Strange things happens


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I have connectionproblems with my computer and that´s very annoying especially when you try the pay the bills.
This time I was almost ready with the online bank I just had to confirm it,then the connection was broken.
I´ve tried several times before and after to go back one step but it´s impossible,I have to log in with all the passwords again.
This time I said or thought Michael please help me,I´m going to pay for your trees.
That´s the only time I could go back and confirm it .

A friend gave me some bags with books when she moved to a smaller apartment
I used to read a lot but later years i´ve been more online and I thought I didn´t have time to read all those books.
I gave many of them to red cross but I had kept some of them to read later.
This summer I began to think it´s been two years since Michael died why do I spend so much time on MJJC, why do I still think of Michael every day=almost always.
Time for a change,read a book.
I took one book and began to read.
The person in the book had a daughter who loved Michael jackson, it was only a few lines but still..
I can´t recall that I´ve read his name in a common book before and it was just a coincidence that this book wasn´t given away.Or was it?

what about you?
Ah, He found you too hey ;) Means Michael really cares about you.. Be blessed, hun ;)
:tease: reply? Well, I've written a whole book about it called "My bright star" soon 'online' in my MJJC Blog ;)
but in February of 2010 I was so angry that Michael was 'home' and I yelled at his posters hanging in my bedroom... "Well, if you really love me then come back, show me you love me or else we'll just go our seperate ways..." OH BOY, be carefull what you wish for... I had the whole 'ghost' thingy happening to me and my neighbour that lives under me is even 'scared' of me ;) I can't help it that Michael came back and :heart: me...
Those are some awesome experiences you guys had. I can't say if I ever had an experience like that. Maybe cause I am still crying all of the time over how much I miss him. But I do remember having this one experience around 4pm EST on September 3rd 2009. I don't know if it counts or not but it is still something I still can't help but think about at times.

I was spending that day really crying over Michael and knowing what was going to be happening out in California that night. I was looking up at the clouds at the one dining room window. And just thinking what Michael could be doing up there now. And for some reason I decided to say a little prayer for him and his children. And after I was done saying it I happen to look out the smaller dining room window. And I saw this angel shaped cloud and I know it was not there before I said that prayer. I still don't know if that was a sign from Michael or God telling me that he is alright now. But after seeing that cloud for the rest of that night I did not shed a single tear for Michael. In fact all I wanted to do that night was watch him. Especially my HIStory concerts is what I had really wanted to watch that night. Especially since I am a gold pants girl.
To put it briefly, yeah I've had experiences like that or "coincidences." He's proven to me more than enough times that he still exists and I do talk to him a lot. It's been a very interesting 2 years. I'll say that much.
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I've had many experience that prove to me that he is active and happy over there and checks on us and it's amazing how many fans feel the same.
I've only had one really curious experience, which I cannot explain rationally to this day. I posted it in the "MJ In Your Dreams, After June 25..." thread. I'll dig it up and edit this post when I find it.

EDIT: Here it is. It wasn't a dream, though. The only reason I posted it there was because there wasn't a thread like this one, and at the time, I was a fairly new member here, and I was hesitant about starting new threads.

me said:
Yes, actually! I did have some really weird things happen after his passing.

The first and weirdest one happened one night when I was taking a walk. I set out on my walk during the day, at around 6.00 PM. This was the summer so it was still light out. I was listening to Michael during the course of my 3 hour walk. I was really sad and I needed to take a walk to clear my mind. His singing really helped me feel better and I thought about him as I walked.

When I was about to come back home, I decided on a whim to go to the store and buy something to drink because I was a bit thirsty. I don't drive so I walked to the store. By this time, it was around 9.00 and it was dark outside. I walked to the store, still listening to Michael. As I was walking, however, I felt that someone was following me. I kept walking but I still had that weird feeling.

I turned around to see who was behind me, thinking that perhaps someone was about to mug me or something (which would be weird because I don't live in that kind of area, but you never know...) and when I turned around I saw Michael. I still remember quite vividly what he looked like. He looked like early 90's Michael, with the hair tied back. He was wearing this outfit, actually:

What I remember the most, though, is him looking really sad. He wasn't frowning--in fact, he was almost expressionless-- but those eyes with that haunting look he has, they looked so sad.

Well, I certainly did not expect to see him and you can imagine the shock I underwent when I was confronted with him instead of some schmoe. I gasped out of shock and blinked, but he was gone by that time. That scared the living s--t out of me!!! D:

When I turned forward to go, some guy who was carrying his groceries looked just as shocked. I don't know if that was more a result of my gasping or if he saw the exact same thing I had just seen. I didn't want to find out, since he would probably think I was crazy anyway.

That wraps up the only time I have ever seen a ghost, if that's what it was.
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I've only had one really curious experience, which I cannot explain rationally to this day. I posted it in the "MJ In Your Dreams, After June 25..." thread. I'll dig it up and edit this post when I find it.

EDIT: Here it is. It wasn't a dream, though. The only reason I posted it there was because there wasn't a thread like this one, and at the time, I was a fairly new member here, and I was hesitant about starting new threads.

I have to say I'm really surprised.
And of all the MJJC members this happened to you! :lol: I mean, according to your posts we can see that you are not exactly a spiritual girl.
But I love it, because this means that I'm not the only crazy one in the world :D
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I have never experinces such things and i dont think id want to...i might get too scared lol
I :heart: this thread...
Yep, am I glad I'm NOT the only :tease: here too...
Michael does 'often' pop by... WHY still?
I don't know... Checking out if I'm okay... or is he 'attracted' by the 'cinnamon' scented candle I burn? ;)
Oh, NOW I remember... I was watching an interview and I was 'babbling' to him the whole time...
Anyway, I love it... Gives me a safe feeling...

My friend that didn't 'believe' me at first hesistatingly told me when she visited me that she 'smelled' his perfume a few days ago...
'Strange' she said 'I don't use perfume and suddenly this 'scent' caught me and it was a sweet scent... and I said hi Michael' :heart:
okay... Didn't wanna start a NEW topic on this but indeed a 'strange thing' happened to me last night :blink:
I woke up this 'early morning' to an annoying noise in my bedroom... The room was pitch dark but the sound was of a door slamming shut over and over again... I squinted my eyes and turned on the light... Someone was 'playing' with my door... Open, closed, open, closed :doh: I DO LIVE ALONE... and NO its NOT the wind...
I pouted " Argh, Michael... Its 3 AM... Go to sleep..." I did get up to 'inspect' the other parts of my flat... Nothing wrong there... I walked back and I pouted again... "Look around Michael, see I still love you but please let me sleep now, I have a busy day tomorrow... "
The 'playing with my door' ended and 'felt' his touch when I had crawled back in bed... I wished him Good night and I fell asleep... :tease:

Isn't it sweet to 'check up' on me but Michael NOT at 3 AM hey ;)
I chose a video from a secondhand shop about Lev Tolstojs last days.
He had a message of love too and in one of the scenes he sits in a chair and children are coming to him with sunflowers.
I read a book where a woman had lost her memory and she was shown pictures of famous people-Beethoven,Mao Zedong,Marilyn Monroe,Mona Lisa,Albert Einstein and Michael

I asked for a sign when I was shopping in the grocery shop and they played DSTYGE.
This was before christmas and most shops played only christmas music.
I took it as a sign to continue to write about cats but I can imagine Michael ;oh no that´s not what I meant,you should listen to the OTW-album.
It´s an album I seldom listen to,I prefer his later albums.
Mist you should listen to Michael OTW is a
GREAT album!!!

So in the summer of 2010 i was sleeping outside under stars on top of a bank jump out in the middle of our cross country course(equestrian) with friends. It was really late everyone was asleep but myself and one other person.

It was a clear dark night and the stars were especially brilliant. I was thinking of Michael whilst starin up at the sky just wondering about where he might be. Sort of half heartedly i spoke out loud "Michael if your here show us... give us something..." nothing happened at first and i whispered to my friend i still cant think of him as "gone"

Then BAM! A large bright star shot across the sky above us going from east to west then almost instantly appeared to reverse direction streaking west to east leaving a glittery shower almost like the tail of a comet.

It looked like stars moonwalking! It felt like Michael was showing us something alright like he was making a BIG statement! Ive never seen anything like it and it gives me goosebumps to this day when i think of it.
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Michael has moved my Mouse without me looking. It hasn't happend for awhile though. My CD Player played up I think it was Michael telling me something.