Stevie Wonder fans - I need your help!

Jul 25, 2011
I've always loved Stevie Wonder's music, but haven't really explored his albums. I own "Songs In The Key Of Life" and "The Talking Book", and I keep on going back to those albums. I just love them. The other day, I saw a remastered version of "Hotter Than July" at my college bookstore for $6.99, so I bought it. Best 7 dollars I ever spent, this album is amazing!

Anyway, my question is, where should I go next? Stevie has over 20 albums; which ones are the best, and which one should I buy next?

I have a $25 rewards zone cash certificate from Best Buy, and next time I'm there, I'm going to spend part of that on a new SW album.
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"Innervisions". His last album "A Time 2 Love" is pretty good too. I think "The Woman In Red Soundtrack" is a nice pop album, though a lot of people trash his 80s albums.
co-sign on Innervisions.

then Talking Book, and Songs In The Key of Life.

(but all pretty much interchangeable, lol)
I already own Talking Book and Songs, lol, sorry I wasn't more clear in the original post.

So it looks like Innervisions. :)
Music Of My Mind, Talking Book, Innervisions, In Square Circle, A Time To Love.

If you like those and want to pad out the rest, get Characters, Jungle Fever Soundtrack, Conversation Peace, Woman In Red Soundtrack, For Once In My Life Signed, Sealed & Delivered & Journey Through The Secret Life Of Plants.

Where I'm Coming From is an incredible album, but is out of print (except for imports) and almost all the copies run $30 and up. Not too much, but it's not cheap either.

If you still want more (I bet you will!), then get the rest of his older material.
I'll get Innervisions then Music of My Mind and then Fullfillingness' First Finale, that way, you can complete the "classic albums" period of Stevie's career. :)
Innervisions would be the best choice although you cannot go wrong with Stevie.. I personally love his later 80's music as much as his classic period. Someone mentioned In Square Circle, great album, also check out Characters there are some real Michael-esque sounding tracks on that album plus a duet Get It with Michael himself. A really great album.. Dark 'n' Lovely, Come Let Me Make Your Love Come Down, Skeletons and the wonderful My Eyes Don't Cry are all great tracks. The rest aren't that fantastic in my opinion, borderline tacky but the good tracks make up for the not so great ones. Just keep building the collection he has some of the most thought provoking l yricsand wonderful musical arrangements out there.