Sony release THIS IS IT on Halloween???


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I'm new here so, sorry if I'm posting in the wrong place. Feel free to move it. Thanks.

Sony plans to release THIS IS IT on Halloween weekend. I don't know about you but I think this in very bad taste as it will solidify MJ's image as a freak. It should be released on a three day weekend like any other blockbusters. Please send them emails and ask them to reconsider and ask them to read this amazing article:
Halloween is an awful day to release it...
Nothing has been officially confirmed yet. Don't get ahead of yourself.

Also, MJ's biggest thing was "Thriller". "Thriller's" theme is scary....ghouls...Halloween.

It would be a perfect fitting way to release This Is It to me...however I'd rather see it released on Monday November 2nd....(my bday) :) confused here. are you talking about the tour rehearsal "THIS IS IT" Or a new Album?


EDIT: Its the rehearsal...and they said

Sony has put $60 million towards this footage and will be releasing a concert film on October 30th. There is over 80 hours(!) of overall rehearsal footage
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I can't wait to see this. I think it will be extremely sad, but also pretty incredible.
I read somewhere that it will include the 'vignette' stuff that would have been shown on the screens including a 3d style version of thriller
I hope this project gets the attention it deserves, artisticly. Sony messed up all other DVD releases as far as quality goes.
Imagine all those extra Zombie Michael masks they'll be able sell this Halloween! A dream for the marketing men and women.
WOW! it will be released on my birthday :) . . . . . . But I'd rather be seeing him in person in January though :(
what's the big deal about Halloween anyway? It's not like it is some huuuuge holiday, it's just for fun,right?
i think its not very tactful. Its jsut going to dig up the whole freako thing and hey kids why dont u watch a real horror story on halloween, go see mj in the cinema blafgaodjngojdgoa
I could see the point if they were releasin the 3D version of Thriller (if it was completed), but not for this DVD. They'd be better to wait until the Christmas present rush starts in stores IMO
whats halloween!?!
fuck this shit day..

its time for mj, i hate this stupid halloween...
giving not known persons something for free
we dont celebrate such stuff here really...

I just hope each song he rehearsaled will be FULL!!
not just snippets
i want full concert
and i am happy to go in cinema... maybe alone but this doesnt matter
I have seen then and nobody else can have same memories like me...
i am happy to see him, if my friends dont see i need to live with it
and i dont care really

Cant wait to see...
Oh, come on! What difference does it make? Michael loved Halloween, horror, that whole thing. I don't see AT ALL how this makes him look like a freak. Thriller is his biggest album. So, we get to see him rehearse Thriller on Halloween. What gives?

And I'm glad it was Sony that got the rights. Keeping all his stuff under one roof means more chance of more stuff getiing released than different companies fighting over stuff.
if the decide to release on Halloween it is because of thriller, and thats how they will make alot of money from it. and every time Halloween comes round they always play thriller in the stores....
Is that Michael on this picture? And is it from the reharsals? Haven´t seen it before.
they should give the fans a choice release the event on dvd and at the theatre on the same day because some fans who love him might not like it to have to go all the way to the cinema and watch his final days with other ppl possibly haters spoiling it