speechless... I love you Michael... forever


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
To Kate dear
Dear children of Michael
Family and friends

Today I waked up with my heart in a deep pain...
I miss Michael... I think how i wanted that michael return to the stages was exceptional, because he deserved that.

In the middle of so much torment, I started ask me wath I could do of positiv to Michael, then I decided to pray ...

I had concentrated my thoughts in Michael and open a book of pray. To my surprise the pray that should be to Michael finished to console my heart.

I Couldn’t contain the tears ... Follows one of the excerpts:
“Michael... You had come to return in the world of the spirits, and, however are present between us; see us and hear us, because no there the less between us otherwise the body perishable which come from let us and wich soon will be reduced to dust... and we can’t go near you, but you can come near of us. Come, because, between those that love you and that you loved; support them in the evidence of live; sailing about those that are dears to you, protect them according to you’re power, and slow there sorrow by the thought that you are more happy now, and the consoling security that one day you will be meeting again in a better world... You had left the coarse overlay subjected to the vicissitudes and the dead, and not retain but the envelope ether, imperishable and inaccessible to the pain. If you don’t leave more from the body, you leave from the live of the spirits, and this life is free from the miseries that afflict the humanity ... You have not more the veil that hide to our eyes the splendours of future life; you can, from today onwards, template new wonders, while we are yet plunged in the darkness... go roam the space and visit the worlds in full freedom, while we are crawling painfully upon the land, where retains our material body, similiar to us a heavy burden ... The sea-line of the joys in the infinite will conduct up you, and, in presence of so much magnitude, you will understand the vanity of our wishes terrene, of our ambitions wordly and futile of wich the mans do their delights... Death is not, between the mans, unless a separation material from some moments. From the place of exílip, where you retain us in the will of God, like the obligations we have to obey in this world, we follow you by the thought until the moment where will be allowed to us rejoin to you, like you are reunited with those that previous you... In the world that you are, all the resentment should expired. To your happiness future, from today onwards, that may you be inaccessible...” it’s this. Wath comforts me is the certainty of these words …
The boy is free... Michael now you can smile...

( Vitor Hugo )

When you look on the beach, a sailing ship to depart from the coast,
surfing sea, propelled by the morning breeze,
we are faced with a spectacle of rare beauty.

The boat, driven by the force of winds,
winning the blue sea and seems ever smaller.

Not long and we can only contemplate
a small white dot on line remote and indecisive,
where the sea and the sky meet.

Who says the boat disappear on the horizon,
certainly exclaim: - "I was gone."
Will be gone? Evaporated?

No, certainly.
Only lost sight of.

The boat remains the same size and with the same
capacity that was when I was around us.

Remains as capable as before lead to the port of destination, the loads received.
The boat not evaporated, just can not see more.

But he remains the same.
And maybe, in the exact moment when someone says - "I went,"
there are other voices, beyond the state: - "Here comes the boat."

So is death.

When the boat party, taking the precious cargo of a love that has been expensive,
disappear and we see the line that separates the visible from the invisible say: - "I was gone."
Will be gone? Evaporated?

No, certainly.
Only lost sight of.

The love continues to be the same.
His mental capacity is not lost.

Intact following their victories in the same way as
when it was on our side.

Retains the same affection that we have nurtured.

Nothing is lost, unless the physical body that no longer
needs on the other side.

So it is that, in that moment when we say: - "I went,"
No further, someone else will say happy: - "We have this coming."

Arrive at destination taking the purchases made
earth during the journey.

Life never stops or gives change
spectacular, since nature does not jump.

Each carries its cargo of vices and virtues of affection and
sorehead, until it is resolved by discarding unnecessary than judge.

Life is made of departures and arrivals. Of comings and goings.

So what seems to us the match, for others it is the arrival.

One day left in the direction of the spiritual world of the physical world;
another from here to the spiritual, in a constant come and go,
as sailors of immortality that we all of us.

It is the sadness of many, but the greater the happiness that is reserved for it and people expect it ... Surely God Michael needs right now.

I now transform the immense pain in my inviolable faith that you are safe now ...

I dreamed that one day you could see Michael ... Despite not be able to go to Los Angeles you see ... But now I can no longer imagine being without you because I enjoy the multitude of light ...

My desire to see him was so great that I dreamed that I flew up to neverland, literally created wings, I expect you getting there on the balcony (do not know if there is the entrance porch of his home in Neverland) had a tremendous light it overshadowed in media I approached the light that you and I see him, you smiled with the most beautiful and sweet laughter I have ever seen, hugged me strong .... And he said: 'are you okay? I woke and said, Yes Michael ... Now I'm well ...

someone cure my pain ... calm down my heart ... someone please ... Michael .... I feel a pain in the chest .... will not pass ... Must be where you were ... breathe the same air ... agree on the same morning .... their sleep sleep ... dream your dreams ... feel your favorite perfume ... look with your eyes ... see the stars ... with your eyes ... make their pain my pain and so you become lighter .... now you can smile michael .... now you can smile ....

With love,

Tributo a Michael: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnwIg_LjlSQ