Sonic the hedehog 4 !!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

It has taken more than 10 years but SEGA is finally making sonic 4, a continuation right after sonic 3. MJ was a huge sonic fan, and i'm very excited that sonic is getting back to his roots. MJ actually created music for Sonic 3 so im sure he would have loved to get a glimpse of sonic 4!!

Heres a video showing MJ's involvement in Sonic 3
this is great news , i heard about this but didnt know it would be 2d again XD
Oooh...I think I'll be purchasing this on Xbox Live Arcade. :p
Cool :) I haven't much liked the more recent games, but hopefully this will be a return to form
This was the last good Sonic game in my opinion...

Hehe! :D
Waaaay too late.
In my opinion, I just cant go back to 2D side scrolling unless I'm hittin' a nostalgic trip on my actual 16 bit consoles (which I do think they're still awesome). But this attempt reminds me of the PS2 release of the newer MegamanX titles that utilized the 3D hardware to create really neat imagery and such in a classic styled platform side-scroll'er. Well I couldn't play long enough to beat it because I got bored of it. :mello:

Even though it was pretty to look at, I just felt like i was just shooting and jumping and shooting and jumping. When I was around 16, that was totally acceptable gaming. But I've gotten used to the more complicated gaming physics of today's games. And FPS too. I love FPS. Anything that immerses me into the game world.

But, on the other hand, I am sure classic Sonic Fans will be happy about this. I can hear them screaming from my bedroom window. :dancin:

I just cant digest playing a newly released title that continues from a story arc dating back 10 years ago. I feel I'd have to play all 3 original parts again just to have a decent recollection of the story. (was there even much of a story to begin with outside of robotnik, the chaos emeralds and all the cute furries you had to save?) I can't even remember.

What they should have done was re make all 3 parts with newly polished graphics as a nostalgic gaming event, part of an anniversary or something.

This one is called Sonic 4 :Episode 1.
Episode 1?:scratch:

Either way, thanks for posting this. I'll wait and see full clips on youtube once fans get to it.
We didnt get to see much in the clip above. But it looks like a redone version of the original.

PS: I was more of a Mario Bros fan haha! :D Super Mario World for SNES rocked!
*jumps for joy* :jump:

yay!!!!! I am a classic gamer, its what I grew up with. I love all snes and sega games. I especially love sonic. :D
Thanks for posting :flowers:
what console is it being made for?

right now I only have a DS

It has taken more than 10 years but SEGA is finally making sonic 4, a continuation right after sonic 3. MJ was a huge sonic fan, and i'm very excited that sonic is getting back to his roots. MJ actually created music for Sonic 3 so im sure he would have loved to get a glimpse of sonic 4!!

Heres a video showing MJ's involvement in Sonic 3

Aaahhhh, this is really great!
I always used to play these games back then and I still have them on my Sega Mega Drive, still playin them sometimes, they're just awesome! :)
Lookin' really forward to this one...