Sony vs Microsoft


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Which gaming company do you think is the best? This one is a no brainer for me. I choose Sony. The Playstation is one of the best games consoles i have ever played and it has the greatest start up screen in video game history





Aw, I loved my old Playstation, but now it's Xbox 360 all the way! So I say Microsoft. :D
Simply, I like their games more.
I am definately not an fanboy, who I hate.
Though I love Sony ideas for the future, for example they brought the blu ray player to the PS3.
It was a failure according to alot of people, though there are alot of blu rays available right now.
Though Sony suck at their customer service.
I had a PS3 from 2007, this one got the YLOD and I could send it back for 150 euro.
Yeah fuck off, I got the guarantee this PS3 would live for another 3 months, then the problem could come back.
So I bought a new one, costs me 300 euro.
Microsoft is better at their customer service I heard from my friends.
They got their broken fixed in about 2 weeks, didn't pay anything and their fixed one is as new, the problems din't come back.
Well, in terms of hardware the original Xbox was quite a bit better than the PS2 (including an internal hard drive as opposed to memory cards), allowing for PC ports like Doom 3 and Half-Life 2 which the PS2 simply couldn't handle. And of course it brought Halo 1 and Halo 2, two great exclusive titles. But the PS2 has its own fair share of exclusive games so I'd say I liked them both the same.

Now, the PS3 console itself is superior to the Xbox 360 in practically every way, the hardware, features, etc. It also doesn't have an inherent fault like the 360 (RRoD). Xbox Live is a massive rip-off full of P2P servers, while PSN is free and full of Dedicated Servers. PSN is actually better, but people think "you get what you pay for" and that's not that case here, Microsoft are just greedy.

But it really comes down to the games, and in that department the PS3 starts to falter due to the PS3's strange 8-core design and architecture it means games are harder to make for it, which results in lower quality multi-platform titles, mostly in terms of graphics when compared to PC or 360. However, when dedicated PS3 develepors like Naughty Dog who know how to develop for it make an exclusive title like Uncharted 2, Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet, etc, it really shows what the system is capable of.

I like the exclusive titles of PS3 & 360 equally but I still sold my PS3 so I could build a PC for gaming, which blows any console out of the water, but that's another matter. :p
For a PC..........then Microsoft.........Apple just suck!!!!!!!!

For a Console (that doesn't include Nintendo)........then Sony...........have more of the games I enjoy!!!!!!!
For me it is definitely Sony. Only because of the Final Fantasy games which I have a huge L.O.V.E. for. I have a Playstation and a Playstation 2. I don't have very many games for them. I never really was interested in having a lot of games for them. I never played with an X Box before. But I do L.O.V.E. playing my Sims games on my Microsoft Laptop.
Ps2 had the best library of games which craps on the xbox imo, Ps1 had taken video gaming to the next level and gave us games such as Metal Gear Solid and final fantasy 7, although things are more even with this current Gen I'd still say ps3 makes the better games; Uncharted 2 is amazing.