Sony/ATV Plans to Keep Rights to Invaluable Beatles Catalogue


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Bloomberg News
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sony/ATV Music Publishing, co-owned by Michael Jackson and Sony, will keep control of Beatles songs following the pop singer's death, said a person with knowledge of the venture's plans.

Jackson, who died Thursday at age 50 in Los Angeles, owned 50 percent of Sony/ATV, which holds rights to more than 200 songs written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney, as well as songs by Bob Dylan, Neil Diamond and others. His stake is worth about $1 billion, said Ivan Thornton, a private-wealth adviser who has worked with Jackson.

Sony/ATV will continue to hold the Lennon and McCartney catalogue, said the person, who asked not to be named because the matter isn't public. Britain's Daily Mirror reported in January that Jackson planned to leave the Beatles rights to McCartney in his will to heal a rift between the musicians. Jackson paid $47.5 million in 1985 for the catalogue, outbidding McCartney and Lennon's widow, Yoko Ono.

"Michael was very proud of this partnership," said Martin Bandier, chief executive of Sony/ATV Music Publishing. "For him this was about really honing his business skills in an area that he loved."

Paul Freundlich, the New York-based media contact for McCartney, didn't respond to messages seeking comment on the status of the Beatles rights.

"I feel privileged to have hung out and worked with Michael," McCartney said on his Web site. "He was a massively talented boy man with a gentle soul. His music will be remembered forever, and my memories of our time together will be happy ones."

Publishers license music and collect royalties, ensuring the owners are paid when a song is used commercially. Publishers can also be copyright owners.

In 1995, Jackson merged the ATV collection with Sony-owned recordings to create Sony/ATV, said Jimmy Asci, a company spokesman. In 2006, Jackson offered Sony the option to buy half of his 50 percent stake in Sony/ATV, allowing the singer to refinance $300 million of loans.

Jackson's entertainment attorney, Joel Katz, said he is traveling to Los Angeles to be with the family and will meet with "many of his professional associates."

"Michael Jackson was a perfectionist and his business affairs are worldwide," Katz said. "Many of them are quite ongoing and will be dealt with appropriately."

Jackson's solo albums "Off the Wall," "Thriller," "Dangerous," "Bad" and "HIStory," were recorded with Sony's Epic Records and are among the top-sellers of all time, the company said.

He sold 750 million records worldwide and released 13 No. 1 singles, Sony said. Warner Music Group owns publishing rights to his music, a spokesman said.
I think that now Michaels real business affairs will be presented and all the haters can F. themselves... when they will hear that Michael left a huge fortune.
His stake is worth about $1 billion, said Ivan Thornton, a private-wealth adviser who has worked with Jackson.
"Michael Jackson was a perfectionist and his business affairs are worldwide," Katz said. "Many of them are quite ongoing and will be dealt with appropriately."
well they said he wanted to leave it to paul. and i hate when they call it the beatles cat. there's so much more in it that is actually more profitable than the beatles.

i hope they can track themoney and make sure the kids get what they deserve.
Michael would have never given up his Sony/ATV stake, it was the future for his children. He said himself a few years ago, the Beatles catalogue has never, and will never be for sale
u think this is a ploy by sony?

cuz the monies are watched and calculated but then they charge mj for that service so in reality, sony makes more from the merge than mj cuz they charge for that.

what about accuf rose?
they dont charge for it. in the merger the agreement was they paid for services of running it etc

what ploy its pointless articke that doesnt really say anything the paper just needed to talk about mj so created a story accuf rose is part of sony/atv
the Mirror made up that story about Michael giving back the catalog to Paul.. it was and is a bunch of :bs....

becuz Michael put it in a trust... no one can come and now take it from his estate...dude did some smart things....

and as time goes by and his fortune is revealed...the media will back off from talking about his finances...they will just ignore the story...........bastards...
Bloomberg News
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sony/ATV Music Publishing, co-owned by Michael Jackson and Sony, will keep control of Beatles songs following the pop singer's death, said a person with knowledge of the venture's plans.

Jackson, who died Thursday at age 50 in Los Angeles, owned 50 percent of Sony/ATV, which holds rights to more than 200 songs written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney, as well as songs by Bob Dylan, Neil Diamond and others. His stake is worth about $1 billion, said Ivan Thornton, a private-wealth adviser who has worked with Jackson.

Sony/ATV will continue to hold the Lennon and McCartney catalogue, said the person, who asked not to be named because the matter isn't public. Britain's Daily Mirror reported in January that Jackson planned to leave the Beatles rights to McCartney in his will to heal a rift between the musicians. Jackson paid $47.5 million in 1985 for the catalogue, outbidding McCartney and Lennon's widow, Yoko Ono.

"Michael was very proud of this partnership," said Martin Bandier, chief executive of Sony/ATV Music Publishing. "For him this was about really honing his business skills in an area that he loved."

Paul Freundlich, the New York-based media contact for McCartney, didn't respond to messages seeking comment on the status of the Beatles rights.

"I feel privileged to have hung out and worked with Michael," McCartney said on his Web site. "He was a massively talented boy man with a gentle soul. His music will be remembered forever, and my memories of our time together will be happy ones."

Publishers license music and collect royalties, ensuring the owners are paid when a song is used commercially. Publishers can also be copyright owners.

In 1995, Jackson merged the ATV collection with Sony-owned recordings to create Sony/ATV, said Jimmy Asci, a company spokesman. In 2006, Jackson offered Sony the option to buy half of his 50 percent stake in Sony/ATV, allowing the singer to refinance $300 million of loans.

Jackson's entertainment attorney, Joel Katz, said he is traveling to Los Angeles to be with the family and will meet with "many of his professional associates."

"Michael Jackson was a perfectionist and his business affairs are worldwide," Katz said. "Many of them are quite ongoing and will be dealt with appropriately."

Jackson's solo albums "Off the Wall," "Thriller," "Dangerous," "Bad" and "HIStory," were recorded with Sony's Epic Records and are among the top-sellers of all time, the company said.

He sold 750 million records worldwide and released 13 No. 1 singles, Sony said. Warner Music Group owns publishing rights to his music, a spokesman said.

Sony/ATV will continue to hold the Lennon and McCartney catalogue, said the person, who asked not to be named because the matter isn't public.

They have working for this moment for the last 16 years The objective have been accomplished.

Invaluable is much more than "1 billion". They will never tell the truth. The loan was nearly paid off. The trusts were doing this. They should go to the family(but I'm sure that will be "fixed") because Mike had it in aTrust.

This is the why people right in our faces. Remember this.

Remember Michaels Jackson's own words 2002
this is exactly why the media should just fucking back off the debt story. pfft the media says he's 400 mil in debt? easy. michael didn't even need to anything else and just live off this catalog. i just don't get it why people don't believe me when i try to explain this to people.

(i realised that i had written in the wrong tense half way through the message...:( it's all so surreal)