Star wars auditions!!!!

Ahsoka Jackson

Proud Member
Jul 18, 2013
Star Wars Auditions!!!!


Hmm,I kind of assumed someone else had already posted about this. I don't see a thread for it, though, so I'll do it myself just to be sure.
The info you need is at the link, so there's not too much I need to say, other than a couple of very important points:

1, while you MUST at least be the minimum ages listed, (16 for females, 18 for males) it's perfectly fine if you are older than the age ranges listed, as long as you can pass for those age ranges.

2, Casting director Maryellen Aviano bluntly warned auditionees to keep their slates (that is, the intro part of the video) brief, and that, if you start rambling, they'll just skip to the next person's video!

3, I think they've already had the last in-person event, but, just so you know, the in-person meet and greets were NOT actual auditions. Most people were only able to hand in their papers (headshot, resume, cover letter, etc) and leave. You only got to actually audition if you were called back to do so....and only a TINY fraction of people were.

I thought it would be nice to show a handful of really nice video auditions I've found.

It should be noted that there are flaws, and that some don't follow the instructions. For example, I loved Natassja's video and was so impressed by it, (especially that monologue she wrote!) but the intro does go against what Ms. Aviano said about keeping your slate brief.

Just make sure you read the video instructions CAREFULLY!!

Natassja Lindrea

Victoria Ortiz

Alain Leccia

This last video is a commentary about the audition process. It's hilarious, and he made some excellent arguments about the potential flaws in Disney's approach with the casting process and the movie itself.

Axel Prin

Well, may the Force be with those who audition! ^^
Oh, you'll have to hunt around a bit for it, but this page has info and links with advice on things like headshots, resumes, and the movie itself. Don't forget the sidebar on the page!
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