Stop the public viewing!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

I am appalled by the fact that the Jackson family will let the general public view his body.

This is completely disrespectful for a man who has chosen to hide as much as he could from the public eye.

I ask you to not attend this event, or if you do, bring a spray can with black paint and color the coffin.

Do not expose him!

Lets make the family change their stupid arrangement for this Friday! July 5th. This should be for family only!

Treating Michael if he was some brand new car to be released... Like a monkey, but why would they treat him any different now when he is gone when they have treated Michael like an animal at a zoo all his life.

Shame on you Jackson Family, Shame on you Media, Shame on you, whoever will attend this one million rape on his soul.
Spray the coffin!!!!!!???? Are you serious!!!!?????

That is terrible, that would be the largest disrespectful thing to do!

I personally believe Michael would want his fan's to visit him.
Presidents like Ronald Reagan got a public burial. Why not Michael? It would give people a chance to say goodbye, give those who never got a chance to meet him a chance to at least see him in death. I don't have a problem with it. If I could, I would attend.
I think it's just a way to honor him, and to let the fans see him one last time. I don't think it's a bad idea. You're saying it's disrespectful, but I don't see what's respectful about spraying his coffin with paint.
Family only are doing this for one day to allow fans to visit him, as they know how much we loved each other. Of course the media will try and get in. I would like to see cameras banned at it.
Can people stop this? It's not about what WE want. The Jackson family have their reasons and if Katherine, Janet and the others are fine with the arrangements, then I'm fine with it.
Who are WE to tell them how to do anything. Just stop it.

I am appalled by the fact that the Jackson family will let the general public view his body.

This is completely disrespectful for a man who has chosen to hide as much as he could from the public eye.

I ask you to not attend this event, or if you do, bring a spray can with black paint and color the coffin.

Do not expose him!

Lets make the family change their stupid arrangement for this Friday! July 5th. This should be for family only!

Treating Michael if he was some brand new car to be released... Like a monkey, but why would they treat him any different now when he is gone when they have treated Michael like an animal at a zoo all his life.

Shame on you Jackson Family, Shame on you Media, Shame on you, whoever will attend this one million rape on his soul.

I'm sorry but I can't agree with you here. A public viewing is called a wake here. This is common practice. It wouldn't matter if he were MJackson or MJones. As I have stated in another thread, the family doesn't have to allow the public in at all, but I suspect that they are doing so for the fans. All the rest will be private.

This is not something uniquely done for MJ. Dr. Martin Luther King lied in state, so did his wife and so does every passing President in this country. It is thought of as a matter of paying respect.

While I respect that you disagree with that, I do ask that you consider that cultural differences do play a role in how the departed ones are honored.
Don't spray the coffin. But honestly, does Michael want to be on display..we know how much he spoke and sang about privacy, it doesn't seem right.
Sorry, but the family clearly chose this viewing to happen and it's their right to. I do not support defacing his coffin.
Can people stop this? It's not about what WE want. The Jackson family have their reasons and if Katherine, Janet and the others are fine with the arrangements, then I'm fine with it.
Who are WE to tell them how to do anything. Just stop it.

I think I'm going to have to steal your siggy. Sry! hee... I love that picture.
Can people stop this? It's not about what WE want. The Jackson family have their reasons and if Katherine, Janet and the others are fine with the arrangements, then I'm fine with it.
Who are WE to tell them how to do anything. Just stop it.

It really doesnt matter to me either way. I wopuld have been fine with the private funeral, if thats what they decide. BUT, as impossible as it is to place myself inside the mind of MJ, I do think he would have allowed a public viewing.

I remember what he said at the This Is It announcement. He told the fans that he loved us and that we have to know that everything he does is for us.
What the hell is going on with you people? Fucking respect the decisions made by the family for god's sake. Maybe it's something that Michael wanted. If you don't like it, just don't go, but stop this nonsense.
I'm worried if a hater goes along and ends up attacking his body or something
The idea of a public viewing disgusts me, Michael was a private person he wouldn't want to be displayed in public. Michael didn't like being observed in private, that's why I think he always wore a surgical mask when shopping etc. Eaither this story isn't true or his family had no understanding of Michael. I don't think his father Joesph has any idea who his son was, because Michael wouldn't want a public viewing.
if its a closed coffin then i dont see the problem. otherwise no i dont agree, mj spent his life hiding his face from the cameras. now that poor soul is gonna be plastered all over the papers even in death for ppl to point and stare and laugh at. theres no dignity for him thank heck he cant see it.i hope it says something in his will now they have found it.
Don't spray the coffin. But honestly, does Michael want to be on display..we know how much he spoke and sang about privacy, it doesn't seem right.

Oh my goodness. I had to go back and read that. That would be the ultimate in DISRESPECT and anyone doing that may find themselves in jail.

Or worse.

I wouldn't take that advice...
I agree with you...
People here wanna "meet" him so bad, that they even not thinking about the consequences...
I'm sorry but I can't agree with you here. A public viewing is called a wake here. This is common practice. It wouldn't matter if he were MJackson or MJones. As I have stated in another thread, the family doesn't have to allow the public in at all, but I suspect that they are doing so for the fans. All the rest will be private.

This is not something uniquely done for MJ. Dr. Martin Luther King lied in state, so did his wife and so does every passing President in this country. It is thought of as a matter of paying respect.

While I respect that you disagree with that, I do ask that you consider that cultural differences do play a role in how the departed ones are honored.

Exactly. I think calling it a public viewing is what's throwing a lot of people off.. It's not a spectacle of people fighting their way to the coffin for a peek, it just means that the public is included in paying respects and sending off a beloved public figure. It's done with royal family members and presidents -- people who are undoubtedly respected a LOT, so there's nothing weird or inappropriate about it. Would you rather not be able to say goodbye to him at all?
I think it's a shame, once again they are putting Michael on the spot on this really sad occasion. Anyway we are not his family, it's not up to us to decide funeral's arrengments and unfortunately we can't do much about it. Sometimes it's hard to me to understand his family.
The idea of a public viewing disgusts me, Michael was a private person he wouldn't want to be displayed in public. Michael didn't like being observed in private, that's why I think he always wore a surgical mask when shopping etc. Eaither this story isn't true or his family had no understanding of Michael. I don't think his father Joesph has any idea who his son was, because Michael wouldn't want a public viewing.

I understand your disagreement, but it's not even Michael's choice now. Funerals and wakes and memorials are done for the living. MJ's essence is already where it needs to be. These things are designed, keeping with the faith of the survivors, to help bring about closure.

It is clear to me that there are cultural differences in understanding this point and that's fine. But if I may venture a thought on what MJ could possibly want, I would say it's for his fans to come to terms and closure and carry on his legacy in glory.

That's what I think.
Nobody here, unless they hold some special power that they aren't telling us about, can say definitively what Michael would or would not want. All we can do is conjecture.
Please also remember that Michael wanted to see James Brown's body after he had passed.
And he spent quite a bit of time viewing Mr. Brown and I remember then how a lot of folk were up in arms about his person being viewed. It's just the way it's done here, although some family opt to have the burial vessel closed. Note I'm trying to use different words here to make it easier.
ut it's not even Michael's choice now
well it should be if theres wishes in his will i hope they are being followed. this is respect for mj not anything else and it just doesnt filt with what his whole life was about ppl. know how he guarded his privacy so much i dont understand why the family would want to do this if its open. even a fan let alonefamily knows how he felt about his privacy and face
The public viewing is meant as a chance for people to pay their respects and say goodbye. It's not a negative thing. I think it would be very distressing for a lot of people though. I don't think I would want to see his body. I went to see my Mum's body after she died and it was a cold lifeless body that didn't feel like my Mum anymore. It does help you confirm in your mind that the person really has gone if you need to do that.
A public viewing is a normal thing. I've been to more funerals than I care to think about and there is always a viewing - usually twice a day - and almost always open to the public, usually open casket. I think that having it said as a "public viewing" is throwing people off, making it seem unusual when it isn't. Of course, when it's someone like Michael, or anyone well known, it will be more public than usual because there will be media involved. This is one reason I do like that this is being done at Neverland, because if done right, media, etc., would be easier to control. Seems that the way it's being planned so far is a sign of honor and respect for how much Michael was loved by so many people. I do remember James Brown's viewing/funeral - and I don't feel there was anything at all wrong with that, and as someone said above, apparently neither did Michael.

They did also say that there would be a private memorial for family/friends only, which is only right.