songs you have put on your answering machine or ring tone


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
what songs over the years have you put on your answering machine or ring tones? also did you like the song all the way through or just a melody or a Groove??
Billie Jean is my ring tone. It's just the bass lick on a loop.

De La Soul's "Ring Ring Ring" is my answering machine message. Just the chorus.
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I have the opening guitar solo from Heart's - Magic Man as my ring tone as an mp3 file ... it's totally awesome

I also use the opening part of Whatever Happens with the Whistle and the first part with MJ singing. ^_^

Haven't used a song on the answering machine yet though :p

I was going to sing "You are not alone, so leave me a message after the tone"

but figured everyone doesn't need to hear my singing :rofl:

Oh my phone network 3 has an option called "Call me Tones" which you can set up on your phone. and basically when someone calls you instead of hearing the boring "brrr brrr.... brrr brrr....." as they wait for you to answer, they hear the song of your choice. :) with a faint brrr brrr... brrr brrr in the back ground :)

I always pick an MJ track :p over the years I've had - Billie Jean, Beat It, Blame it on the boogie and DSTYGE ^_^
cool thread.

My ring tone is Jennifer Lopez - Stay Together

It's really cool and fun for a ring tone.

And also Feel Good Inc. by Gorillaz for my Family Group of members.
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Right now my ring tone is Smooth Criminal.. as a real tone. Before that I had Give In To Me.. It was always so hilarious when I was out and my phone started to ring, Michael singing "Love is a feeling, give it when I want it, cause Im on fire, quench my desire, give it when I want it, talk to me woman, give in to me, give in to me" ... IN MY BAG! :p

Oh my phone network 3 has an option called "Call me Tones" which you can set up on your phone. and basically when someone calls you instead of hearing the boring "brrr brrr.... brrr brrr....." as they wait for you to answer, they hear the song of your choice. :) with a faint brrr brrr... brrr brrr in the back ground :)

I always pick an MJ track :p over the years I've had - Billie Jean, Beat It, Blame it on the boogie and DSTYGE ^_^

Hey we have that option too and I once had it. I can't remember what songs did I have, though. But I found it kinda unneccessary and because it costs and ordering the songs costs I didn't want to keep it anymore.
When peopel call my cell and I miss the call, they hear Michae sing..

"All you got to do is not answere my calls when I'm trying to get through"

I don't think it kept ringing.....I just kept playing it :lol:
i forgot what my ringtone is..i always leave it on vibrate.

my ringback tone is one of my favorite songs human nature.