapadnoj razvedki. This is the whole point. I did not want to say it , napominat' vsem o ushedshix vremenax. LOL And I am from Moscow too. the language should be the same.
Thank you for the video.
He said Good mornig country, I love you WOW I have never seen it before :) He is so sweet. What year was it 1993 or 1996?

I remember we had a programm on TV every morning called:"Good morning country". I didn't really like it cuz I do not like ppl who were doing this show.
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Oh I get what you mean now, lol :)

The video is from 1996. :) Sadly the quality is so bad. I have this video on a VHS somewhere, and the quality is much better, as I recall.

Michael is such a sweetheart. He is adorable in this video. He is trying so hard to say it correctly :) Awww, I love him.
Katya, if you ever need me just PM me. OK? . I am leaving this thread now because I think that the problem has been solved.