souvenier tickets for sale on E-bay.

when i get mine i won't sell it for all the tea in china. the sentimental value is too much. some people have no heart :(
i do not even get why would someone buy a ticket to a show she/he was not even going?
Yuck.............that's blood money! I wouldn't dare to do something like that.
As you said before.

People selling these has blood on their hands!
Obviously people will buy them but......why?

The whole point of the souvenir ticket was to be a souvenir of you going to the show, and now obviously since it hasn't gone ahead, they have even more sentimental value. I really don't see the point in it. "Look, I've got a ticket to a show I wasnt even going to!"
The people selling the souvenir tickets would probably have sold the tickets to the show if it had of went on anyway. I hate people like that, a lot of genuine fans who missed out on tickets for one reason or another would appriciate that stuff 1000x more than them and would never even think of selling them.
*sigh* I guess we may get used to it, the first of many I bet.
people selling these tickets were the ones that were obvisouly the ones doing it before he died, i hate people like this that sell any ticket for any gig
they are putting people who only have the money to buy tickets at face vaule out of a ticket
and are being greedy buying laods and sellnig them on at ridcules prices
i hate it i really do it makes me so angery.
well I marked this particular ticket as offensive...and filed a complaint. Maybe if we all do this then they will ban them from being sold on e-bay
To be honest, I'm going to put one one ebay too, why?
Because I paid $400,- for two tickets and the seller won't give me my money back.
My only option was to take the tickets.
So I'm keeping one for myself to put in a frame with my o2 t-shirt and TII dvd, and put one on ebay to get at least half of my money back.

why keep two, when both of the tickets are identical.
If I would've recieved two different prints, I would have kept both.
To be honest, I'm going to put one one ebay too, why?
Because I paid $400,- for two tickets and the seller won't give me my money back.
My only option was to take the tickets.
So I'm keeping one for myself to put in a frame with my o2 t-shirt and TII dvd, and put one on ebay to get at least half of my money back.

why keep two, when both of the tickets are identical.
If I would've recieved two different prints, I would have kept both.

wow that's awful! Where did you buy your tickets?
Obviously people will buy them but......why?

The whole point of the souvenir ticket was to be a souvenir of you going to the show, and now obviously since it hasn't gone ahead, they have even more sentimental value. I really don't see the point in it. "Look, I've got a ticket to a show I wasnt even going to!"

Let me tell you why people would buy them..

Personally I grew up an European country that Michael only visited once during Dangerous Tour. I was too young to attend his concert at that time. I came to US several years ago but then it was during the trial and he was not performing any more.

When I heard the London concerts I really really really wanted to go but to tell you the truth I did not have the means to allow me travel to London. I still hoped perhaps by some miracle I could save money, go to the one of the last shows or even dreamed perhaps there will be a tour in US in the future and I can attend that.

But all these "dreams" became impossible as you know. I felt real sad both because not able to attend a concert and also not to have any personal link. I immediately searched for autographed items and considered buying tickets as a souvenier. (Yes it was a show that I would most probably not go but that does not mean that it was a show that I did not want or hoped to go)

Still I don't have the means (money) to pay hundereds and thousand of dollars for those items so I won't be buying anything but I hope this can demonstrate you why someone would want to buy such items.

ps: I agree that people are benefiting from MJ death by selling these items at this high prices but as our business teacher used to say if there is a demand there would be a supply.
wow that's awful! Where did you buy your tickets?

I'm one of the unlucky people that (even with a pre-sale code) couldn't get through.
I also failed to get tickets at the regular sale so I had to go the easy but expensive way, ebay.

I'm not feeling guilty for doing this because I'm not making money out of this, I'm just making my loss smaller.

Asking ebay to take these items off of the site is useless.
It's not an illegal item to sell so they won't take any action.
I'm one of the unlucky people that (even with a pre-sale code) couldn't get through.
I also failed to get tickets at the regular sale so I had to go the easy but expensive way, ebay.

I'm not feeling guilty for doing this because I'm not making money out of this, I'm just making my loss smaller.

Asking ebay to take these items off of the site is useless.
It's not an illegal item to sell so they won't take any action.

You're just letting that person to take your money even if there is no show? Can't you do anything about it? Did you buy the tickets through viagogo, ebay or any other ticket selling site?
ridicolous that there are tickets on ebay whilst most of the fans are still waiting for theirs to be sent by TM..makes my blood boil
Oh no :(

I thought ebay said they weren't going to allow it..
The seller HAS TO give you your money back. Ebay made a statement about it saying they would make sure everyone was refunded...?

To be honest, I'm going to put one one ebay too, why?
Because I paid $400,- for two tickets and the seller won't give me my money back.
My only option was to take the tickets.
So I'm keeping one for myself to put in a frame with my o2 t-shirt and TII dvd, and put one on ebay to get at least half of my money back.

why keep two, when both of the tickets are identical.
If I would've recieved two different prints, I would have kept both.
The seller HAS TO give you your money back. Ebay made a statement about it saying they would make sure everyone was refunded...?

Maybe you a claim through paypal should be started? E-bay did say you wil be getting your money back. At the end of the day "goods" were payed for & not received. There is a right to get your money back. It sounds like the seller has spent the money that has been sent to him or thinks he can get away with not giving it back.
my ticket is for 26th july, still not received it :(
everything is so crap crap crap.
Maybe you a claim through paypal should be started? E-bay did say you wil be getting your money back. At the end of the day "goods" were payed for & not received. There is a right to get your money back. It sounds like the seller has spent the money that has been sent to him or thinks he can get away with not giving it back.

I know, the seller said he diddn't have the money anymore (spent it i guess) so my only option was to take the tickets.
I have this same experience with ebay buying computer games from a seller that didn't sent me my items.

You CAN get your money back but it will take a lot of time and a lot of back and forth mailing. At the time I was so heartbroken of Michael's passing (and still am), I was like: screw the money, just sent me the damn tickets.
This dude doesn't even make sense. Look what he put at the bottom:

On Sep-17-09 at 12:17:51 PDT, seller added the following information:

These will ship within 24 hrs of receiving from I expect to have these available for shipping within a week, feel free to buy then put paypal payment on hold until i confirm with you they have arrived and are ready for dispatch.

He doesn't even have them?