Sony demonstration 2002


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Planet Earth (maybe)
Hello all

Do you remember what MJ said in London 2002 demonstration? If you don't, please see the vids below. I was there and the message was clear. We all were there because we knew, the record companies, specially Sony, wants to control what we listen and who gets to "get famous". I call this music for the mindless marketing campaign where people are reduced to believe that the stuff played in the radio...and I am talking about the mass marketed Micky Mouse club music and all the rest of the crap, is actually music and that this is the only music we should get. This campaign is just a way to get money. It is easy to produce, does not need any talent except a pretty face and teens love a pretty face...and some people fall for this because they do not know better and frankly are not into real music. Big record companies kill music. Thank god we have internet where people are able to buy music directly...we can get round of this "we only sign faces we want" attitude...

MJ did real music, so did so many others but where are they? Have they given up?
I hate to think what might happen if Sony gets gets hands on MJs unpublished songs....I pray the Jackson Family knows how to keep Michael independent. They must fight for it. MJ fans and all people deserve good music.

I am worried and I want each of you to remember what MJ said. If Sony or any record label starts using MJs name to create crap then I will not buy it. Would you? MJ music is original and unique and should be appreciated and respected. We do not want the music t be ruined or MJs name taken advantage of just because someone wants to make money and take advantage of us, the people.

Thank you for listening...

Worried fan (with 20 years experience)
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yeah you're right i'm afraid that someday we will wake up listening to MJ's songs revisited by some boyz bands or some cheerleaders :swoon:
I think its OK if artists borrow MJs music...but the fact that a label takes MJs music and produces them badly or just completely ignoring MJs style and detail...the beauty, thinking they will sell it anyways because of his name...that should not happen, never. I am worried it will.

MJ fought to be independent and he won but he paid the consequences...just because he is gone, we should not forget the talent he had. I don't care how long I have to wait for some of the material to be released as long as it is as independent as possible...

I hope MJs estate remembers what MJ fought for.
A lot has changed since 2002. People in charge have changed, much has happened and tomorrow is uncertain. All we can do is hope for the best.
I think its OK if artists borrow MJs music...but the fact that a label takes MJs music and produces them badly or just completely ignoring MJs style and detail...the beauty, thinking they will sell it anyways because of his name...that should not happen, never. I am worried it will.

MJ fought to be independent and he won but he paid the consequences...just because he is gone, we should not forget the talent he had. I don't care how long I have to wait for some of the material to be released as long as it is as independent as possible...

I hope MJs estate remembers what MJ fought for.

I agree with you that is want Michael would want following all that nasty business with Sony but if Sony offer the estate lots of cash who knows what will happen... I hope they do remember what he fought for.
There is this one too. There is quite a few of MJ speaking about the conspiracy against him. Also how the music industry is controlled by TPTB

In the book the michael Jackson conspiracy. Michael believed that TPTB behind sony were involved with the child allegations against him.

Michael sold 750.000 tickets in 3 hours. In 2010 he would have been able to return Sony all their money and leave them with his part of their ATV catalogue. That was always Sony´s nightmare, that´s why they destroyed Michael´s career in 00´s. I can't get out of my head that TPTB are behind MJ death. I think it is possible that his past prescription drug dependency and present drug addiction rumours have provided an opportunity to kill him but without being able to prove it. I don't feel it is true he was presently addicted to prescription drugs as the media have reported. He may have used them but this doesn't mean addicted
NOT again this desperate feeling to find a culprit.

As MJJC Momma (or MJJChichi) has just recently said, hardcore-fans continue to worship Michael Jackson as a God-like figure.
They do not realize he was only Human and has made mistakes himself (like the Bashir documentary, it was only Michael's own catastrophic decision to give Bashir full rights about the content!)

Michael Jackson had severe health issues that became more and more obvious to the public over the course of time (just remember the 30th solo anniversary MSG concerts!)

SONY Music and Michael Jackson have had a good business relationship for so many years, they have done their best to keep MJ's music in the eyes of the public, just recently Thriller 25 became a huge success worldwide and that's all been done without any participation by MJ himself.

There were always backstabbers around MJ, BUT SONY Music have nothing to do with any child abuse allegations and SONY Music have also nothing to do with the "This Is It"-concerts - they were not even involved in the production!

SONY Music was just Michael's choice to release his music, he never part company with them.

It's disrespectful to reproach against SONY Music at this point in time!

It's as if you would ignore everything they initiated to make Michael Jackson the number one musical artist across the globe.
Chart hits - as anybody should know - are the result of the artist himself PLUS the supporting company that's responsible to focus the public's attention to the music.
NOT again this desperate feeling to find a culprit.

As MJJC Momma (or MJJChichi) has just recently said, hardcore-fans continue to worship Michael Jackson as a God-like figure.
They do not realize he was only Human and has made mistakes himself (like the Bashir documentary, it was only Michael's own catastrophic decision to give Bashir full rights about the content!)

Michael Jackson had severe health issues that became more and more obvious to the public over the course of time (just remember the 30th solo anniversary MSG concerts!)

SONY Music and Michael Jackson have had a good business relationship for so many years, they have done their best to keep MJ's music in the eyes of the public, just recently Thriller 25 became a huge success worldwide and that's all been done without any participation by MJ himself.

There were always backstabbers around MJ, BUT SONY Music have nothing to do with any child abuse allegations and SONY Music have also nothing to do with the "This Is It"-concerts - they were not even involved in the production!

SONY Music was just Michael's choice to release his music, he never part company with them.

It's disrespectful to reproach against SONY Music at this point in time!

It's as if you would ignore everything they initiated to make Michael Jackson the number one musical artist across the globe.
Chart hits - as anybody should know - are the result of the artist himself PLUS the supporting company that's responsible to focus the public's attention to the music.
I am not denying what you are saying but I think you should listen to the audio interview of TWO SONY EXECUTIVES that has been posted on this forum.
You will learn a lot and gain a new perspective.
Thanks for listening!
SONY Music and Michael Jackson have had a good business relationship for so many years, they have done their best to keep MJ's music in the eyes of the public, just recently Thriller 25 became a huge success worldwide and that's all been done without any participation by MJ himself.

There were always backstabbers around MJ, BUT SONY Music have nothing to do with any child abuse allegations and SONY Music have also nothing to do with the "This Is It"-concerts - they were not even involved in the production!

SONY Music was just Michael's choice to release his music, he never part company with them.

It's disrespectful to reproach against SONY Music at this point in time!
Yes. And Sony had nothing to do with MJ's death.

What does worry me is that if and when new material is released, how much of it is in Michael's standards? How ready are the songs? Or are they just demos. Will they just put the songs on a CD or are some producers gonna mix the songs more. I hope they are atleast as ready as something like For All Time. I don't care which label releases new music as long as the family gets their fair share of the profits.
Yes. And Sony had nothing to do with MJ's death.

What does worry me is that if and when new material is released, how much of it is in Michael's standards? How ready are the songs? Or are they just demos. Will they just put the songs on a CD or are some producers gonna mix the songs more. I hope they are atleast as ready as something like For All Time. I don't care which label releases new music as long as the family gets their fair share of the profits.

Yes, this is what I am worried about. If I would know what killed MJ, I would not be here typing...I would talking to the coppers. I do not think a record label did but surely we can not deny the fact that the industry is full of "creepy crawlies" and I am so worried that MJs unique talent will be forgotten and name misused...

@Korgnex. "It's disrespectful to reproach against SONY Music at this point in time"...I seriously do not understand you when you say this...Sony amongst the others is bidding to release some "material" about MJ as we speak...If now is not the time to speak about this, then when? Your corporate lines make it sound like you work for them... I am also quite surprised about the "level" of knowledge you have on MJs health...I was at the MSG concerts by the way and MJ was OK.

All I am saying is that I am worried and that I do not trust these record labels when it comes to good music...Why should I...They are leaching MJ with all of these "digitally remastered" re-editions all the time since they have nothing else to put out there...

Anyways, like Momma said, we just have to hope for the best...or in this case, pray that someone "equal" is looking after MJs estates interests.
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NOT again this desperate feeling to find a culprit.

As MJJC Momma (or MJJChichi) has just recently said, hardcore-fans continue to worship Michael Jackson as a God-like figure.
They do not realize he was only Human and has made mistakes himself (like the Bashir documentary, it was only Michael's own catastrophic decision to give Bashir full rights about the content!)

Michael Jackson had severe health issues that became more and more obvious to the public over the course of time (just remember the 30th solo anniversary MSG concerts!)

SONY Music and Michael Jackson have had a good business relationship for so many years, they have done their best to keep MJ's music in the eyes of the public, just recently Thriller 25 became a huge success worldwide and that's all been done without any participation by MJ himself.

There were always backstabbers around MJ, BUT SONY Music have nothing to do with any child abuse allegations and SONY Music have also nothing to do with the "This Is It"-concerts - they were not even involved in the production!

SONY Music was just Michael's choice to release his music, he never part company with them.

It's disrespectful to reproach against SONY Music at this point in time!

It's as if you would ignore everything they initiated to make Michael Jackson the number one musical artist across the globe.
Chart hits - as anybody should know - are the result of the artist himself PLUS the supporting company that's responsible to focus the public's attention to the music.

I'm just saying this was Michaels view. He did not say sony were behind child allegations but TPTB (the powers) behind sony. It is in the Michael Jackson conspiracy book, by Aphrodite Jones, the journalist who covered the trials. She is not a hard core fan but a factual journalist. It was the most expensive prosecution ever mounted in criminal history who paid for it? the expert witnesses were paid by the prosecution? These are questions that have not been addressed.

What severe health issues did MJ demonstrate at 30th anniversary concert? (I know he had lupus)He wouldn't have been able to perform if they were that severe. So if he was even iller now why would he have been signed up and approved medically fit and insured to do the concerts?

I don't agree that Sony were promoting him in later years. He says in this speech they tried to harm his album and it is a fact that Invincible was number one in every other country apart from the US.

I thought Michael was leaving Sony a free agent from this speech so I don't get why sony are releasing the rehearsal footage. I thought Michael had his own label, MIJAC, if he didn't I wonder why. Michael wanted to be free of Sony.
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I am not denying what you are saying but I think you should listen to the audio interview of TWO SONY EXECUTIVES that has been posted on this forum.
You will learn a lot and gain a new perspective.
Thanks for listening!

I can't find that. Can you post the link.

Thank you
I think Invincible did extremely well,because only 1 single was well promoted with a music video,there was no tour,there was no other promotional programs.It was a 30 million album and no body wanted it to flop,I don't think Sony would do that to destroy Michael, because their money too are at stake.

But the CEO would have been extremely unhappy to hear that Michael won't tour this time.So they thought the promoting the album won't be economically viable.

Remember Invincible sold 8 million copies without a tour,promotion.
But both Bad and Dangerous sold 30 million with tour and heavy promotion.

Not only that there was not much piracy during the period of the Bad and Dangerous.But during the period of invincible there was an mp3 revolution,which also contributed to lack of sales.

Anyhow the sales figures of 8 million is just of first week's and after that there are no updates of its sales.
All I want to say to it is what I sayd many times before - sony didn´t want to let Michael to leave them with his part of ATV catalogue, so they rather killed him, since 2002 they started to destroying Michael´s career, whych they did. Now when Michael was succesfull again, without SS (sony suckers), ehough to be able give them back their money ane leave them, they rather killed him. Michael wanted to leave them, but SS didn´t let him. Thera aro a lot of people from sony in this forum, who´ll be lying about this truth. I don´t care about them. One day I´ll die and I´ll meet Michael again. I´ll say him, that all I did in this world with him and without him was for him. Noone from SS thiefs, mirderers and their collaborators will be able to say something like this.

Some more info about MJ vs SS in 2002:
Only 5 mounths after Michael's Invincible album was released is Michael Invisible... World charts doesn't contains his new album anymore. This is very unusuall situation for the kong of pop. His albums was always succesful many years after it's release.
Only 5 mounths after the release Invincible become Invisible... Though it sold over 5 milion coppies in the first three mounths and that's great success. Bat than Invincible was succesfull no more. What's the prablen??
Why did Michael's fastes selling album stopped, fall down in such a short time?
Here is the truth:
The reaseo why Sony Music stopped promotion of Invincible only 5 mounths after it's release is the struggle betveen Michael Jackson and Sony Music regardind some business matter.
Several years ago Michael lend from Sony Music money, whych he vanted to return soon It is normal operation between artist and his company. Michael had to warrant the loan with his part of ATV catalogue (including 251 songs from Beatles).
Michael bought ATV catalogue in 1985. In 1995 he merged this catalogue with music catalogue from Sony Music and created ATV/Sony Music catalogue. In this way Michael earned 95 milion USD. In 2001 Sony Music insisted on Michael to return the loan. That's nothing wrong, the problem is, that Sony Music simultaneously forbidding Michael to return them the money, becouse they sabotage the propagation of Invincible and profit from sale of Invinceble was Michael's main source to retur the
Invincible sold 5 milion coppies all ower the world in 2002. But Michael wanted to sell 7 milion coppies to be able return the money. That means, that Michael didn't earn any money from Invincible. He wanted to sell 7 milion coppies, whych wouldn't be problem for the King of Pop. His last albums did sell very well - Thriller 52 milion coppies, Bad 26, Dangerous 25, and double album History sold 14 milion coppies (28 milion discs). Regrettably the sell of Invincible had stopped in 2002. Sony Music got from all countries a lot of parcels with Invincible back since January.
Trades from German, France, Great Brittain and other countries were returning thousands pcs of Invincible. Nobady expected that the promotion of Invincible will finish in such a short time. But why would Sony sabotage album, they payed for? Why would they destrey theyr best selling artist? Becouse in this way they can stel Michael's part of ATV catalogue. If Michael won't be able to cover his load, Sony Music will poll his part of ATV catalogue. Sony/ATV was third biggest catalogue all over the world in 2002. Money which it constitute are much much higher tham, Michael's loan or profit from Invincible. It's much more easier to keep a music catalogue, then an artish who has his ideas about his path.
That's why Sony sabotaged Invincible. But it's very important for them to keep it in the closet. For Sony Music is important that media and public don't know anithing about it. Naturally they don't need to demage their image.
In contradistinction to other broils betveen artist and their company (Prince vs. Warrner, George Michael vs. Sony Music) broil Michael vs Sony music is diferent. Michael want advertise his album, but his company forbid it.
So Invincible was the last Michael's album with Sony Music. Sony Music beggar him and stolen his part of ATV catalohue. (MJ sold them part of it in 2007)
Here are some nore detailed informations:
Jun 2001
Sony Music changing the first single from Invincible for You rock my world. But Michael wanted to release Unbreakable as the first single and he started to work on an impressive and shocking video for it. Sony stopped this project and prescribe Michael to work on You rock my world project. So he had very
short time to create a proposal for You rock my world video. Sony Music contacted a producer Hype Williams who put his personal proposal. Michael is not content with it as well as with the budget for the video. So Sony Music leased another producent, Paul Hunter, after many disputes about budget for the video, Michael started to film You rock my worl video - boring project whych didn't intrested him.
August 2001
Michael Jackson is working on his on-coming concerts in Madison Sqare Garden. Sony Music didn't know anything about it, they learnt about it from media. They are angry that Michael didn't cooperate with them on this project and they boycotted it. Sony Music's affiliates over the world received a message whych forbid them any promotion for this concerts. But both concerts were sold out anyway, and become very succesful TV programs in the USA. Sony Music have no intrest to get proprietary rights for this concert (Invincible promotion). Conseqently the concert is screened in less than 5 countries in the world. The amount whych David Gest demands is too high, that onone can afford it.
September 2001
You rock my world - the first single from Invincible is a great radiohit in the USA. Analysts from Billboard magazine and other specialists says that the single would be No1 in Billboard 100, if it had been released in stores (nor radio only). But Sony Music abandoned it, so this single wasn't released in US at all. Sony sayd, that if they
release single YRMW in the US, it would demage the whole Invincible project. Naturally that's poor excuse only. Every fan known, that if this single was released in US, it would help Michael be more succesfull. Raper Jay-Z, who remixed You rock my world forbided Sony Music to release his remix om YRMW single,
Michael himself asked him to do it. Sony Music refused to use Michaels vocals on Jay-Z's hit Girls, girls, girls, whych he recorded with Michael. After You rock my world Sony released another single from Invincible - Cry. As a producent of the video was chosen Nick Brandit. Unfortunately Michael is malcontent with the low budget for the video that Sony Music loosened for it. Michael is not delighted at the situation about the video, as vell as the Sony Musics behaviour, so he decided to not conduct in this video. Than Sony released the video without Michael.
October 2001
Invincible is released worldwide. In the USA is album released with very little promotion only. But Invincible was very succesful anyvay, so Sony Musid sayd, the no promotion was their business strategy. (how poor)
November 2001
Michael jackson is finishing his work on What more can I give charitable single for victims of 11. September. Stars like Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, Ricky Martin, Gloria Estefan, Britney Spears, Carlos Santana they all took part in this project with many other famous singers. Sony Music forbided Michael to release this single.
Michael couldn't release this single with any other company, becouse he was bound with contract with Sony Music. Sony Music are trying make difficult situation for Michael, becouse they are ni hard struggle with him, so they refused to release charitable single that would help many people as well as Michael.
So Michael geave up this project, he recognized that his career is in Sony Music hands and there's nothing to be done about it.
Butterflies - was the third single from Invincible. But this single was released in radio stations only, noone can buy it in stores. Though Butterflies is radio hit anyway, but not able to reach no1 in Billboard hot 100 without official single release. Michael is not content with budget for Butterflyes video, than Sony Music refused to make any video for this song.
February 2002
Sony Music amplify financial constraint on Michael Jackson. He can't get finance his project or return the loan. 3 TV performances are abandoned, due to the broil betveen Michael and Sony Music.
Producer David Meyers is working on Unbreakable video for Sony. But Michael isn't content with this project. So Michael wants to working on the video himself as a producent. In the end of march is Michael frozen out from the list of Sony Music's preferences. Only 5 mounths after the Invincible was released Sony Music don't need to promote this album. Though they promoted Michael's last album History for 2 years. Sony Music is trying financially destroy Michael Jackson, whych they did in several years. Michael can't propagate his album and they got his part of ATV catalogue. It was 100% sabotage of Invincible - the fastest selling album in music history.
April 2002
During April 3 biggest Michael Jackson fanclubs (MJ News International, Planet Jackson and Angel - they are all destroyed by now, maybe by Sony Music)
comunicated together. Soon many others fanclubs all over the world joined them. Fans all over the world are making demonstrations to support Michael. They need the public to know what Sony Music did to Michael.

Now in 2008 Michael would like to release a new album. But how would be the album succesful when he has no money for promotion? In past 10 years Sony Music financially destroyed him, so he is not able to make a cobeback in 80's and 90's style.

Michael's speech in 2002

London, MJNI Killer Thriller Party 15th June 2002

Michael Jackson Speach

"I want to thank all the great, incredible talents (DJ plays "Speechless"). As long as you play the music, I want to dance! I want to thank this guy for a wonderful performance (referring to Ernest Valentino). I thought Bryton McClure was amazing, too. He's a great singer as well. Anyway, I first wanted to say, I really don't like to talk that much. I really don't. I prefer performing than talking.

I really want you to know what I say. The tradition of great performers: from Sammy Davis Junior, James Brown, to Jackie Wilson, to Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly. The story is usually the same though. These guys worked really hard, and they're crabbed, for the story ends the same. They are usually broken, torn and usually just sad, because the companies take advantage of them, they really do.

And being the artist that I am, at Sony I've generated several billion dollars for Sony, several billon. They really thought that my mind is always on music and dancing. It usually is, but they never thought that this performer - myself - would out think them.

So, we can't let them get away with what they're trying to do, because now I'm a free agent. I just owe Sony one more album. It's just a box set, really, with two new songs, which I've written ages ago. Because for every album that I record, I write - literally, I'm telling you the truth - I write at least 120 songs every album I do. So I can do the box set, just giving them any two songs.

So I'm leaving Sony, a free agent, owning half of Sony. I own half of Sony's Publishing. I'm leaving them, and they're very angry at me, because I just did good business, you know. So the way they get revenge is to try and destroy my album. But I've always said, you know, art - good art - never dies. Thank you.

And Tommy Mottola is a devil! I'm not supposed to say what I'm going to say right now, but I have let you know this. (Points to crowd). Please don't videotape what I am going to say, ok? Turn it off, please. Do it, do it, I don't mind! Tape it!

Mariah Carey, after divorcing Tommy, came to me crying. Crying. She was crying so badly I had to hold her. She said to me, "This is an evil man, and Michael, this man follows me." He taps her phones, and he's very, very evil. She doesn't trust him. We have to continue our drive until he is terminated. We can't allow him to do this to great artists, we just can't.

I just wanted to let you know, I appreciate everything you've done, you've been amazing. You're so loyal! (Scanning the audience). Diana, everybody, Waldo, all the people here! I love you all. You've been amazing, I love you!

But still, but still, I promise you, the best is yet to come!"

Video from demonstration in 2002

Some pictures:
All I want to say to it is what I sayd many times before - sony didn´t want to let Michael to leave them with his part of ATV catalogue, so they rather killed him, since 2002 they started to destroying Michael´s career, whych they did. Now when Michael was succesfull again, without SS (sony suckers), ehough to be able give them back their money ane leave them, they rather killed him. Michael wanted to leave them, but SS didn´t let him. Thera aro a lot of people from sony in this forum, who´ll be lying about this truth. I don´t care about them. One day I´ll die and I´ll meet Michael again. I´ll say him, that all I did in this world with him and without him was for him. Noone from SS thiefs, mirderers and their collaborators will be able to say something like this.

Some more info about MJ vs SS in 2002:
Only 5 mounths after Michael's Invincible album was released is Michael Invisible... World charts doesn't contains his new album anymore. This is very unusuall situation for the kong of pop. His albums was always succesful many years after it's release.
Only 5 mounths after the release Invincible become Invisible... Though it sold over 5 milion coppies in the first three mounths and that's great success. Bat than Invincible was succesfull no more. What's the prablen??
Why did Michael's fastes selling album stopped, fall down in such a short time?
Here is the truth:
The reaseo why Sony Music stopped promotion of Invincible only 5 mounths after it's release is the struggle betveen Michael Jackson and Sony Music regardind some business matter.
Several years ago Michael lend from Sony Music money, whych he vanted to return soon It is normal operation between artist and his company. Michael had to warrant the loan with his part of ATV catalogue (including 251 songs from Beatles).
Michael bought ATV catalogue in 1985. In 1995 he merged this catalogue with music catalogue from Sony Music and created ATV/Sony Music catalogue. In this way Michael earned 95 milion USD. In 2001 Sony Music insisted on Michael to return the loan. That's nothing wrong, the problem is, that Sony Music simultaneously forbidding Michael to return them the money, becouse they sabotage the propagation of Invincible and profit from sale of Invinceble was Michael's main source to retur the
Invincible sold 5 milion coppies all ower the world in 2002. But Michael wanted to sell 7 milion coppies to be able return the money. That means, that Michael didn't earn any money from Invincible. He wanted to sell 7 milion coppies, whych wouldn't be problem for the King of Pop. His last albums did sell very well - Thriller 52 milion coppies, Bad 26, Dangerous 25, and double album History sold 14 milion coppies (28 milion discs). Regrettably the sell of Invincible had stopped in 2002. Sony Music got from all countries a lot of parcels with Invincible back since January.
Trades from German, France, Great Brittain and other countries were returning thousands pcs of Invincible. Nobady expected that the promotion of Invincible will finish in such a short time. But why would Sony sabotage album, they payed for? Why would they destrey theyr best selling artist? Becouse in this way they can stel Michael's part of ATV catalogue. If Michael won't be able to cover his load, Sony Music will poll his part of ATV catalogue. Sony/ATV was third biggest catalogue all over the world in 2002. Money which it constitute are much much higher tham, Michael's loan or profit from Invincible. It's much more easier to keep a music catalogue, then an artish who has his ideas about his path.
That's why Sony sabotaged Invincible. But it's very important for them to keep it in the closet. For Sony Music is important that media and public don't know anithing about it. Naturally they don't need to demage their image.
In contradistinction to other broils betveen artist and their company (Prince vs. Warrner, George Michael vs. Sony Music) broil Michael vs Sony music is diferent. Michael want advertise his album, but his company forbid it.
So Invincible was the last Michael's album with Sony Music. Sony Music beggar him and stolen his part of ATV catalohue. (MJ sold them part of it in 2007)
Here are some nore detailed informations:
Jun 2001
Sony Music changing the first single from Invincible for You rock my world. But Michael wanted to release Unbreakable as the first single and he started to work on an impressive and shocking video for it. Sony stopped this project and prescribe Michael to work on You rock my world project. So he had very
short time to create a proposal for You rock my world video. Sony Music contacted a producer Hype Williams who put his personal proposal. Michael is not content with it as well as with the budget for the video. So Sony Music leased another producent, Paul Hunter, after many disputes about budget for the video, Michael started to film You rock my worl video - boring project whych didn't intrested him.
August 2001
Michael Jackson is working on his on-coming concerts in Madison Sqare Garden. Sony Music didn't know anything about it, they learnt about it from media. They are angry that Michael didn't cooperate with them on this project and they boycotted it. Sony Music's affiliates over the world received a message whych forbid them any promotion for this concerts. But both concerts were sold out anyway, and become very succesful TV programs in the USA. Sony Music have no intrest to get proprietary rights for this concert (Invincible promotion). Conseqently the concert is screened in less than 5 countries in the world. The amount whych David Gest demands is too high, that onone can afford it.
September 2001
You rock my world - the first single from Invincible is a great radiohit in the USA. Analysts from Billboard magazine and other specialists says that the single would be No1 in Billboard 100, if it had been released in stores (nor radio only). But Sony Music abandoned it, so this single wasn't released in US at all. Sony sayd, that if they
release single YRMW in the US, it would demage the whole Invincible project. Naturally that's poor excuse only. Every fan known, that if this single was released in US, it would help Michael be more succesfull. Raper Jay-Z, who remixed You rock my world forbided Sony Music to release his remix om YRMW single,
Michael himself asked him to do it. Sony Music refused to use Michaels vocals on Jay-Z's hit Girls, girls, girls, whych he recorded with Michael. After You rock my world Sony released another single from Invincible - Cry. As a producent of the video was chosen Nick Brandit. Unfortunately Michael is malcontent with the low budget for the video that Sony Music loosened for it. Michael is not delighted at the situation about the video, as vell as the Sony Musics behaviour, so he decided to not conduct in this video. Than Sony released the video without Michael.
October 2001
Invincible is released worldwide. In the USA is album released with very little promotion only. But Invincible was very succesful anyvay, so Sony Musid sayd, the no promotion was their business strategy. (how poor)
November 2001
Michael jackson is finishing his work on What more can I give charitable single for victims of 11. September. Stars like Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, Ricky Martin, Gloria Estefan, Britney Spears, Carlos Santana they all took part in this project with many other famous singers. Sony Music forbided Michael to release this single.
Michael couldn't release this single with any other company, becouse he was bound with contract with Sony Music. Sony Music are trying make difficult situation for Michael, becouse they are ni hard struggle with him, so they refused to release charitable single that would help many people as well as Michael.
So Michael geave up this project, he recognized that his career is in Sony Music hands and there's nothing to be done about it.
Butterflies - was the third single from Invincible. But this single was released in radio stations only, noone can buy it in stores. Though Butterflies is radio hit anyway, but not able to reach no1 in Billboard hot 100 without official single release. Michael is not content with budget for Butterflyes video, than Sony Music refused to make any video for this song.
February 2002
Sony Music amplify financial constraint on Michael Jackson. He can't get finance his project or return the loan. 3 TV performances are abandoned, due to the broil betveen Michael and Sony Music.
Producer David Meyers is working on Unbreakable video for Sony. But Michael isn't content with this project. So Michael wants to working on the video himself as a producent. In the end of march is Michael frozen out from the list of Sony Music's preferences. Only 5 mounths after the Invincible was released Sony Music don't need to promote this album. Though they promoted Michael's last album History for 2 years. Sony Music is trying financially destroy Michael Jackson, whych they did in several years. Michael can't propagate his album and they got his part of ATV catalogue. It was 100% sabotage of Invincible - the fastest selling album in music history.
April 2002
During April 3 biggest Michael Jackson fanclubs (MJ News International, Planet Jackson and Angel - they are all destroyed by now, maybe by Sony Music)
comunicated together. Soon many others fanclubs all over the world joined them. Fans all over the world are making demonstrations to support Michael. They need the public to know what Sony Music did to Michael.

Now in 2008 Michael would like to release a new album. But how would be the album succesful when he has no money for promotion? In past 10 years Sony Music financially destroyed him, so he is not able to make a cobeback in 80's and 90's style.

Michael's speech in 2002

London, MJNI Killer Thriller Party 15th June 2002

Michael Jackson Speach

"I want to thank all the great, incredible talents (DJ plays "Speechless"). As long as you play the music, I want to dance! I want to thank this guy for a wonderful performance (referring to Ernest Valentino). I thought Bryton McClure was amazing, too. He's a great singer as well. Anyway, I first wanted to say, I really don't like to talk that much. I really don't. I prefer performing than talking.

I really want you to know what I say. The tradition of great performers: from Sammy Davis Junior, James Brown, to Jackie Wilson, to Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly. The story is usually the same though. These guys worked really hard, and they're crabbed, for the story ends the same. They are usually broken, torn and usually just sad, because the companies take advantage of them, they really do.

And being the artist that I am, at Sony I've generated several billion dollars for Sony, several billon. They really thought that my mind is always on music and dancing. It usually is, but they never thought that this performer - myself - would out think them.

So, we can't let them get away with what they're trying to do, because now I'm a free agent. I just owe Sony one more album. It's just a box set, really, with two new songs, which I've written ages ago. Because for every album that I record, I write - literally, I'm telling you the truth - I write at least 120 songs every album I do. So I can do the box set, just giving them any two songs.

So I'm leaving Sony, a free agent, owning half of Sony. I own half of Sony's Publishing. I'm leaving them, and they're very angry at me, because I just did good business, you know. So the way they get revenge is to try and destroy my album. But I've always said, you know, art - good art - never dies. Thank you.

And Tommy Mottola is a devil! I'm not supposed to say what I'm going to say right now, but I have let you know this. (Points to crowd). Please don't videotape what I am going to say, ok? Turn it off, please. Do it, do it, I don't mind! Tape it!

Mariah Carey, after divorcing Tommy, came to me crying. Crying. She was crying so badly I had to hold her. She said to me, "This is an evil man, and Michael, this man follows me." He taps her phones, and he's very, very evil. She doesn't trust him. We have to continue our drive until he is terminated. We can't allow him to do this to great artists, we just can't.

I just wanted to let you know, I appreciate everything you've done, you've been amazing. You're so loyal! (Scanning the audience). Diana, everybody, Waldo, all the people here! I love you all. You've been amazing, I love you!

But still, but still, I promise you, the best is yet to come!"

Video from demonstration in 2002

Some pictures:

Thank you for posting. Interesting

I didn't know the degree of the problem around the release of songs and the album invinsible although I knew he said sony were trying to destroy it. I didn't know in what way.
Your corporate lines make it sound like you work for them

If you would be studying business economics and have a deep knowledge of how enterprises are operating you would understand that a company is essentially expanding their sortiment all the time to open up more classes of customers.

That's the essence of business. They have to find new ways to deliver their products (music) to the customers.

On our planet there are over 6-7 billion people and how many have "Thriller" at home?
There are always chances of people finding a product that they want to buy.
That's why THERE HAVE TO BE differently packaged and prices versions of music products, because people just have very different tastes. And if you want to reach many people, you have to create variations.
Really simple!

They are also re-releasing their music in cardboard sleeves because that's the new economic standard due to the fact that it's saving the environment, our beloved planet Earth.

All I am saying is that I am worried and that I do not trust these record labels when it comes to good music...Why should I...They are leaching MJ with all of these "digitally remastered" re-editions all the time since they have nothing else to put out there...

That exactly shows that you don't have knowledge of business economics.
You would fail to successfully run a company.

It's just the way it is. If you don't like it, that's up to you, but these companies aren't doing anything wrong with re-releases. The back catalogue is their most valuable possession, it's their nature to market the recording of their signed artists to the public.

... I am also quite surprised about the "level" of knowledge you have on MJs health...I was at the MSG concerts by the way and MJ was OK.

So, you didn't realize he was out-powered after the concerts, couldn't make the moonwalk on 10th September 2001, forgot to place back the microphone on 7th September 2001, looked very sleepy, couldn't manage to smile.

Michael had severe health issues during 2001, that's a fact. He even said this while he was holding a speech at Oxford university ("I'm feeling like a 80 years old man")
I don't agree that Sony were promoting him in later years. He says in this speech they tried to harm his album and it is a fact that Invincible was number one in every other country apart from the US.


Number Ones, VISIONARY, Thriller 25, "King of Pop" - these were all recent successful promotion campaigns

And just for the record: "Invincible" WAS(!) #1 in the USA!
couldn't make the moonwalk on 10th September 2001, forgot to place back the microphone on 7th September 2001, looked very sleepy, couldn't manage to smile.

Michael moonwalked on the 10th Sept. show.
Michael had severe health issues during 2001, that's a fact. He even said this while he was holding a speech at Oxford university ("I'm feeling like a 80 years old man")

Michael has said he felt like an 80 yr old man before 2001 as well. It has nothing to do with his health but to do with his fame. Living the chaotic life he has for as long as he has would make you feel older than you are.
If you would be studying business economics and have a deep knowledge of how enterprises are operating you would understand that a company is essentially expanding their sortiment all the time to open up more classes of customers.

That's the essence of business. They have to find new ways to deliver their products (music) to the customers.

On our planet there are over 6-7 billion people and how many have "Thriller" at home?
There are always chances of people finding a product that they want to buy.
That's why THERE HAVE TO BE differently packaged and prices versions of music products, because people just have very different tastes. And if you want to reach many people, you have to create variations.
Really simple!

They are also re-releasing their music in cardboard sleeves because that's the new economic standard due to the fact that it's saving the environment, our beloved planet Earth.

That exactly shows that you don't have knowledge of business economics.
You would fail to successfully run a company.

It's just the way it is. If you don't like it, that's up to you, but these companies aren't doing anything wrong with re-releases. The back catalogue is their most valuable possession, it's their nature to market the recording of their signed artists to the public.

So, you didn't realize he was out-powered after the concerts, couldn't make the moonwalk on 10th September 2001, forgot to place back the microphone on 7th September 2001, looked very sleepy, couldn't manage to smile.

Michael had severe health issues during 2001, that's a fact. He even said this while he was holding a speech at Oxford university ("I'm feeling like a 80 years old man")

Oh, I know what is the essence of business and I also know when I record label is trying to take control over a brand...If you think that is OK then you are one of them and apparently you like taking advantage of artists and I suppose you would also say, they do not need creative freedom as long as they make money...fine. You do not seem to like good music either but are completely happy of seeing the same shit on MTV.

You can believe what you want but the way the recording industry is a the moment is not is unregulated, the competition is distorted and frankly hideously abusive of rights of the artists.The way the business is done is not transparent. It will change one day, it has to...there are not going to be artists like Britney or Justin to generate money forever...who would want that! some pretty face in magazine selling a record will not stay long in the industry these days...people get bored...but I suppose that is the monster the industry created so might as well live with if you call it the essence of business then yes, you are right!

Luckily, times are changing and I think you should change your camp as well....most of the people did long time ago...hence why we have these "puppets" on stage selling on very narrow markets these days....

What comes on MJs health, I do not want to comment. For me MJ was good regardless whether he did the moonwalk or not...Judging someones health based on that is insane!
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Number Ones, VISIONARY, Thriller 25, "King of Pop" - these were all recent successful promotion campaigns

And just for the record: "Invincible" WAS(!) #1 in the USA!

Well I'm just repeating what I heard from Michael's own mouth, whre he says it is only america that is not number 1 which must have been true at the time he was speaking and the conspiracy against him where he seems to afraid to even speak about it here, at 0.35

QUOTE>>>Michael had severe health issues during 2001, that's a fact. He even said this while he was holding a speech at Oxford university ("I'm feeling like a 80 years old man")>>>QUOTE

I also heard Michael say himself that as 10 years old he felt like an 80 year old soul in a child's body, so I'm not sure that means anything
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QUOTE. So, you didn't realize he was out-powered after the concerts, couldn't make the moonwalk on 10th September 2001, forgot to place back the microphone on 7th September 2001, looked very sleepy, couldn't manage to smile.QUOTE

He seems to be doing moonwalk brilliantly, on the 2001 MSG. Amazing performance to my eye. To say he has severe health issues here seems unwarranted.
The MSG were TWO concerts. On one day he failed to moonwalk, but after "Ground Zero" the media didn't report that sad story much.

Michael has said many untrue things in the past. You cannot trust him blindly.