Staying Strong For Michael, Santa Maria April 2005, advice for LA Fans


As the the days go by and the court case gets nearer, the reality of whats happening sets in. Exactly 5 years ago today, 2 April 2005, I was in Santa Maria.

That was something I never expected to do. I grow up loving Michael, watching him on tv, going to concerts and events, seeing him in real life, and all the magical memories. Then suddenly I find myself on a plane, on my own, flying halfway around the world, to see Michael in court......

Being in the UK, I felt soo soo isolated. The UK is 8 hours behind LA, so everyday when Michael arrived in court it was around 4pm where I lived. Everyday, at 4pm, I would start shaking, my heart beating, and I wouldnt be able to concentrate at work.
he forums were a lifeline, but at the same time, I just knew I had to go to Santa Maria, and just be there. Going to Santa Maria, I had no expectations, all I wanted to do was just be there and see Michael get out of the car and see fans outside the court and know he was not alone.

Being there was heartbreaking, seeing all the media circus, knowing that Michael was inside that building, fighting for his life.......

Then on Friday 1 April, I got a ticket for the public seats.

It was all very surreal, all the formalities before hand, signing the forms and getting the official court ID sticker.

Walking into the court was one of the hardest things Ive ever done.....

Walking through the same security scanner that Michael walks though every day, going into the court, seeing the Jury seats, the Judges table, I just couldnt believe that it was real, that it was really happening...

How could this be, that instead of seeing Michael onstage, I was about to see him in a court, with the very real possibilty that this could be the last time I ever saw him....

Sitting in my chair at the back of the court, my stomach was churning, it felt so so wrong, why was this happening......

As the court started to fill up, an older man in a suit walked past me, to a seat at the front. Omg, my stomach heaved.... it was Tom Snedden........

Then suddenly, I looked up, and there was Michael, standing in the doorway, right across from me....

That image haunts me, seeing him standing there, soo soo thin, soo soo zoned out,.... even know as I write this, the tears are flowing, I just couldnt believe that this was happening, that it was real, that I was sitting in the court in Santa Maria......

But seeing Michael, seeing how strong he was, seeing the pain on Katherines face, seeing the Jacksons together, fighting and not giving up jolted me back to reality.

If They could do this, day after day, if Michael could sit there day after day and have his entire life brought into public knowledge, then I could.

No matter how much pain I was in, no matter how it hurt me to be there, it was nothing compared to what they were going though.

To all those in LA right now, preparing to go to court on Monday, stay strong. Yes its heartbreaking, yes its tough. You think that what you are doing is nothing, that what you are doing wont make a difference. Dont worry, thats what we felt back in 2004 /2005. Think of all of us around the world, who cant be there, yet feel the pain and heartache just as much as you. Think of it like a jigsaw, little pieces come together to make a big picture.....

Know that now, just like back in Santa Maria, The Jacksons know that they have the fans support, and thats all that matters.
As the the days go by and the court case gets nearer, the reality of whats happening sets in. Exactly 5 years ago today, 2 April 2005, I was in Santa Maria.

That was something I never expected to do. I grow up loving Michael, watching him on tv, going to concerts and events, seeing him in real life, and all the magical memories. Then suddenly I find myself on a plane, on my own, flying halfway around the world, to see Michael in court......

Being in the UK, I felt soo soo isolated. The UK is 8 hours behind LA, so everyday when Michael arrived in court it was around 4pm where I lived. Everyday, at 4pm, I would start shaking, my heart beating, and I wouldnt be able to concentrate at work.
he forums were a lifeline, but at the same time, I just knew I had to go to Santa Maria, and just be there. Going to Santa Maria, I had no expectations, all I wanted to do was just be there and see Michael get out of the car and see fans outside the court and know he was not alone.

Being there was heartbreaking, seeing all the media circus, knowing that Michael was inside that building, fighting for his life.......

Then on Friday 1 April, I got a ticket for the public seats.

It was all very surreal, all the formalities before hand, signing the forms and getting the official court ID sticker.

Walking into the court was one of the hardest things Ive ever done.....

Walking through the same security scanner that Michael walks though every day, going into the court, seeing the Jury seats, the Judges table, I just couldnt believe that it was real, that it was really happening...

How could this be, that instead of seeing Michael onstage, I was about to see him in a court, with the very real possibilty that this could be the last time I ever saw him....

Sitting in my chair at the back of the court, my stomach was churning, it felt so so wrong, why was this happening......

As the court started to fill up, an older man in a suit walked past me, to a seat at the front. Omg, my stomach heaved.... it was Tom Snedden........

Then suddenly, I looked up, and there was Michael, standing in the doorway, right across from me....

That image haunts me, seeing him standing there, soo soo thin, soo soo zoned out,.... even know as I write this, the tears are flowing, I just couldnt believe that this was happening, that it was real, that I was sitting in the court in Santa Maria......

But seeing Michael, seeing how strong he was, seeing the pain on Katherines face, seeing the Jacksons together, fighting and not giving up jolted me back to reality.

If They could do this, day after day, if Michael could sit there day after day and have his entire life brought into public knowledge, then I could.

No matter how much pain I was in, no matter how it hurt me to be there, it was nothing compared to what they were going though.

To all those in LA right now, preparing to go to court on Monday, stay strong. Yes its heartbreaking, yes its tough. You think that what you are doing is nothing, that what you are doing wont make a difference. Dont worry, thats what we felt back in 2004 /2005. Think of all of us around the world, who cant be there, yet feel the pain and heartache just as much as you. Think of it like a jigsaw, little pieces come together to make a big picture.....

Know that now, just like back in Santa Maria, The Jacksons know that they have the fans support, and thats all that matters.

Reading this, my breathing stopped for a few seconds... as if my body felt how "killing" it all must have been.
All we can do this time... is be there, at least with our hearts, with our love for Michael (r.i.p. angel), the Jackson family and especially the children and Katherine.

Thank you Moonstreet.
Your post made me tear up:( Thank you for posting this. I was there at the courthouse on january 30th 2005, the first day of his trial, I will never forget that day. And for all those who are going to be there in LA for the hearing stay strong, fans all over the world are there in spirit:) love you guys:)
Thank you moonstreet... :huggy:
I can't believe this is all happening... :weeping:

Much love and strength for everyone here! :group: :heart:
I find it so sad too. Michael was plagued with legal issues for so long, and so many people wanted his money and cared nothing for him....the man...the human being. Conrad Murray is now one of those people. It's painful to think about man's inhumanity to man.
Thank you Moonstreet, reading your post made me well up :cry: I to am in the UK so felt your pain about not being there to support Michael, however he was in my thoughts and prayers every single second of every single day!!

Thank you for sharing ur memories and emotions on that day and offering support to those who will be in LA! :heart: Lets get Justice for our King people!!
Thank You Moonstreet for being there for Michael when many of us couldn't...the tears flow down my cheeks for Michael's pain..for your pain..:hug: For the past year I have read your many accounts of the court days and your meetings with Michael. Thank you for being so unselfish and sharing that with us.
Bless you.. :hug:
thank you for supporting Michael at that hard time...
Amazing post Moonstreet. Thanks you so much for these words. 2005 was an awful time for everyone. Every day my heart ached for Michael and how he must be feeling. I spent every day just wanting to envelope him in a hug and tell him everything will be ok. This time its so different. Michael isn't here anymore but we're still fighting for him. Fighting every day of the trial until we get that verdict. Your accounts of the court dates are wonderful to read. I just wish that I had the money at that time to fly out. This time however I will fly out as my circumstances are different. Thank you ao much again. We all need to be so strong for our beloved Michael.
Thank you for what you did for Michael and sharing that experience with us.
Thankyou Moonstreet! I feel like I am choking on my tears right now. God bless you. God bless all of you who will be standing outside that court house on monday. My heart will be with you. My heart is always with my Michael. Our Michael! He truly has the best fans. But we were the lucky ones. He gave us so much joy. My beautiful Michael, my world just isn't the same now that you are not living in it.