Stephanie Mills talks about Michael Jackson on the Mo'nique Show (1/14/09)

Classy comments from both of them.

Thanks for posting.
Oh, I love this. Thanks so much for a great start to my day. Her voice is amazing.
I think that's the most honest answer and best explanation I've heard from her - "I don't know if I was his girlfriend, but he was my boyfriend." I know they were close for a bit, but I've heard a lot of mixed up, differing accounts and stories about the two of them and their relationship, but when she said that, I was like "There it is." I think that's the most sense anyone could make out if it. Cute interview. =)
”That brother is the greatest entertainer, THE greatest, to ever walk on this earth.”
Not isn’t that the truth, not was, not one of the.., but he IS the greatest!!

Thanks for posting.
Aw, so cute!

"I dont know if I was his girlfriend, but he was MY BOYFRIEND!"
I think this was true with alot of girls. I think she had a crush on him but he was not attracted to her. So really she is right in her thinking. but He thought she could sing her tail off. She can SANG. Sorry but Stephanie wa not a pretty girl until she got older and made some changes.
As for Stephanie, I think she is a better singer or just a good of a singer as Whitney.
Such a great interview, thanks for this. I loved when Mo'nique called him the 'greatest to ever walk this planet.' Couldn't agree more.
I really really love this interview. she is so sweet!
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Great interview! Lovely comments by Monique here, as well. :yes:

Thanks for sharing. :flowers:
Aw, so cute!

"I dont know if I was his girlfriend, but he was MY BOYFRIEND!"
So respectful. I like people respecting this man and as I recall Stephanie was one of the FEW who's always been respectful toward Mike no matter which year. Even when almost everyone let him down and kicked him for their personal gain ( e.g trailer park trash Presley)
That was a great interview, it lifted my spirit. Monique had me dying when she was asking Stephanie if she spent the night and then gave that look to the audience, lol.
Watched the show this morning. Mo'nique is 100% crazy in a good way. I adore Stephanie Mills. She is a good person and I do think she would have made a good wife for Michael had things worked in that direction. She would have to learn how to cook though! LOL. And, Stephanie, whatever happened when you "spent the night" is no one else's business. :)
Why did she not get the role of The Wiz? I know Diana got the part. But my goodness, she sings better then Diana. And she was younger. I don't get it.

She's realistic though. Goodness knows how many woman nowadays make claims that they were Michael's one and only but Stephanie is realistic.
I think this was true with alot of girls. I think she had a crush on him but he was not attracted to her. So really she is right in her thinking. but He thought she could sing her tail off. She can SANG. Sorry but Stephanie wa not a pretty girl until she got older and made some changes.

I have to agree, although I do love her songs. :D
One thing is for sure if they ever got together their kids would have had some super high cheekbones.
Why did she not get the role of The Wiz? I know Diana got the part. But my goodness, she sings better then Diana. And she was younger. I don't get it.
At the time Stephanie was unknown and Diana was famous. Also Motown was involved with the movie version. If you know about the history between Berry Gordy and Diana, it's self explanatory why she got the part, lol. Diana was around 33 years old playing someone 24 years old in a story about a teenager.