Sources say they "scored" with the pharmacy raid!!!!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Pharmacy in Jackson Case Had Money Problems

Posted Aug 13th 2009 1:45AM by TMZ Staff

The pharmacy that was raided in Las Vegas Tuesday has something in common with Dr. Conrad Murray -- both apparently have had money problems.

We've pulled documents showing Applied Pharmacy Services, LLC was sued by the owners of the building it occupied in Pasadena, CA. for non-payment of rent. The landlord got a judgment of $143,267.73 -- that includes around $40,000 in back rent plus the amount that would have paid through the balance of the lease, which ended in September, 2011. The pharmacy abandoned the lease in September, 2008.

Dr. Murray was also dogged by money problems -- the bank has been trying to foreclose on his Las Vegas home, and he was ordered to jail for non-payment of child support (he never went).

Law enforcement sources told us when they searched Applied Pharmacy Services they were on the hunt for documents that might show the company sold Propofol to Dr. Murray. There are reports the DEA scored during the search.
I knew this was about money. It's Michael Jackson, it's ALWAYS about the MONEY.

There are reports the DEA scored during the search.

let's hope so, it's all i'm interested in for now....:timer:
I hope they freakin' put whoever involved with this crap, in prison.
I dont get why this is so important:this drug is not on any special list...
I dont get why this is so important:this drug is not on any special list...

It makes no difference in the US if a drug is scheduled C, IV, III, or II. Only Schedule I drugs are illegal and include the one's you imagine, like pot, cocaine, heroin, designer drugs, etc.

BUT, in the US, more people die from Tylenol overdoeses than ANY OTHER MEDICATION. This is way more serious. This may be somewhat, and I stress, somewhat unusual, but okay to possess.

Dr. Murry was not trained in and did not administer the correct amount of the drug. It matters not that the drug is not scheduled. Think of it this way, if someone shot your vein full of air, it would go to your heart and kill you instantly. Is air a scheduled substance? No, but it would have been what killed that person and the 'injector' would be held responsible.

Either way he is screwed. He'll kill himself. He knows he's off to jail or being assassinated. Hate to say it, but I know it's true. This guy's negligence killed off a hero, a stratospheric superstar and a dear friend. I have no sympathy whatsoever.

Anything, anything, anything for money, lie for you, DIE for you, even sell my soul to the devil.

So watch the one's with the biggest smiles and idle jabbers, cuz they're (Murray...smiles and drugs) the BACKSTABBERS!
Think of it this way, if someone shot your vein full of air, it would go to your heart and kill you instantly. Is air a scheduled substance? No, but it would have been what killed that person and the 'injector' would be held responsible.

Ohhhh so thats why the nurses always press out the fluids/medications from the needle, so that they pump out the air before injecting! I never thought of that.. Not very good at medicine..
Anything, anything, anything for money, lie for you, DIE for you, even sell my soul to the devil.

So watch the one's with the biggest smiles and idle jabbers, cuz they're (Murray...smiles and drugs) the BACKSTABBERS!

God michael said all right there in his anger is getting deeper & deeper, I WILL NEVER FORGIVE MURRAY! :angry:
these fucker should rot in jail, my god i hope there are MJ fans in the jail he ends up in, they can moonwalk over his head :)
Did I read it wrong but should've murray been in prison already before this for unpaid child support? Did I read that wrong?

Anyway he should go now. As long as I live I'll Never EVER forgive you murray.

I Miss You Michael:wub:
Did I read it wrong but should've murray been in prison already before this for unpaid child support? Did I read that wrong?

No you didn't read that wrong, he really was meant to be in jail for that :mat:

At least when he gets jailed he'll be made to pay. There will be MJ fans in prison, no doubt.
Did I read it wrong but should've murray been in prison already before this for unpaid child support? Did I read that wrong?

Anyway he should go now. As long as I live I'll Never EVER forgive you murray.

I Miss You Michael:wub:

TMZ ran the story a couple of weeks ago, Murray was ordered to jail but at last minute came up with all the money so he didn't have to go. They mentioned it for strange because this was THOUSANDS of dollars.
TMZ ran the story a couple of weeks ago, Murray was ordered to jail but at last minute came up with all the money so he didn't have to go. They mentioned it for strange because this was THOUSANDS of dollars.

This fishy guy should get punished
I dont get it..then why the he** isnt he!????

He probally got the money from Mike, what ever.

I will never forgive this dude for what he did. He took one of the most important people in my life away from me, all of us.

I know you are not suppose to hate nobody, but damn is really hard for me not to hate this guy.

I mean he killed Michael, how do you forgive someone for this.

I'm just going to pray on it, I know God will handel it.

I love you angel and miss you so much.
It makes no difference in the US if a drug is scheduled C, IV, III, or II. Only Schedule I drugs are illegal and include the one's you imagine, like pot, cocaine, heroin, designer drugs, etc.

BUT, in the US, more people die from Tylenol overdoeses than ANY OTHER MEDICATION. This is way more serious. This may be somewhat, and I stress, somewhat unusual, but okay to possess.

Dr. Murry was not trained in and did not administer the correct amount of the drug. It matters not that the drug is not scheduled. Think of it this way, if someone shot your vein full of air, it would go to your heart and kill you instantly. Is air a scheduled substance? No, but it would have been what killed that person and the 'injector' would be held responsible.

Either way he is screwed. He'll kill himself. He knows he's off to jail or being assassinated. Hate to say it, but I know it's true. This guy's negligence killed off a hero, a stratospheric superstar and a dear friend. I have no sympathy whatsoever.

Anything, anything, anything for money, lie for you, DIE for you, even sell my soul to the devil.

So watch the one's with the biggest smiles and idle jabbers, cuz they're (Murray...smiles and drugs) the BACKSTABBERS!

SO True.
It makes no difference in the US if a drug is scheduled C, IV, III, or II. Only Schedule I drugs are illegal and include the one's you imagine, like pot, cocaine, heroin, designer drugs, etc.

BUT, in the US, more people die from Tylenol overdoeses than ANY OTHER MEDICATION. This is way more serious. This may be somewhat, and I stress, somewhat unusual, but okay to possess.

Dr. Murry was not trained in and did not administer the correct amount of the drug. It matters not that the drug is not scheduled. Think of it this way, if someone shot your vein full of air, it would go to your heart and kill you instantly. Is air a scheduled substance? No, but it would have been what killed that person and the 'injector' would be held responsible.

Either way he is screwed. He'll kill himself. He knows he's off to jail or being assassinated. Hate to say it, but I know it's true. This guy's negligence killed off a hero, a stratospheric superstar and a dear friend. I have no sympathy whatsoever.

Anything, anything, anything for money, lie for you, DIE for you, even sell my soul to the devil.

So watch the one's with the biggest smiles and idle jabbers, cuz they're (Murray...smiles and drugs) the BACKSTABBERS!

My goodness, that lyric from Money says it all! It reminds me of that damn picture of Murray smiling with his arms folded. :mat: But I agree with you, he is screwed... whether he is put out with a small charge or held in prison, there is someone out there that will do something. And his job is pretty much over with he bad rep he's gained now. I don't see how he can get through normally now, with everyone knowing his name, or people that either saw that photo of him in a news broadcast of Michael's death. I heard he even hired a bodyguard? Psh. He KNOWS he's under watch.
No you didn't read that wrong, he really was meant to be in jail for that :mad:

:angry: ahh! That's ridicoulous!! Michael would have never hired him and he'd still be here, in London

TMZ ran the story a couple of weeks ago, Murray was ordered to jail but at last minute came up with all the money so he didn't have to go. They mentioned it for strange because this was THOUSANDS of dollars.

if they knew what was to come they should of chucked him in jail then!! this is frustrating.

He probally got the money from Mike, what ever.

I will never forgive this dude for what he did. He took one of the most important people in my life away from me, all of us.

I know you are not suppose to hate nobody, but damn is really hard for me not to hate this guy.

I agree it is hard to hate someone, hate is a strong word BUT, there's no doubt on my mind at all that I hate Murray and hope he rots in jail for what he's down.

I'll never forgive him EVER.

I Love You Michael. I'll Miss You. :heart: