Songs in This Is It Version?

*Little Suzie*

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Does someone know were I can get song of MJ in this is it version?
I want it on my phone so... ;(
plzz help
I think she means she wants an audio rip of the live versions from This Is It in order? I dunno lol

If so, I wouldnt mind it too but I think its against the forum rules posting it? I aint sure.
I was thinking of doing that for myself...I might do it tomorrow, and it would be fairly high quality audio. :p

PM me whenever if you would like a link to download them if I end up doing it.
Can someone please send me a link, too?

Thank you and God bless.
I converted the audio to album from the DVD rip a couple weeks ago.. it turned out pretty good. I'll do it again if the DVD has lossless PCM audio. If not, I'll stick with the version I have now.
Just sent out a bunch of PMs with the link...

I made each song individual and put quite a bit of effort into it, so I'd like to share anyone else can PM me and I'll send you the link.

Suzie, that WBSS link is from the History Tour.
im confused..these links are not only very oldbutnot even this is it? people have put the album on audio on youtube already but this is all wrong wrong wrong...or am i hearing something different?
You guys have to send me a private message if you want the link, I don't really check in on this thread, lol. :p