Strange sighting on TV this morning...


Proud Member
Aug 31, 2009
Brooklyn/Manhattan, NY
I couldn't find any mention of this on the forum so I'm gonna go ahead and ask...

This morning I was watching the Today Show with Matt, Al & Ann standing outside in the Plaza with all the fans behind them yelling and screaming as they annoyingly do every morning (heh) when a particular sign someone in the crowd was holding up and waving caught my eye. The sign said, "Who is Tohme Tohme"? Do any of you know if this sign had anything to do with that mysterious Dr. Tohme? Were these MJ fans trying to make a statement? Or is this just some odd coincidence? Or have I been reading too much about Michael Jackson this past year and I really need to take a break?
OMG..I didnt tune in this morning..I wish I would of....I wonder if there is some link that we could view the footage again?.....Good look out on your part..:)
think a fan was asking about making signs for the today show on kop board so i guess it was them. ill have a look
So, what's the deal on this Tohme sign thing? I haven't been able to find anything elsewhere. Was it real or have I completely lost my mind? :cheeky:
sorry forgot to reply.yes it was a fan on kop discussion they made the sign and went down to the studio
The girl is a friend of mine, it's MJ related.

sorry forgot to reply.yes it was a fan on kop discussion they made the sign and went down to the studio

Ah, mystery solved (this one, anyway). Thanks guys. Still, that was a strange sign. How many "regular" people would know what they were talking about? Or did they just want to get on TV? What was their goal?
sorry forgot to reply.yes it was a fan on kop discussion they made the sign and went down to the studio

Yeah, it was a MJ fan that goes by the name of Garnett who asked earlier this week for ides for a sign as she was gonna be at The Today Show and wanted to hold up a sign of support for Michael. I forgot to tune in to see if I would've seen her though.