Spiders & Spider-webs


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
Is there a way that I can prevent spider webs from forming somewhere I can't have.?

For example, outside my home, both back door & front door around this time, we get spider webs, huge! And they usually right there in front of the doorways ; its hard to avoid. You can't walk around it or go under the web.

Is there perhaps a repellent spray? Maybe a spider trap? Maybe something that I can spray with an odor that spiders don't like...?

My dads walked outside a number of times & walked straight into it. & plus, I just hate spiders anyway.
I once heard something about mixing water with lavender extract and spraying it into corners--apparently spiders don't like that.
I am an arachnophobic I am just about to pass out uuugggh!!!!

me too!! I freeze when I see a spider anywhere near. In fact, I was in the shower last summer and I did not see it - DID NOT see anything. After I turned off the water, reached to get my towel it was hanging like almost on my face. I came so close to swallowing it cuz I had my mouth open as I was reaching for my towel.:bugeyed
omfg I'm scared to death of them. theyre mean evil creatures.

I'm scared of them too, but I don't think they're evil. Spiders have been around a lot longer than people have. People need to acknowledge their purpose.