songs not reaching full potencial?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I was listening to the history album today. and like most of the songs mj dose, it´s usally done very well and you can hear he squeeses the every drop of it to cover all level of the song.
But there is one song I really like actually, but I feel it´s not finish and it cold have been better. and that song is "this time around" I love the amazing bassline in that me it´s the best bassline on the album. but somewhere out in the song it somehow fades out, and I feel somthing is missing. ..
dose anybody else feel that or have simular feelings about another song?
nope i feel every song he does is great and complete. there used to be songs that had to grow on my after a few listens,but after i loved them and they always took me to a place the previous song didnt.
nope i feel every song he does is great and complete. there used to be songs that had to grow on my after a few listens,but after i loved them and they always took me to a place the previous song didnt.

i hope you do not mind me asking but what kind of tatoo is your it a michael one.

i love all mj songs .this time around is amazing
i felt that way about 'Bad' at first, but then i realized, that's how the song is supposed to sound. so..i know that MJ is great with all his songs.
I was listening to the history album today. and like most of the songs mj dose, it´s usally done very well and you can hear he squeeses the every drop of it to cover all level of the song.
But there is one song I really like actually, but I feel it´s not finish and it cold have been better. and that song is "this time around" I love the amazing bassline in that me it´s the best bassline on the album. but somewhere out in the song it somehow fades out, and I feel somthing is missing. ..
dose anybody else feel that or have simular feelings about another song?

Interesting thought but I've always liked This Time Around as is. . . . While there's certainly album tracks I skip sometimes, I can't say that there's anything that feels like it's still in 'demo mode' or what not. . . . If forced to pick though maybe I'd go w/ DS because it repeats itself so I guess maybe both lyrically and musically it'd be neat to hear it expanded upon, but I still like it though.
Interesting thought but I've always liked This Time Around as is. . . . While there's certainly album tracks I skip sometimes, I can't say that there's anything that feels like it's still in 'demo mode' or what not. . . . If forced to pick though maybe I'd go w/ DS because it repeats itself so I guess maybe both lyrically and musically it'd be neat to hear it expanded upon, but I still like it though.

don´t get me wrong. I love "this time around" I think it´s grate. but it´s like the song cold have been even much better. I somehow feel the grate bassline dose not get all the etention it deserve ´s, like in billy jean and who is it f.eks.
I agree. "This Time Around" to me is one of Michael's least ambitious songs. The lyrics are lazy and repetitive. It sticks out like a sore thumb between the giants "Stranger in Moscow" and "Earth Song." Just my opinion, but it's not one of my favorites. I do like the remix on BOTDF though.
i hate remixes. lol
the only remix i ever liked, was timbaland's remix of 'apologize', but attempting to remix MJ is a lost cause, cus it really feels like the remixer is saying that the song could have had a touch of somn added here or there..and that's when i realize and truly appreciate that MJ is the perfect songwriter. and, to me, it felt like it, beforehand, too.
Even though I have to say, I love the song 'Speechless' very, very much, it is really too short. So that's why I say it didn't reach its full potential. Other than that, it's perfect in my opinion.
i hope you do not mind me asking but what kind of tatoo is your it a michael one.

i love all mj songs .this time around is amazing

yea its mjs feet from the one more chance promo,it was painful hahaha lol and i dont mind @ all
All of Michael's songs reach their full potential sonically and lyrically, including the few songs I don't like. What I will say is that some of Michael's songs since the Dangerous album are too long. Some that are amazing anyway that are almost 6 min long or sometimes longer like Supafly Sister would have been even more amazing if the were only 3 or 4 mins long.

Some very long songs like HIStory have too much useless sound clips at the end of the song, and Little Susie seems to have the longest intro for a songs I've ever heard. I think Jam and In The Closest are amazing songs but too long, and Will You Be There has a classical chior intro that is too long. Some Michael Jackson songs like Black Or White and This Time Around would have sounded better without a rap. The only Michael Jackson songs that sould cool with a rap in them are Jam and Unbreakable.
All of Michael's songs reach their full potential sonically and lyrically, including the few songs I don't like. What I will say is that some of Michael's songs since the Dangerous album are too long. Some that are amazing anyway that are almost 6 min long or sometimes longer like Supafly Sister would have been even more amazing if the were only 3 or 4 mins long.

Some very long songs like HIStory have too much useless sound clips at the end of the song, and Little Susie seems to have the longest intro for a songs I've ever heard. I think Jam and In The Closest are amazing songs but too long, and Will You Be There has a classical chior intro that is too long. Some Michael Jackson songs like Black Or White and This Time Around would have sounded better without a rap. The only Michael Jackson songs that sould cool with a rap in them are Jam and Unbreakable.

I agree with all of this. This is a good idea for a thread btw, interesting topic. Props to the OP.
yea its mjs feet from the one more chance promo,it was painful hahaha lol and i dont mind @ all

cool.i always thought mj feet from one more chance would make a great tatoo . i want to get a mj tatoo but i always thought it would hurt . thanks for answering me
i hate remixes. lol
the only remix i ever liked, was timbaland's remix of 'apologize', but attempting to remix MJ is a lost cause, cus it really feels like the remixer is saying that the song could have had a touch of somn added here or there..and that's when i realize and truly appreciate that MJ is the perfect songwriter. and, to me, it felt like it, beforehand, too.

Agreed, for the most part I dislike remixes. Only one off the top of my head of MJ's that I enjoyed is the Refugee Camp Remix of 2Bad off the BoTDF:HiTM album.
i love this time around....just not so much the rap part but otherwise it seems like a cool, complete songs
All of Michael's songs reach their full potential sonically and lyrically, including the few songs I don't like. What I will say is that some of Michael's songs since the Dangerous album are too long. Some that are amazing anyway that are almost 6 min long or sometimes longer like Supafly Sister would have been even more amazing if the were only 3 or 4 mins long.

Some very long songs like HIStory have too much useless sound clips at the end of the song, and Little Susie seems to have the longest intro for a songs I've ever heard. I think Jam and In The Closest are amazing songs but too long, and Will You Be There has a classical chior intro that is too long. Some Michael Jackson songs like Black Or White and This Time Around would have sounded better without a rap. The only Michael Jackson songs that sould cool with a rap in them are Jam and Unbreakable.

i agree about HIStory, Little Susie and Will You Be There.
i generally dislike those useless, rhythmless intros, outros, interludes etc. on albums.
i would also cut out a capella from Speechless - doesn't match with the rest of the song at all imo and an intro from You Rock My World - it's not funny at all and sounds awful. so annoying.

Jam and In The Closet are perfect for me.
i agree about HIStory, Little Susie and Will You Be There.
i generally dislike those useless, rhythmless intros, outros, interludes etc. on albums.
i would also cut out a capella from Speechless - doesn't match with the rest of the song at all imo and an intro from You Rock My World - it's not funny at all and sounds awful. so annoying.

Jam and In The Closet are perfect for me.

I agree that the intro on You Rock My World should have been cut, it's just a waste of space.

I think Michael may have had a liking for very long song intros since before the Dangerous album. Because on the the Thriller (Special Edition) released in 2001. Quincy Jones say's the original intro for Billie Jean was so long you could "have a shave" whilst it was on.
Those who say a 6 minute song is too long must have not been around in the 1970s when they had songs that lasted from 15 to 30 minutes long. :p
heartbreaker, 2000 Watts, You are My Life, Speechless, Threatened, We've had enough, Beautiful Girl, Fall Again, In the Back.....

Shall I go on?
Those who say a 6 minute song is too long must have not been around in the 1970s when they had songs that lasted from 15 to 30 minutes long. :p

Are you talking about the much hated Prog Rock. I don't know much about Prog Rock except they took concept albums and long guitar solos etc to an extreme.
Are you talking about the much hated Prog Rock. I don't know much about Prog Rock except they took concept albums and long guitar solos etc to an extreme.
Funk, jazz, prog rock, classical, fusion, and disco all had very long songs. In some cases the song would take up the whole side of the record album. The early rap songs tended to be long as well. "Rapper's Delight" by the Sugarhill Gang is 15 minutes long. Jimmy Spicer's "The Adventures Of Super Rhymes" is around 14 minutes. Songs that lasted 10 minutes were normal and were played on the radio.
I believe This Time Around is a good song. A song that reached full potential? Ofcourse not! I think it does get repetetive at times, and def. doesn't fit the mold of his usual masterpieces such as Earthsong or SIM. Love the rap though from B.I.G.

I think Speechless could have been alot more meaningful if there was an extra verse in it. It seemed like it started and ended too fast. Threatened was a complete song, but to me it didn't seem finished, it seemed over finished. Unbreakable, Heartbreaker, and Invincible all seemed like there were over-done with too much going on. They would have been better songs, if they were watered down a bit. And ofcourse 2000 Watts def. could have been longer or differently arranged to sound, well, more like an MJ song!

Those are only the Invincible tracks I believe could have been improved, but I could go on but I don't feel like it haha