I was thinking that it's so sad that this world today is filled with so many greedy people and that we have lost someone so generous and giving. His genuine careing attitude is so rare. But then I thought of how he said "heal the world, make it a better place". So maybe we could follow his example and take some initiative ourselves. His charities are very important and its great to see people supporting his causes. But that's not the only way to make a difference and maybe we could take it a step further ..
For example, we could go visit the local orphanage, or donate presents, participate in charity door knocks, or make sure we put a little bit of extra change into donation plates even. And then think of Michael and all he has done.
If we live every day vowing to be a slightly better person, maybe that will make the world a better place.
I know that not every one has the means or the time but every little thing would bring the world closer to his vision.