Sorry For The Downtime

MJJC Moderator

Our server went down and we apologize for the inconvenience! Our host is having problems with their routers in Los Angeles because of the fires.
that's o.k MJJC MOD 1

i understand that i saw the fires happen in Calf is very sad to here i hope everything is o.k there i hope yours homes are saft i'll pray for you and others who live there :pray:
Our server went down and we apologize for the inconvenience! Our host is having problems with their routers in Los Angeles because of the fires.

I had a feeling that was what was going on - glad to see everything is back to normal now!! Take care - and thanks for keeping us updated!:)
Oh wow, no wonder. Thanks for letting us know. My heart is breaking for the people who lost their homes in California.
That's ok. I was a little worried, but I'm glad everything's working again. :)