SOOML-girl gets a 47 second full on mouth kiss from Mike?!

Yeah, the reporter says that the girl jumped on Michael's neck and kissed him for 47 seconds.
Haha, that girl is basically dry-humping Michael.

And yeah, that is what the reporter is saying.
yeah he didnt look like he cared to fact if you look at the video closely at one point he looks as though he is trying to kiss her on the lips....ggrrr....lucky chic...that is what she is.:yes:
woah. she was trying to climb his ass there! :p

here's a comment from someone who knew about the girl:

TheGenevieve76 explaining that the girl is from my country Chile, the fan's name is Gigliona Franchini, the girl was interviewed later on and she said that when she did hug Michael he was laughing, and she was too exited, she wanted feeling him all, and also said he smelled very good and he let her hug him without resistance.

and if you read further into the comments, there's a series from a YANA girl who talks about her experience. ;) it's someone named rrrmm5".

actually, I found this comment by her really sweet and poignant, in light of the fact that he is now gone :(

"baby powder..he smelled of baby powder, and when I asked his staff later, they told me he wore baby powder to absorb the sweat. The smell stayed on my shirt for ages, I've never washed it, and since he passed away, I sleep with it under my pillow...when I'm lying there in the dark, I swear I can still smell him, it's comforting."
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woah. she was trying to climb his ass there! :p

here's a comment from someone who knew about the girl:

TheGenevieve76 explaining that the girl is from my country Chile, the fan's name is Gigliona Franchini, the girl was interviewed later on and she said that when she did hug Michael he was laughing, and she was too exited, she wanted feeling him all, and also said he smelled very good and he let her hug him without resistance.

and if you read further into the comments, there's a series from a YANA girl who talks about her experience. ;) it's someone named rrrmm5".

actually, I found this comment by her really sweet and poignant, in light of the fact that he is now gone :(

"baby powder..he smelled of baby powder, and when I asked his staff later, they told me he wore baby powder to absorb the sweat. The smell stayed on my shirt for ages, I've never washed it, and since he passed away, I sleep with it under my pillow...when I'm lying there in the dark, I swear I can still smell him, it's comforting."
Awww I miss mike :cry:
lucky girl!!
I also read once a youtube comment from someone who meet mj backstage during bad tour and she also said that michael smelled like baby powder :)
I laughed when she started running off the stage and the security ran with her, LMAO!
I think she was too excited to know where she was, what she was doing and what the hell was happening.
Yeah... Michael had that effect on people. :D
omgi think im gonna die of jeasousy,how could mike be so kind and let fans do whatever they wanna do to him.:boohoo
woah. she was trying to climb his ass there! :p

here's a comment from someone who knew about the girl:

TheGenevieve76 explaining that the girl is from my country Chile, the fan's name is Gigliona Franchini, the girl was interviewed later on and she said that when she did hug Michael he was laughing, and she was too exited, she wanted feeling him all, and also said he smelled very good and he let her hug him without resistance.

and if you read further into the comments, there's a series from a YANA girl who talks about her experience. ;) it's someone named rrrmm5".

actually, I found this comment by her really sweet and poignant, in light of the fact that he is now gone :(

"baby powder..he smelled of baby powder, and when I asked his staff later, they told me he wore baby powder to absorb the sweat. The smell stayed on my shirt for ages, I've never washed it, and since he passed away, I sleep with it under my pillow...when I'm lying there in the dark, I swear I can still smell him, it's comforting."

woooooooah!!!!!Mike=baby powder!!!!!
Shall we use baby powder??
Here are her comments...Lol


RRainey20 is right, I'm a YANA girl from the History tour, I was approached by security, lead to the stage stairs and was told I could have a dance with Michael, I got my dance, a hug and a kiss..he always did this with YANA, he acted out the song lyrics, like he had the girl for awhile, then he lost her, except the girl was a different fan each time. I got lucky!

it was heaven..he didn't speak, he just kept smiling, he kissed me and winked at me, when security came back. I told him about 15 times that I loved him. God, I screamed it, poor baby, I must have deafened

For rrrmm5: When you were a YANA girl... did MJ have a scent... like cookies or something??? I bet he smelled like cookies. LOL... Someone that sweet... just wondering. lol :)

I have baby powder scent, I wear it's just a nice reminder of him.

to be honest, I can't remember how tight he was holding me. I remember the size of his hands, they were huge and just enveloped my hands. I was calm, cos I was a few weeks pregnant (not showing yet), and didn't want to fall, I told security, and they told Michael later I was pregnant, and he freaked out. I know that cos I stayed back after the show and talked to them.

he apparantly said to security something like "Oh God, I hope I didn't squeeze her too tight" huh, but I was fine, it was my third child, by then you know your limits!

not perfume, just a scented spray. Security took me to the side of the stage, just inside the back area, asked me if I was ok, offered me a cup of water, let me stay for the next song or two, then they helped me back to my seat. I kissed him on the lips...I cupped his face in my hands and held it and just went for it, I figured I'd never have another opportunity so I wasn't going anywhere without a kiss!

this is my fave yt footage at the moment type Michael Jackson Personal Unseen Footage- Michael comforts a fan's at a zoo in Berlin, and she goes nuts, but then the gorilla catches Michael's eye with it's leg up in the air and he cracks up. You can hear him saying to Wayne, "look at the leg, you can tell it's a boy!"

How did you get chosen to go on stage? Did you talk to security? or did they just come around and choose randomly?.. or did you beg? I would have begged and offered my first born!! LOL

they just approached me and asked me if I'd like to dance with Michael, they asked me if I was wearing anything sharp, I said no, but they asked me to turn my engagement ring round my finger, so it wouldn't get stuck in his hair, they helped me to the stairs, and said, when we return for you, you must leave, I said ok and off I went. Didn't tell them I was pregnant till later. I often wonder how they got on with girls that couldn't speak english, cos they seemed to have a routine.

History tour Nov 1996 in daughter, the one I was carrying, tells everyone this :D

You said you hung out after the show and spoke to his staff... you didn't get to see Michael again??

No, Michael was gone, this was my third History concert so some of the staff recognized me, but a few people stayed back and talked to them, they didn't seem to mind.

What a Lucky Girl...:D Am happy for her...Wish I was one of the YANA or SOOML Girls...:(
What a very lucky girl she was. Reading that story and seeing that video just made me cry all over again. Michael was such a real sweetheart. I just miss so extremely much. I just saw a YANA girl from Michael's HIStory Concert in Vienna. Where she had fainted in Michael's arms. Here's the link

OMG can you just imagine fainting in Michael's arms. And then to be picked up by him. I thought she has to be the luckiest girl on the planet to do that. I so wish I was that girl and to have Michael pick me up like that.