Spiritual question: When Cremated, Do You Feel Soul is Gone??


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
Okay now first off, I'm not religiously nor am I spiritually educated all that much so I'm just asking generally your opinion & or what your personal thoughts are on this topic.

My question is: when you are cremated, do you think that the soul is still around? Or do you think, like me that, because the physical body is gone, that the soul / spirit is gone too???

I read somewhere the soul of oneself is within; there fore, once the physical entity is gone that too is no longer here....

I had a lot more to say here but I totally forgot what I was going to say .... but you get the general idea.

I'm just simply asking. I want to know other aspects.
Hmm. Personally I would never cremate a loved one because I would be too attached and just like "No, this is my darling, we're gonna put him/her safely away.."

Does the soul cease to exist? I adamently believe souls are forever, so no.
**Edit** I don't know what to believe or think so I want to think about other perspectives....
Cremation, in some beliefs, is an awful sin, you're basically sending that person's soul straight to hell, when burning the body. That's also because that body, as lifeless as it's become, it is still God's creation and anulling it like that is like a murder... for the soul. A person's body should just be buried and let nature follow it's course, as gruesome as it may be, but you're benefiting the deceased soul's very much too. Also, for the physical remains... a mark of that person's existence on earth. Personally, I don't even understand how cremation is possible, as it is so atrocious, sending that body (esp. a loved one's) in the flames, that's both literally and figuratively discomforting/frightening to imagine.
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Cremation, in some beliefs, is an awful sin, you're basically sending that person's soul straight to hell, when burning the body. That's also because that body, as lifeless as it's become, it is still God's creation and anulling it like that is like a murder... for the soul. A person's body should just be buried and let nature follow it's course, as gruesome as it may be, but you're benefiting the deceased soul's very much too. Also, for the physical remains... a mark of that person's existence on earth. Personally, I don't even understand how cremation is possible, as it is so atrocious, sending that body (esp. a loved one's) in the flames, that's both literally and figuratively discomforting/frightening to imagine.

Thank you yes thats kind of in connection with what I was trying to say, that same point. Some people do look down on cremation because you are 'destroying' the body or God's creation... thanks.
I would like to be cremated with the meat section at my local supermarket. Then my memorial will smell like a BBQ.
for me personally...I dont believe in cremation...It is a personal opinion,,,I think the body should be buried...I know that the soul leaves the body when someone passes away..however,,I could never mentally handle knowing that someone I love was cremated..even though my mind would know that the person was not in that body anymore....it is just the fact of cremating the recognizable body. For instance...my sister passed away...I seen her physical body ..that is all I know...I was never taught any other way. When I go to the cemetary I know her physical body is there...but I still have a problem separating the fact that her soul is not there too...even though my mind tells me it is not..I talk to her as though she can hear me... I hope you understand what I am trying to say. I think if I went and visited Michael I would probably feel the same way.
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I tend to believe that the body is merely a shell and once someones dies their soul leaves the body but the soul lives on. As for cremation I don't like the idea of it either but then again I don't like the idea of my loved one being buried 6 feet under in a box. Either way the body cannot last forever. Sometimes families cannot afford burials so they opt for cremation. I don't see anything wrong with that.
Depends on what you believe. Some people believe that the soul is, in some way, attached to the body, so it would dwell where one is buried. I reckon part of that belief is what led Israel to cremate and scatter Adolf Eichmann's ashes in the middle of the Mediterranean sea, so that, in their words, "his soul wouldn't have any country as its final resting place." Or something along the lines of that. If you believe in the Judeo-Christian concept of one soul/life lasting for all eternity, then you would believe in Heaven/Hell/Purgatory and your soul would have no real need to have its body intact. If you believe in reincarnation, then your soul would just move on to the next body, so no body would be its one "true" body.

If you don't believe anything happens after death, then it doesn't really matter, now does it? :p
i am a medium :yes: so i know what i am talking about when i say your soul goes somewhere for a bit a rest and then you come down to be around the ones you love :yes:
but that is only what i believe :)
For instance...my sister passed away...I seen her physical body ..that is all I know...I was never taught any other way. When I go to the cemetary I know her physical body is there...but I still have a problem separating the fact that her soul is not there too...even though my mind tells me it is not..I talk to her as though she can hear me... I hope you understand what I am trying to say. I think if I went and visited Michael I would probably feel the same way.

That's so sad to read.... Be blessed..
XTHUNDERX: Yes I believe that when I go to see a buried family member they can hear me, or their spirits can hear so I talk to them too. A lot of people do that ; it makes sense. Since their body is still intact I suppose.
XTHUNDERX: Yes I believe that when I go to see a buried family member they can hear me, or their spirits can hear so I talk to them too. A lot of people do that ; it makes sense. Since their body is still intact I suppose.

I think you can talk in any circumstances with the spirits of deceased beloved ones. I think they always hear you when you're talking to them.

Why more talking before a grave? I guess because there you can feel their presence more, it is a kind of old "ritual". Rituals exist as long as human culture exist. They are a medium for connecting with the Spiritual world (spirits, angels, and so on) and the Higher world (the Divine). And there's nothing spectacular to it, it is no spiritism I 'm talking about ;).
Great quote from a movie.
What Dreams May Come said:
Your brain...disappears.
Do you really think that's all there was to you?
Like you're in your house right now.
You're in your house, that doesn't mean you are your house.

House falls down, you get out and walk away.

Not to say that one's physical body means absolutely nothing, but you are not your body. You're way more than that and you cannot destroy something non-physical with something physical- say fire.

Even if you're not into Spirituality or have no religious believes- even physicists seem kinda convinced that you cannot destroy energy.

What did Michael sing? "I am forever." Means of burial cannot change that truth.
Re: Paranormal vs Sprits

i am a medium :yes: so i know what i am talking about when i say your soul goes somewhere for a bit a rest and then you come down to be around the ones you love :yes:
but that is only what i believe :)

Interesting! Question for you, is there a difference between someone's spirit being around & spirits who have passed and 'haunt' a place ; more of a paranormal activity but the two do go hand in hand, correct?

I believe that people who have passed, depending on the circumstances of how they died, some don't know they are dead so they hang around the place still like they are there. Am I correct ?
Re: Paranormal vs Sprits

Interesting! Question for you, is there a difference between someone's spirit being around & spirits who have passed and 'haunt' a place ; more of a paranormal activity but the two do go hand in hand, correct?

I believe that people who have passed, depending on the circumstances of how they died, some don't know they are dead so they hang around the place still like they are there. Am I correct ?

yes:yes:but no ''paranormal activity'' unless they mess with the ouija board THEN bad spirits come:yes:
Honestly I never wanted any of my family or myself being cremated. I'd rather we'd be buried.
Honestly I never wanted any of my family or myself being cremated. I'd rather we'd be buried.

I want to be buried in a tombwall like marilyn monroe; not underground.
Dorothy Stratten was cremated then her ashes were scattered in a casket and buried.
I actually cannot comprehend it when people think that your soul dies when you die or after you die, nothing is left. That's it. You're over.

I know Athiests tend to believe that but I cannot understand how some people think the physical is all to a person. Like we are machines. No, human beings are amazing. Just look at how much the race has accomplished and understood and created. We don't just disappear. I believe that we convert into energy, also.


I wanna be in a tomb above ground rather than underground.
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I actually cannot comprehend it when think that your soul dies when you die or after you die, nothing is left. That's it. You're over.

I know Athiests tend to believe that but I cannot understand how some people think the physical is all to a person. Like we are machines. No, human beings are amazing. Just look at how much the race has accomplished and understood and created. We don't just disappear. I believe that we convert into energy, also.


I wanna be in a tomb above ground rather than underground.

i dont believe in anything but i thought the general consensus (sp) was that the soul is totally seperate to the body so once u die it moves on. your soul is your personality. and whats left is the shell. and it makes no difference what happens to the shell (body) at the end of the day the body will rot away anyway so being cremated just makes it happen quicker

I know Athiests tend to believe that but I cannot understand how some people think the physical is all to a person.
well many see the soul as your personality. so when u die that dies. souls are based on life after death so i guess it depends on if u believe that or not
i dont believe in anything but i thought the general consensus (sp) was that the soul is totally seperate to the body so once u die it moves on. your soul is your personality. and whats left is the shell. and it makes no difference what happens to the shell (body) at the end of the day the body will rot away anyway so being cremated just makes it happen quicker

Exactly. Whether you choose burial or cremation the body will disintegrate either way, just one method is quicker than the other. I don't believe the soul is attached to the body.

It is a comforting thought to think that the soul lives on. I like to believe that when you die you are free from the constraints of your body and are no longer limited. You can go anywhere and be anywhere you choose...even many places at once. But who really knows except the dead.
No the soul / spirit is not attached to the body- but its still a part of you. People say they can "feel" their loved one with them ; is that the spirit?

Perhaps I meant to add onto the question originally: 'what is to happen to the spirit' as well when cremation takes place?? I hope I explained that right....
Okay now first off, I'm not religiously nor am I spiritually educated all that much so I'm just asking generally your opinion & or what your personal thoughts are on this topic.

My question is: when you are cremated, do you think that the soul is still around? Or do you think, like me that, because the physical body is gone, that the soul / spirit is gone too???

I read somewhere the soul of oneself is within; there fore, once the physical entity is gone that too is no longer here....

I had a lot more to say here but I totally forgot what I was going to say .... but you get the general idea.

I'm just simply asking. I want to know other aspects.

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Peace, Happiness, L.O.V.E

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:rollingpeace: :rollingpeace:
Exactly. Whether you choose burial or cremation the body will disintegrate either way, just one method is quicker than the other. I don't believe the soul is attached to the body.

It is a comforting thought to think that the soul lives on. I like to believe that when you die you are free from the constraints of your body and are no longer limited. You can go anywhere and be anywhere you choose...even many places at once. But who really knows except the dead.

that is what i believe :yes: