Songs about animals


Proud Member
Aug 27, 2011
What are your favorite songs about animals? Here's a few of mine.

Brandy ~ O'Jays (dog)
Ben ~ Michael Jackson (rat)
Wildfire ~ Michael Martin Murphy (horse)
Martha My Dear ~ The Beatles (sheepdog)
Ode To A Koala Bear ~ Paul McCartney
Animal Kingdom ~ Prince
Horse With No Name ~ America
Atomic Dog ~ George Clinton
Disco Duck ~ Rick Dees
I met Lassie-Ainbusk singers (dog)

It was a day and I was four years old,
I believed more on the evil than in good.
I was four years and it were horrible types in my room,
black wallpapers, cold trumpets, blood pancakes and planets
and the air's humming kinds, the darkness where very dark
and single-handed and cautious where I, nobody likes me,
nobody likes me...
then. . she came as light out of the darkness, she licked my cheek and said;
"with me are you safe and warm, I will warm your heart,
I like you"
and in her eyes twinkled love.
I met Lassie, I met Lassie and I saw that goodness was.
The hope's star shone clearly around her hairy tail.
I met Lassie, I met Lassie and whisper to me her woof.
We walked paw in hand and in my heart it felt calm.
If one is small and weak (the angels cry)
and get beaten with slaps (when souls die)
nothing one understands but the heart screams why?
if one is small and weak (the moon man sobs)
Each night each day (allong quiet clouds)
of all evil becomes one blue in the inside as on the outside why do I live?
But the ghastliness can turn, and dandelions light there knobs
to grow up in the dawn.
When the ghosts smear against me then she comes to me and you
with all her love.
I met Lassie, I met Lassie, darling you are as a rose.
You kisses my sad tears with your soft snout.
I met Lassie, I met Lassie, she makes me fond and happy
Together, we go paw in hand on the life's walk.
Ghastliness can turn and dandelions light there knobs
to grow up to thousandth, when the ghosts smear against me
then she comes to me and you with all her love.
I met Lassie, I met Lassie and I saw that goodness was.
The hope's star shone clearly around her hairy tail.
I met Lassie, I met Lassie and whisper to me her woof.
We go paw in hand and in my heart it feel calm.
We go paw in hand and in my heart it feel calm