I made an order from a big spanish soccer company a while ago. Unfortunately the shop did not have everything I ordered in stock. Since then I have tried with google translate to communicate with the company without much success.
It appears now that the company will not re-fund my money, nor send me the stuff I have paid for.
I have called them but they do not speak english, therefore I am looking for someone who can translate a message for me that I can send to them via email and possible letter.
I would like to settle this with the company directly, but as a second option I have making a credit card chargeback. However to start such a process I need to have proof that I have communicated and tried to reach a solution with the seller. So I would need a translation anyhow.
The company as of currently ows me 362 EURO.
I am open to donate 20-30 EURO to the MJJ Community as a thank you if I can get a good translation that helps me get my money back.
If you have any questions, you are welcome to PM me or reply in the thread. If you have any tips or advise on how to get in touch with someone that speaks fluent spanish, that would also be much appreciated!
Thanks in advance.
Kind Regards
I made an order from a big spanish soccer company a while ago. Unfortunately the shop did not have everything I ordered in stock. Since then I have tried with google translate to communicate with the company without much success.
It appears now that the company will not re-fund my money, nor send me the stuff I have paid for.
I have called them but they do not speak english, therefore I am looking for someone who can translate a message for me that I can send to them via email and possible letter.
I would like to settle this with the company directly, but as a second option I have making a credit card chargeback. However to start such a process I need to have proof that I have communicated and tried to reach a solution with the seller. So I would need a translation anyhow.
The company as of currently ows me 362 EURO.
I am open to donate 20-30 EURO to the MJJ Community as a thank you if I can get a good translation that helps me get my money back.
If you have any questions, you are welcome to PM me or reply in the thread. If you have any tips or advise on how to get in touch with someone that speaks fluent spanish, that would also be much appreciated!
Thanks in advance.
Kind Regards