Spider-Man movies to have a new reboot?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

I wonder if this is true?

If this is true in the new Spider-Man reboot i would like to see

A director who is familuar to all things Spider-Man. Sam Rami has said that he was only familuar with the Spider-Man villians and story lines from the 60's and 70's. We need a new director who is passionate about Spider-Man from the 1960's right up to today

I also hope that Spidey will lighten up a little in these new movies also. In Sam Rami's Spider-Man movies Spidey doesn't do hardly any one liners and any true Spider-Man knows that Spidey is a wise cracker

I also think that Gwen Stacy should be his love interest.
I liked the cartoons from the 90's but the movies are pretty bad

In my opinion Spiderman is the only movie that's really good made from a cartoon or game. Most of the movies made from cartoons or games end up pretty bad or even suck but I don't dislike the Spiderman movies, they're nice! :)
Hmmm......speaking as someone that actually enjoyed all three (yes, even the 3rd one LOL), I don't think this is the right course of action. Yeah, the stories may have been a little lame in places, but I think they would be hard pressed to find some other angle that would work. Obviously they are trying to figure out the formula that made "The Dark Knight" such a smash hit for DC, but I can't really think of changing the way Spider-man could come to life......being a pretty big fan of the comics growing up, I think Tobey McGuire did a pretty good job playing the character IMO, at least as well as anyone else could.
I think Dark Knights sucess was partially due to Heath ledger dying and the guy who plays batman being arrested , not to take anythink away from it though

The spiderman games are fun , i like the ps1 games
I think Dark Knights sucess was partially due to Heath ledger dying and the guy who plays batman being arrested , not to take anythink away from it though

The spiderman games are fun , i like the ps1 games

Yeah, I agree that the timing of Ledger's passing did have an impact, but even if he were still around I think it probably would have done fairly similar at the box office since it was a very good quality movie.
Hmmmm i don't see what's so good about it , i like the joker and the films alright but i don't think it lived up to the hype

I agree here!
I really liked Heath in this movie playin' The Joker but I didn't like the movie at all! I never was a big fan of Batman until my brother told me to watch this one because I would have to cuz' this one would be just too perfect. I thought to myself, 'Ok, if he says that the movie is that great, I'll risk a watch'. I did and was badly disappointed! Maybe it was a lil' because I never really liked Batman or cared about him or on the other hand maybe it was only the movie which was really not that good...
But one thing I know for sure now - that I'm never gonna waste my time watching any Batman movie again! :D
To be fair i love the batman animation from the 90's but the movie just isn't what it's hyped up to be , their isn't anything amazing about it but im sure someone got a huge pay day seeing as it made like 1 bil in cinemas
I heard on the radio this morning that they were going to put Spiderman on the shelf. Anyone else hear this?
Sam Raimi wanted an extension on Spiderman 4 as it was due to release early 2011. They didn't agree with Raimi so he quit. It was then announced that they would completely revamp the films, with new director, actors etc. So Tobey Maguire & Kirsten Dunst are no longer part of Spiderman. The revamped film is due out in 2012, and the current favourite to take over the Spiderman suit is Twilight star Robert Pattinson.
Sam Raimi wanted an extension on Spiderman 4 as it was due to release early 2011. They didn't agree with Raimi so he quit. It was then announced that they would completely revamp the films, with new director, actors etc. So Tobey Maguire & Kirsten Dunst are no longer part of Spiderman. The revamped film is due out in 2012, and the current favourite to take over the Spiderman suit is Twilight star Robert Pattinson.

Oh, bad news to me... I liked the movies as they were but hearing this makes me sad...
Thanks for the information, tho'! :)
Spidey - ''Hey i got the thing on the thing. What do i win?''
Rhino - ''You''
Spidey - ''I win me? That makes no sense''

Spider-Man and Batman together would be interesting. I can just see Batman telling Spider-Man to take his job more seriously and Spider-Man telling Batman to lighten up
Spider-Man and Batman together would be interesting. I can just see Batman telling Spider-Man to take his job more seriously and Spider-Man telling Batman to lighten up

Hahahahahaha, nice said! :D
Spiderman: Turn off the Dark is opening on Broadway sometime March-ish, written and directed by Julie Taymor (Broadway Lion King and "Across the Universe") with music and lyrics by Bono and The Edge. The only casting announced so far is Evan Rachel Wood as Mary Jane and Alan Cumming as the Green Goblin.

Things i don't want to see in the new Spider-Man reboot

1. Mary Jane. If they are gonna make these films anything like the comic books they should do things right and start with Gwen Stacy

2. Green Goblin. He's Spider-Man's greatest enemy and i think that introducing him right away would be a bad idea. We need a movie or two to build towards the character. Then that way Norman Osborn can have some good character development and through the course of the movies we'll get to see what an evil bastard he really is

3. An origin story. I think that most people know Spider-Man's origin so there's no need to go down that road again. Maybe the movie could have a quick flash back to how he got his powers but that should be it.

4. Spider-Man taking off his mask in almost every fight he has. This was one of my pet peeves with Sam Rami's Spider-Man movies. He just couldn't get Spider-Man's mask off fast enough. I wanna see Spider-Man, not The Peter Parker Movie

5. I also really don't want Spider-Man to be dark and gritty like The Dark Knight. I've heard rumors that they wanna go down this road and i really hope that it won't happen. Spider-Man is not Batman
I've heard Robert Pattinson is one option as the new Peter Parker. :lol:

I hope it's not going to happen. :mellow:
It's official! This is the next Spider-Man


Everyone who is working on this movie just knows that he was born to play the part