Starting early spreading the seasonal cheer


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2009
Hi everyone!

As shops everywhere are starting to bombard us with Christmas gift ideas and fantastic offers at low low prices I thought I'd spread some seasonal love.

If anyone on here is interested in getting a Christmas card from me & my girlfriend then please PM me your addresses. All will be kept secret obviously and once I get a good number I'll start sending out at the beginning of December. The postal system in the UK is a bit cack right now though
Love yoooo stephen!!! I think You me and Motsey should have xmas dinner one day before xmas! xxx
Hi everyone!

As shops everywhere are starting to bombard us with Christmas gift ideas and fantastic offers at low low prices I thought I'd spread some seasonal love.

If anyone on here is interested in getting a Christmas card from me & my girlfriend then please PM me your addresses. All will be kept secret obviously and once I get a good number I'll start sending out at the beginning of December. The postal system in the UK is a bit cack right now though
Love yoooo stephen!!! I think You me and Motsey should have xmas dinner one day before xmas! xxx

Yeah we'll definitely try and sort this out sometime :D

awwww....what a great idea! sending you a pm right now.

im willing to do the same for anyone who wants one from the us ;)

Got it thanks :D

no fair :coffee: i've learned to really loathe you danielle :coffee: with the love l.o.v.e. :lol:

awwww....what a great idea! sending you a pm right now.

im willing to do the same for anyone who wants one from the us ;)

no fair :coffee: i've learned to really loathe you danielle :coffee: with the love l.o.v.e. :lol:

But...But... I lvoe you and your cookie dough :'(
I heard that too...were u listening to Heart?? Lol! I couldn't believe that they were playing it so early!

I so am can you here the second one of the day on now!! "feeeeeeeeeeeeeed the world" Eugh still to early in my opinion - Hi Belle by the way :O) Hope you are well xx
Aww this is lovely! Spreading the christmas cheer! My friend tells me how many days we have left each day, shes a christmas nut!
I just love getting the decorations up, thats when it feels like christmas!
I so am can you here the second one of the day on now!! "feeeeeeeeeeeeeed the world" Eugh still to early in my opinion - Hi Belle by the way :O) Hope you are well xx

Hey :) Ill in bed at the moment actually, hence spending hours and hours on MJJC :p Yeah i heard it, have been listening to Heart constantly the last couple of days! Thankfully not too much christmas music has been played!! Hows things?