Space Shuttle Endeavour


Proud Member
Apr 24, 2011
I just watched the final launch of Endeavour from my doorstep and despite the clouds, I saw its orange glow as it flew into space. Gives me goosebumps.:kickass:
That's lucky that you get to witness it in person. I can only watch from my television. :( It isn't quite the same.
The only shuttle launch I saw live was Challenger's last flight...Even though I was at work in Jacksonville, you could see the white trail and then the separation as it blew up....My lord the rumours that went around that day, no one could imagine what could have caused it...from a bomb to Russian submarines off shore shooting it down...what a terrible day.

I hope and pray that Endeavor makes it home safely. It will be the end of an era...
Oh my goodness yes, I remember that day in 1986. I was a junior in high school and remember all the teachers going outside to see it...the utter shock of everyone. How President Reagan said those lovely words about how the astronauts 'slipped the surly bonds of earth to touch the face of God.' How I cried when I heard that.

I actually went to the KSC in 2007 to witness a launch. Still remember the awesome rumble as it lifts off even though we were watching the launch pad from quite a distance away, across a wide lake. Very powerful.