Songs would like to see removed from the setlist


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Is there any songs that Michael usually performs that you'd like to see removed from the setlist?

I'd like him to get rid of The Jackson 5 medley. The whole ''We're gonna give you the old songs the old fashion way'' is getting boring for me now
I like the J5 medley. I mean, I Want You Back and I'll Be There are about as big of classics as you can get. I wouldn't mind seeing the arrangement changed though.

Heal the World, History, Earth Song (if done outside of Europe), Jam and Scream can take a hike. I like them all, especially Earth Song, Jame and Scream, but there's more songs I'd rather hear live.

What I want above all though, is more live instrumentation and more live singing.
I don't know which songs I'd like him to remove!

Maybe Beat it, Billie Jean or Thriller. We've seen them MANY times already!
I don't know which songs I'd like him to remove!

Maybe Beat it, Billie Jean or Thriller. We've seen them MANY times already!

Oh my God, blasphemy!!! j/k;) but I wouldn't go to his concert if it didn't have these songs:D What I'd remove would be Heal the world, History, Scream, J5 medley and Working day and night. I prefer only his solo classic songs.
I don't know which songs I'd like him to remove!

Maybe Beat it, Billie Jean or Thriller. We've seen them MANY times already!

I agree but not Billie Jean! I just would like to see that live, for once.

But rarer songs would be so cool :wub:
I agree but not Billie Jean! I just would like to see that live, for once.

But rarer songs would be so cool :wub:

Yeah. Actually I would love to see Billie Jean again!

But Who is it and songs we've NEVER ever heard live before would be sooo cool!
Beat it, Thriller and Billie Jean will be 3 of the main songs people will go to see him for.
If Mike didn't perform Billie Jean there would be riots lol
I don't know which songs I'd like him to remove!

Maybe Beat it, Billie Jean or Thriller. We've seen them MANY times already!

I love how PHony and the media are trying to reduce Michael to just one album.

I'm sorry, but Thriller is NOT Michael's best work (one of his best, no doubt). He has a WHOLE body of work just like Madonna, The Beatles, Elvis, etc.

They need to quit with going on and on and on about just one album. Seriously. Michael showed us long ago he was much larger than Thriller. People must have been frozen in time to not realize that.

Strike everything from Thriller and give us new material. In fact, cut it all out of the show (just to P*** off the media). And focus on everything else. Do Ghosts instead of Thriller. Seriously.
Strike everything from Thriller and give us new material. In fact, cut it all out of the show (just to P*** off the media). And focus on everything else. Do Ghosts instead of Thriller. Seriously.

Yeah, lets risk messing up the whole thing just to piss off the media.

You have to realise that we are not the only ones who will be attending these concerts, if he cut out all the classics then a lot of people there would be like, what the hell...I dont know any of these songs. The media would pick up on it and rip the shows to pieces and any plans they may have to do shows in other parts of the world would be ruined.

What am I saying anyway.....I want to see all the classics!

I want to see 2009's Michael Jackson show he still can create the magic from Billie Jean!

Billie Jean and Beat it are musts. Thriller, not so much but people will still look forward to seeing it.

Give me Billie Jean, Thriller, Man In The Mirror, Smooth Criminal and Dangerous and then do whatever with the rest of the show! Those are the main ones I want to see.
A MJ concert without Billie jean doesn't count as a concert to me.:p I don't like BOW.
He said he'd play all the songs the fans wanna hear. I'm pretty sure he's gonna stick with the familiar songs, but he'll probably re-invent the performances. Maybe he'll throw in some other songs, but I wouldn't expect anything drastically different from his former set lists.
Strike everything from Thriller and give us new material. In fact, cut it all out of the show (just to P*** off the media). And focus on everything else. Do Ghosts instead of Thriller. Seriously.

Actually that wouldn't piss off the media at all. As a matter of fact they'd probably be happy and have a field day with that cause then they could print articles titled ''Jackson can't pull off his classic hits anymore''
I most want to see Thriller removed.
It looked stupid with the werewolf mask on.
I would like to see a updated version of Thriller, with maybe Justice on stage doing a mix for MJ live, that would totally own.

No Earth Song, Heal the World, Jackson 5 medley, I will Be There.

Want to see more of MJs rock songs on the set list. GITM, Dirty Diana on the list. Unbreakable aswell.
Billie jean has to stay, Thriller could probably go, Beat it i can see him doing differently (like at the 2001 concerts)

I think the J5 Medley should stay, but maybe change it a little bit, so different songs like in the 2001 reunion, but shorter

Please bring back Man In The Mirror xD

Does anyone else think that when he said "i'll be performing the songs my fans want me to sing"... to me that sounds like theirs going to be some sort of vote, like on the KOP CD?
Heal the World, Earth Song, You Are Not Alone, Working Day and Night and Wanna Be Startin' Something can go :) Make room for Unbreakable, Ghosts (could follow on from Thriller?), 2 Bad, Dirty Diana, Give in to Me, Who Is It etc.
Hope there's no vote!!

Actually I feel sure there wont'!!!

How should he have time to rehearse that!??
No beat it.
No jam.
No scream.
Thriller, IF he drop the stupid werewolf mask.
Earth song, IF he drops the dumb tank and the drama, and just do the song gospel style.
No beat it.
No jam.
No scream.
Thriller, IF he drop the stupid werewolf mask.
Earth song, IF he drops the dumb tank and the drama, and just do the song gospel style.

:lol: @ the werewolf mask! :lol:

Earth song is supposed to be an emotional song. So should the performance!

But I would rather have We've had Enough!

Drop Earth Song and sing We've Had Enough!