Staying positive..4 years later..Let's still Keep the Faith


Proud Member
Aug 14, 2005
I was planning to write this post all day, but it was so hard to find the right words. I knew what I wanted to say; I just didn’t know how to say it.

As unbelievably fast time has flown since 13th June 2005, it is indeed four years since Michael’s “date with destiny”. As time’s healing power weaves its spell, how easily one forgets.

Think about this: Minutes before the verdict was read, we were all doing the same thing (waiting, praying) and feeling the same emotions (fear, pain) as Michael. We were all in it together. Nobody was alone. There has never been and will never be another time when our hearts and minds were in exactly the same place as each other’s and his.
ffice:eek:ffice" />
What could have led us to such an event? Why was the taste of victory so very sweet?

Prior to his arrest, I was a typical 18 year old fan, whose admiration for Michael was limited to his art and persona. He was the ultimate entertainer. What did I know of his inner pain? What, to be frank, did I particularly care? As long as he would always be around to brighten my day.

All it took was Tom Sneddon’s smirk to change all that. I felt as if someone had taken hold of my heart and clenched an icy fist around it. What was going on? Why did I feel like it was me being attacked not him?

As we entered the opening of the trial, the intensity of those days changed everything. Day after day of seeing him walk into the courtroom falling apart before my eyes, I came to feel closer to him than before. But more importantly, I felt closer to the fans. For those of you who were not active members of any message boards during those terrible months, I cannot emphasise enough what a blessing the fans were. I loved how we would share our happiness on a good day and our anger on a bad. When the entire world is attacking someone, who for whatever reason you’ve become emotionally attached to, when not one person in the press shows an ounce of compassion, when there is mass brainwashing going on, it becomes so easy to drown in the waves of pain. It was no longer about what he could give us through his art. It was about how important it was for us to be there for one another and for him. It was about giving back in the only way we could. This was nothing to do with being a fan. It was truly because we cared about him. This trial made me see how much I loved him as a person, not an entertainer. It didn’t even matter that I didn’t know what he was really like.

Whether one needs to know a person in order to love him is debatable. What is certain though, is that you do not need to know someone to care about them. To want what is best for them. It was about supporting and standing up for someone who had been treated with unrelentless injustice. It was almost past being a fan. It felt like something much bigger. Almost like taking a stand against the world (you know, our close-minded society, the media poisoning the public etc) and defending humanity. So when we heard the words “Not guilty” repeated again and again, it was music to our ears. The world was seeing justice. The world was seeing the truth. It was bigger than any of us as individuals.

We held silent prayers for him. We came together from all over the world, not even moving from our living rooms, with our hearts pleading for justice. Our families may not have understood, but we did. We would light candles, attend church etc. We stopped praying for ourselves and prayed for him. For his family. Because we cared. Not because we were thinking of the next album.

How easily people forget that vow we made just before the verdicts were read. We said that it didn’t matter if we never saw Michael again. It didn’t matter if we never heard him sing. It didn’t matter if we never saw him perform again. As long as his children could still have their father. As long as his parents could still have their son. As long as he had his life and freedom. The children needed their father more than we needed a king of pop.

So after everything he went through, after everything we ourselves suffered through together, why on earth have we forgotten so quickly? All this moaning about the long 4 year wait for concerts and music, as if he can just as easily turn off his feelings. As if he can just let go of his pain, and let go of the fact that the public had turned on him after sacrificing his childhood, any semblance of a normal life, any real relationships in order to please this same public. Ripping apart his life as if he was a freak to be taunted, ignoring the years of charity work and reducing him to a piece of dirt on the floor. Something to be stepped in without a second thought.

Justice has not yet been done. Sure we won in the final battle, but what was it all for? Yes, it was certainly destiny. It opened our hearts to him, to the suffering of an innocent man. But what about everyone who got away with it? Surely complete justice will be when Michael takes the stage he was born upon and stuns them into silence. They will then realise that his strength is like nothing they can ever experience . Michael will be able to take back what they stole from him: His dignity.

So please don’t doubt him. We never doubted him during those horrible times. We shouldn’t be doing so now. Remember he has the support of his children, the people who have given him his one true happiness. He can do these concerts. When you consider the trial, that was the hardest thing he’d ever had to do (his own words, not mine). At its simplest, this is just his career on the line. Not his life, his freedom or his family. If he could get through the trial when everyone doubted him, he can get through the concerts with them doubting him. After all, we’re still here praying for him aren’t we? He’s not alone.

Even if you don’t believe in God, just send Michael and his team positive thoughts. Just keep thinking “Michael can do this. He can share his amazing talent the way he wants to.” Send him those thoughts.

Pray for him
Believe in him
Have faith in him
Just don’t doubt him
Remember: Justice has yet to be done.
Thank you for reading
Thank you very much for you great article!:)
:clapping: :clapping: :flowers: :flowers:
Thank you so much
I really appreciate that. I agree with everything you said
and we as fans should be sending out postive energy and
thoughts toward MJ. we should pray for him as he moves
closer to his destiny his stage and true victory over all the
persecution and hardship he has been through. Michael has
been through hell and back to make this dream of his and ours
a reality - We should be greatful and thankful instead of nit
picking and complaining _ have faith and send out well wishes
love and positive energy _ he feeds off that :D he will grow
stronger and more confident for the challenge ahead _Instead
of trying to 2nd guess himself .. let him do it his way _he knows
BEST _ doncha think

MJ is so much more than a song and dance man and
our private dancer _ he has brought a lot of love,
joy, fun and down right awesome craziness into our
lives _ I for one am so thankful and greatful for the
opportunity to see him do what he does best on top
of all that _ I just cant find a single thing i would complain
about - considering the other option _ of not having him
perform or be here at all _ please Keep The faith

I guess I can be down right dorky sometimes :doh:
but I dont care thats how I truly feel in my heart :wub:
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Beautifully written. I'll never forget. I'm not the one who tries to. It was an intense time. I'm thankful for every single day with brother Michael
What could have led us to such an event? Why was the taste of victory so very sweet?
ffice:eek:ffice" />
Prior to his arrest, I was a typical 18 year old fan, whose admiration for Michael was limited to his art and persona. He was the ultimate entertainer. What did I know of his inner pain? What, to be frank, did I particularly care? As long as he would always be around to brighten my day.

All it took was Tom Sneddon’s smirk to change all that. I felt as if someone had taken hold of my heart and clenched an icy fist around it. What was going on? Why did I feel like it was me being attacked not him?

As we entered the opening of the trial, the intensity of those days changed everything. Day after day of seeing him walk into the courtroom falling apart before my eyes, I came to feel closer to him than before. But more importantly, I felt closer to the fans. For those of you who were not active members of any message boards during those terrible months, I cannot emphasise enough what a blessing the fans were. I loved how we would share our happiness on a good day and our anger on a bad. When the entire world is attacking someone, who for whatever reason you’ve become emotionally attached to, when not one person in the press shows an ounce of compassion, when there is mass brainwashing going on, it becomes so easy to drown in the waves of pain. It was no longer about what he could give us through his art. It was about how important it was for us to be there for one another and for him. It was about giving back in the only way we could. This was nothing to do with being a fan. It was truly because we cared about him. This trial made me see how much I loved him as a person, not an entertainer. It didn’t even matter that I didn’t know what he was really like.

Whether one needs to know a person in order to love him is debatable. What is certain though, is that you do not need to know someone to care about them. To want what is best for them. It was about supporting and standing up for someone who had been treated with unrelentless injustice. It was almost past being a fan. It felt like something much bigger. Almost like taking a stand against the world (you know, our close-minded society, the media poisoning the public etc) and defending humanity. So when we heard the words “Not guilty” repeated again and again, it was music to our ears. The world was seeing justice. The world was seeing the truth. It was bigger than any of us as individuals.

We held silent prayers for him. We came together from all over the world, not even moving from our living rooms, with our hearts pleading for justice. Our families may not have understood, but we did. We would light candles, attend church etc. We stopped praying for ourselves and prayed for him. For his family. Because we cared. Not because we were thinking of the next album.

How easily people forget that vow we made just before the verdicts were read. We said that it didn’t matter if we never saw Michael again. It didn’t matter if we never heard him sing. It didn’t matter if we never saw him perform again. As long as his children could still have their father. As long as his parents could still have their son. As long as he had his life and freedom. The children needed their father more than we needed a king of pop.

So after everything he went through, after everything we ourselves suffered through together, why on earth have we forgotten so quickly? All this moaning about the long 4 year wait for concerts and music, as if he can just as easily turn off his feelings. As if he can just let go of his pain, and let go of the fact that the public had turned on him after sacrificing his childhood, any semblance of a normal life, any real relationships in order to please this same public. Ripping apart his life as if he was a freak to be taunted, ignoring the years of charity work and reducing him to a piece of dirt on the floor. Something to be stepped in without a second thought.

Justice has not yet been done. Sure we won in the final battle, but what was it all for? Yes, it was certainly destiny. It opened our hearts to him, to the suffering of an innocent man. But what about everyone who got away with it? Surely complete justice will be when Michael takes the stage he was born upon and stuns them into silence. They will then realise that his strength is like nothing they can ever experience . Michael will be able to take back what they stole from him: His dignity.

So please don’t doubt him. We never doubted him during those horrible times. We shouldn’t be doing so now. Remember he has the support of his children, the people who have given him his one true happiness. He can do these concerts. When you consider the trial, that was the hardest thing he’d ever had to do (his own words, not mine). At its simplest, this is just his career on the line. Not his life, his freedom or his family. If he could get through the trial when everyone doubted him, he can get through the concerts with them doubting him. After all, we’re still here praying for him aren’t we? He’s not alone.

Even if you don’t believe in God, just send Michael and his team positive thoughts. Just keep thinking “Michael can do this. He can share his amazing talent the way he wants to.” Send him those thoughts.

Pray for him
Believe in him
Have faith in him
Just don’t doubt him
Remember: Justice has yet to be done.
Thank you for reading

I take a bow before you! :clapping::clapping::clapping:
Wow, awesome read! Thanks for taking the time to write something like this! :agree:

From Kenny Ortega's twitter
Rehearsals have been awesome! The Band, Dancers, Singers and entire Team are so dedicated. MJ feels your love Peeps! Keep it coming :) xo
thanks for the appreciative be honest i wasnt sure how people would take this, but it means a lot to me that u understood..

Qbee..if u think you're dorky, what about my rambling post? lol dorky all the way!
:clapping:Well said!

I remember on that day I was standing outside that courtroom with a bunch of people I didn't know. We were standing in a circle around this cross (was in front of the church across street), and we all were holding hands.I didn't know any of these people and we instantly began to pray and hope together.:angel: A little raidio in the center... the volume was all the way up so everyone could hear the verdict. There was an guy dressed like MJ holding my left hand, and I started crying before it had all began.:cry: He was comforting me and telling me to keep praying for Michael. We were all praying. It was so quiet.. everything was still. It was as if time had stopped. Some cars even stopped dead in traffic. Then it came one.. by one. I remember after the first "Not Guilty" we all went ballistic, but then quickly tried to hush so we could hear the rest. After each one, we cheered louder each time. More tears were rolling, but for happiness. After the last "Not Guilty" everyone was jumping and screaming and running down the streets! Everyone was hugging and crying.. cars were honking their horns and it was truly something you would see in a movie! I saw a girl running down the sidewalk yelling, "Can you help me?" I helped her release a ton of white balloons..:flowers: It was so amazing.

It was a time where everyone just stopped thinking about their concerns or problems.. and focused on one human being in need of support and love. We focused on someone who has given so much to the world. We all came together and for once everyone was at one state of mind. Brilliant. It puts in to perspective how great Michael's fans really are. I am glad that I was part of this moment in history. :better:I thank the fans that were standing with me.. wherever they are. I thank all of you for showing true love. I love you all!

Sorry for going on, but I felt this would be a perfect thread to tell my experience on that day and to get the chance to say a big THANK YOU!
God Bless Michael Jackson and his fans...:wub:
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Thanks cyberjackson for your story...yeah its amazing isnt it when u think about the way everyone came together like that...hopefully we all stick together like that when the inevitable press attacks start up again