SPECIAL: Michael Jackson: His lead guitarist Jennifer Batten gives a rare insight

now we know why "remember the time" was never done on stage- GREAT ARTICLE!
What a sweet aand rare insight into his Life. It was so obvious that Michael was ill during TII. I can write this now because it has been confirmed that Karen Faye pointed it out but they did not listen. He had so many cloothes on he was so thin. He needed looking after!

I feel so sad. I will never watch TII again, I am beginning to cry now . I must sign off.
Thank you for this interview. It is very nice to see someone continue to discuss Michael with respect and just tell the truth.
That was a great interview/article. Thanks for posting :yes:
So that's what happened with Remember The Time, wardrobe malfunction. Well if you take the 1993 Soul Train performance, wardrobe wise, i would say it would have been a really cool thing to see
Thank you so much for this. I love hearing from Jennifer and was a great insight into her experiences with Michael. Its so lovely to hear such things.
If you think about it, she has a point about TII. But i don't want to get into that...there's been more than enough talk about that already, done with that.
All i have to say is that i view her as a wonderful person, very honest about
Michael and very supportive, great!!!!