Star Trek

It kind of changes the story from the TV show, and it's more fast action. Kirk doesn't meet Captain Pike on the show and Spock & Uhura don't have a relationship either. On the show, Spock is the only one that was on Pike's crew, not the others. Also Spock's mother doesn't die on the show and Vulcan doesn't blow up. I found it interesting that they kind of kept the "pyjama" uniforms & miniskirts though, although modified. The movie is cool for what it is, but the show has more to it. They couldn't have made it like the show I guess. It would have been too talky & slow for today's audience.
Best movie I ever saw. I went twice to the cinema to watch this.

Regards from a huge Star Trek fan:)
I'm not a big fan of Star Trek, but I went to see it with a friend who is a Trekkie, and we both enjoyed it :)

Was Michael a fan of Star Trek?? I think I read that he was, but can't find anything backing it up...?
I like all the TV series even including Enterprise but the film strays from Roddenberry's original vision of how it should be based upon comradeship and plot, not flashy death space matches or big explosions.