Sound Levels at the arena


Proud Member
Aug 14, 2005
Hi guys..if any of you have been to a show at the O2 arena, could I ask a few questions?

1) How loud is it?
2) If you have sensitive ears, where would the best place to sit be? In other words, where is the sound the lowest?

Thanks :)
I'd prefer the sound to be utterly earthshaking, even in the top tiers, and I think it will be.
Well if it is anything like the History Tour, you better cover your ears, lol.
When MJ played an outdoor show in Glasgow Green in 1992, there were reports of the sound travelling into the city centre, which is quite a distance away from Glasgow Green.

Thats the way it should be at a gig, something thats gonna give you a right kick up the ass :)
i remember the dangerous tour you can feel your whole body vibrating to the music,i heard that saying once from one of michaels staff that michael not only wants you to hear the music but to feel it too,sorry if you have sensative hearing,but it,s going to be loud.
It's going to be very loud, but the acoustics are very good. Don't think it matters where you sit, the sound's pretty even everywhere :) I'm more worried about the crowds, my friend's going on the 22nd february and he hates big crowds of people! He's thinking of bringing a cattle prod for any over-enthusiastic fans, so watch out everyone (joking lol) :lol:
Im really looking 4ward to the loudNESS!!
I wanna feel it!!!!
OMG i cant WWWWWait!!
Yeah, I would guess on the sound being pretty much the same throughout. And arenas get really loud when the crowd screams, with the sound bouncing off the roof & walls. You could always wear weak earplugs. It wouldn't be my top choice, but you really could if you have sensitive ears, like the kind that don't block too much sound, but enough to protect them a bit.

When I was a kid I thought the adults who wore earplugs at concerts or held their ears at times were so lame (you know, if it's too loud, you're too old). Even after I lost my hearing for 24 hours following an exceptionally law-breakingly loud 10th row Aerosmith concert, ahem. But in my early 30's I saw Prince in Key Arena in Seattle and... holy cow... my sister & I both had to hold our ears. It actually hurt. I suddenly felt way old, lol. It wasn't due to the music being way too loud, but to the combo of music plus the crowd! Wowee! Maybe it was just the acoustics in that arena. The older I get, the more sensitive my ears seem to be. Weird. (But I'll suffer for MJ a bit again ;-)
The earplugs you need are ones which reduce each frequency equally. This way you get a quieter sound without loss of quality. I'll be bringing mine but don't know if I will use them.

And I know you guys are saying how loud it was when you saw him before but that really not anything to go by. Sound pollution regulation has come along way since then, and the arena will have health and safety regulations with regards to sound that they will have to abide for. So it will be loud but no louder than other concerts if you don't take into account the loudness of the crowd! lol
Michaels favourite term is "Hurt Me" :p
he wants us to feel the music :)
i wanna feel it :D

omg. can't wait.
the sound can go wrong though, i went to see UFC there once, the entire side i was on the sound was messed up, you couldnt hear anything clearly, hard to explain, then i went to the other side of the arena, and the sound was clear. gonna be a different setup at a concert though but just saying the sound can be off and they didnt do anything about it.
In fact the last time i went to a concert at the 02 i think that the sound was slightly off. It sounded funny from the front but when you stood further back it was ok, so maybe if you have sensitive hearing you won't want to be right at the front?!?
Last concert I was at there was in January, I was on the floor about 8 rows back, loud would be an understatement and you could "feel" the bass for hours afterwards lol
I was at Simply Red there on 2nd April, in Block 407, which is not exactly close to the stage!

The sound was amazing and so loud! My ears were ringing and sore! I actually wanted to walk out to give them a break! So where is the best place for sensitive ears? Very back row of the furtherest back block! :p If the sound was the way it was in 407 I can't imagine what it will be like in 101!
I hope it's really really loud! That's the best thing about concerts! Although I have been to concerts before where my ears have actually hurt. Like someone said before it seems to be getting worse as I get older too lol. When it's MJ's music though,the louder the better! :D
The sound will be so loud, it will shake your pant leg... It'll make your heart jump. It'll be AMAZING!
It will be very loud but as Katzr2000 said, sound pollution will have to be considered.

Yet the O2 arena must have such a good sound system especially with all top acts now go to perform there. The sound will be felt throughout the arena with any seat giving you the same quality of sound. Am I right in saying you think people?
music wise the sounds obviously going to be loudest at the front, they will probably have some backup speakers halfway back aimed towards the back of the venue to give a boost to the people at the back, so just before/in line them would be the quietest place as you would only be getting the sound from the front speakers, im sure if you ask the o2 they will be able to help

dont forget that fan noise is going to be very loud wherever you are, so ear plugs might be a better option (you WILL still be able to hear whats going on, it just wont deafen you :])
The sound engineer will be amazing, and he's no excuses, he's gonna have the room EQ'd perfectly, he'll have loads of practice anyway!!!

LOUD, LOUD, LOUD! is the only way forward. Its not the same if you cant feel your rib-cage shudder with the bass.

The bass drum in Billie Jean will be absolutely thumping :)

If you're ears are ringing afterwards for hours, you know its been a damn good gig.
I can't believe it's all happening each time I read a thread like this.
I hope it's LOUD. I wanna hear his voice and music so DAMN LOUD LIKE I'VE NEVER HEARD IT BEFORE.
seriously, I love wearing my KOSS headphones and listen to the highest level.I LOVE hearing his bass, his every layers in his songs, his voice..each and every single detail in his songs..all the low things he says in the background..everything!!!

i have never found the O2 to be to loud to be honest its always been just about right