Sony Music Entertainment (2007) - Thriller shipped 54 million units in the United States since it's release, which is where the 100m sales comes from.


Proud Member
Mar 19, 2023
This report was confirmed by Billboard which states specifically that presumably The Jackson estate reported that 50m units were shipped internationally and another 54 million within the US. If this were true, then a audit for Thriller would uncover an additional 25 million sales to it's total which is the same number of sales that the Eagles were audited for their Greatest Hits album. This would take Thriller to 6x Diamond.
More than 50 million copies have been sold internationally, according to estimates.
"Thriller shipped more than 54 million in the United States and 104 Million worldwide"
I have no doubt RIAA is currently underestimating some MJ releases, Thriller being one of them.
RIAA do NOT do any estimating.
They simply issue awards based on requests of labels, and with little validation.
Well, whoever it is, it needs to be audited.

Everyone knows The Eagles' certifications are fake - so if what you say is true, MJE/Sony should ask for Thriller to be 54x certified.
It was 28x platinum at the time they claimed it sold 54 million, that means it's missing 25-26 million units. So if that was applied to it's current sales (36x Platinum soon) it would be roughly 6x Diamond.
Who gives a damn my god. yall not tired of talkin about the same thing over and over again
Hey, why don’t we all just pretend Thriller has sold 450 million in the US?

I find it ridiculous that some fans need to buy into these ridiculously over exaggerated sales figures.
Hey, why don’t we all just pretend Thriller has sold 450 million in the US?

I find it ridiculous that some fans need to buy into these ridiculously over exaggerated sales figures.
The Eagles were retroactively audited for 26 million shipments for Greatest Hits, even though it had only actually sold half of this. So yes it is believable, this would amount to an additional 10m shipments from 1985-1989, 10m during the 90s and 5-6m during the 2000s. If it was independently audited it could realistically happen and isn't farfetched at all
Didn't we have this thread a couple of weeks ago? And again a month before that? Seems all your threads are thinly veiled attempts to say the same thing.

Seriously man, just give it up. Thriller dold more copies than any other album. It is literally impossible for anything to catch up. The story is over. Can't we just leave it at that? No need to exaggerate the figures any more.

I have no doubt RIAA is currently underestimating some MJ releases, Thriller being one of them.
Oh, because it's a big conspiracy against MJ?!

Everyone knows The Eagles' certifications are fake
Why? Because... Oh, nevermind.
Didn't we have this thread a couple of weeks ago? And again a month before that? Seems all your threads are thinly veiled attempts to say the same thing.

Seriously man, just give it up. Thriller dold more copies than any other album. It is literally impossible for anything to catch up. The story is over. Can't we just leave it at that? No need to exaggerate the figures any more.

Oh, because it's a big conspiracy against MJ?!

Why? Because... Oh, nevermind.
Get a grip. It's well known and has nothing to do with a huge conspiracy against MJ. The Eagles certification is fake. It is what it is.
Like, can somebody explain what his agenda is?

Thriller is the biggest selling album in history. That is absolutely beyond doubt. MJ won the race fair and square. But now the race is over, nobody can overtake.

But for some reason he's always crying that Thriller didn't sell enough. So now he wants to extend MJ's lead even more, by falsifying the figures? That's a dangerous can of worms, because suddenly you might find that somebody like Taylor Swift really wants that record, and she succeeds in persuading her fans to buy 100 copies each, and you might find that Thriller isn't #1 any more.

There is nothing you can achieve. Just let sleeping dogs lie.

“After Thriller being the recognized No. 1 album seller in the United States for a decade, we were obviously surprised and concerned when we were overtaken despite all metrics we use stating otherwise,” Sony Music Entertainment CEO Rob Stringer said in a statement earlier in 2019, before the documentary premiered. “All we are asking for is transparency in the process so we can understand how sales numbers changed so dramatically at such short notice.”

Sony’s questions arose due to its own calculations, based on Nielsen Music data, that Their Greatest Hits had sold just 1.3 million units since 2006, with streams and track sales bringing the total to 2.3 million album equivalent units — 6.7 million units short of the RIAA’s figure.

Billboard found at least one reason for the big uptick: The data team at Warner Music Group, the Eagles’ label, had undertaken an exhaustive forensic search to find all sales and royalty reports dating back to 1976, when the album was first issued, sources say. To retrieve the data, WMG’s team visited Iron Mountain, a renowned document-management company that stores historic objects and files in underground protected vaults, and interviewed former label financial executives to ensure they had correctly interpreted the sales and royalties numbers found there. The record company then provided the documentation to the RIAA for certification on Aug. 20, 2018. The RIAA told Billboard that the certification was approved by its auditor, Gelfand Rennert & Feldman.

Jackson estate co-executor and Ziffren Brittenham partner/head of music John Branca is skeptical. “When you review the analysis of the [Eagles] record’s performance over the last 20 years, this sudden certification of newly discovered albums that were uncounted calls into question the accuracy of the RIAA certifications,” he said in January. “Record companies regularly restrict audits of sales to a three-year period. I’ve never seen an audit that goes back 20 years.”

About Thriller, between 85 to 91 the sales don't have been counted in USA, it's a huge lost for the album, for example that mean the first CD sales (new technology in late 80's) during these period have been completly ignored, that put lot of sales, keep in mind that during this times the Vinyls have near completly disappear for the CD.

it's not just about Thriller, for Grease soundtrack it's worst, The Eagles have been favored for whatever reason, but it's clearly something wrong with their relation with the RIAA, so yes we can call that cheating or an agenda, in this case that should be Thriller the number one with far more albums, 54 millions I think include all the shipments, so it was not some crazy numbers; and according the RIAA The Eagles is not too far of these numbers (I'm sure they will find some magic numbers soon) when they shouldn't be the first seller, nor the second and honestly I"m not sure if they should be in the top 10, they were never been seen like the biggest seller (with this album or not), before Thriller it was, if I remember correctly, Saturday Night Fever and the Fleetwood Mac album "Rumors" in USA, maybe Grease but I'm not sure.
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