Start a Michael Jackson fans scholarship/charity?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
What about us fan starting a Michael Jackson fans scholarship/charity where we annual award someone whos doing something we appriciate and is in Michaels tradition of music, dance art or something good in to the world. On his birthday every year.
I would like to know what charities / orphanages Michael is currently supporting and begin to contribute to them in his name as a FanFamily...

Definitely want to do something along those lines.

Maybe later on the family might reveal some info for us to make contributions directly to those places.

We should inquire, later on down the road...
I would like to know what charities / orphanages Michael is currently supporting and begin to contribute to them in his name as a FanFamily...

Definitely want to do something along those lines.

Maybe later on the family might reveal some info for us to make contributions directly to those places.

We should inquire, later on down the road...

Michael likes to donate and do charity under radar.

This is a few that widely known. Not sure if they are current.

  • AIDS Project L.A.

  • American Cancer Society

  • Angel Food

  • Big Brothers of Greater Los Angeles

  • BMI Foundation, Inc.

  • Brotherhood Crusade

  • Brothman Burn Center

  • Camp Ronald McDonald

  • Childhelp U.S.A.

  • Children's Institute International

  • Cities and Schools Scholarship Fund

  • Community Youth Sports & Arts Foundation

  • Congressional Black Caucus (CBC)

  • Dakar Foundation

  • Dreamstreet Kids

  • Dreams Come True Charity

  • Elizabeth Taylor Aids Foundation

  • Juvenile Diabetes Foundation

  • Love Match

  • Make-A-Wish Foundation

  • Minority Aids Project

  • Motown Museum


  • National Rainbow Coalition

  • Rotary Club of Australia

  • Society of Singers

  • Starlight Foundation

  • The Carter Center's Atlanta Project

  • The Sickle Cell Research Foundation

  • Transafrica

  • United Negro College Fund (UNCF)

  • United Negro College Fund Ladder's of Hope

  • Volunteers of America

  • Watts Summer Festival

  • Wish Granting

  • YMCA - 28th Street/Crenshaw
I was thinking about that too, as his fans we need to follow him and help whatever we can...
Michael likes to donate and do charity under radar.

This is a few that widely known. Not sure if they are current....

Yep, I know, thanx :cheeky:

We really could / should get together and keep his love flowing in that way...

I believe that it's things like this that Michael would want us to do.

Please post ideas on when / where / how to begin everyone. :)

We can do this thang!!! :D

I hope that a huge International Michael Jackson Foundation is set up by Michaels' estate with the 20% he designated to go to charity, that we can all be a part of.
You know you can be very helpful in many ways not necessarily found a new one.
I for instance, am an active member of 2 of the most known Organisations, the Red Cross and Doctors without Borders.
I'ts not much what I pay monthly -about 10 €- but I just put my two cents along with others. And it feels good.
If there were a MJ org, I would wanna contribute, too.
So, go ahead *thumbs up*
....................if I know how to donat trough paypal for one of those,I surely will help,I have no CC so paypal is my only payment option so far

I hope that a huge International Michael Jackson Foundation is set up by Michaels' estate with the 20% he designated to go to charity, that we can all be a part of.

I really hope they do this too..
I would love to start donating to charitys in Michaels name and continue on in his beautiful work to heal the world.
I dunno about the idea.. I mean why must some fan (or someone else) get an award to show they helped to keep Michael's legacy alive?!
Then you get the good old "I'm a better fan then you are" thing again which i hate. I mean every fan is doing thier best in thier own way.
I like the idea to give some money to charity on his b-day a good idea though. And some special Michael Jackson day.. but an award?! No.

I gonna send some money to the Heal The World foundation assoon as i have my creditcard and my own paypal. (I use my dad's now)
I was thinking that it's so sad that this world today is filled with so many greedy people and that we have lost someone so generous and giving. His genuine careing attitude is so rare. But then I thought of how he said "heal the world, make it a better place". So maybe we could follow his example and take some initiative ourselves. His charities are very important and its great to see people supporting his causes. But that's not the only way to make a difference and maybe we could take it a step further ..
For example, we could go visit the local orphanage, or donate presents, participate in charity door knocks, or make sure we put a little bit of extra change into donation plates even. And then think of Michael and all he has done.
If we live every day vowing to be a slightly better person, maybe that will make the world a better place.
I know that not every one has the means or the time but every little thing would bring the world closer to his vision.
This is exactly the sort of thing I would love to see take off. I pray that in death Michaels dream of healing the world is fulfilled by us. I have children and i want them to grow up in a better world. I've been thinking about this but don't have a lot of ideas yet sadly.

I hope that a huge International Michael Jackson Foundation is set up by Michaels' estate with the 20% he designated to go to charity, that we can all be a part of.
I'm really hoping this too!!!:angel: