SONG GROOVE (AKA ABORTION PAPERS) - What can you say about this song?


Proud Member
Jul 11, 2013
When I first heard it on Bad 25, I didn't really appreciate it and I thought it sounded too outdated and needing refinement. But after weeks of listening, I came to appreciate it. Then I totally became hooked to it until it reached to the point where I became so dependent with it like a drug that I can't start my day without listening to it. It is now my most played in my itunes (second is She Drives Me Wild) and I still can't get enough of that song. NOW IT IS OFFICIALLY ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVORITE MJ SONGS, along with Who Is It, WBSS, She Drives Me Wild, Money, Morphine, Billie Jean, Smooth Criminal. ;D

What can you say about that song?


This is the EXTENDED VERSION I am addicted to. IMO this made the song more complete with the extended beats in between the verses! And this extended version is audibly clearer than the original version on the cd.
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I love he puts what he thinks and what he believes into his music, Not looking for a radio hit but looking to create for himself! though It could have been a hit in the 80's
I thought it sounded too outdated

All of the demos on Bad 25 sound incredibly outdated, it's to be expected to be honest.

Anyways, this is one of my favourite unreleased songs on Bad 25. I remember reading around the time it was released that some MJ fans were playing it to their friends and the friends would go "HOW DID HE NOT RELEASE THIS?? IT'S SO GOOD" :smilerolleyes: But yes, when you hear the groove to this, you can't help but dance :dancin:
I really hate the term ''outdated''. It makes it sound like people are saying that today's music (2013) is better than the music from the past and I don't think that's true. I think that music from 20-30 years ago sounds more fresh than 95% of the songs that rule the mainstream charts now a days.

Anyone who listens to mainstream music from 20-30 years ago and then listens to the mainstream music of today and says that the quality hasn't dropped or the quality has gotten better really needs to get their ears checked. 95% of today's mainstream music is just awful. It's loud, obnoxious, melodic-less and shallow. Now i'm not saying that bad music wasn't around in the past, of course it was. The difference between the past and today is that the bad acts weren't as celebrated like they are now
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i wish he had finished it. i still adore the demo version tho
We're talking about Song Groove, alternate title, Abortion Papers. The Demo from BAD that was released with the 25th anniversary album.
I really hate the term ''outdated''. It makes it sound like people are saying that today's music (2013) is better than the music from the past and I don't think that's true. I think that music from 20-30 years ago sounds more fresh than 95% of the songs that rule the mainstream charts now a days.

Anyone who listens to mainstream music from 20-30 years ago and then listens to the mainstream music of today and says that the quality hasn't dropped or the quality has gotten better really needs to get their ears checked. 95% of today's mainstream music is just awful. It's loud, obnoxious, melodic-less and shallow. Now i'm not saying that bad music wasn't around in the past, of course it was. The difference between the past and today is that the bad acts weren't as celebrated like they are now

LOL, I was going to rant about the term "outdated" as well. It's so overused and people use it indeed as if today's music is somehow superior. Well, the Beatles sound outdated. They totally sound 1960s. So what? Does that mean it's somehow inferior to today's music? And today's music will sound outdated in 10 years. So it's such a shallow term IMO. Just a way to look down on older music.

ETA: I don't mean anyone in this thread. I know you did not mean to look down on MJ's music, but I know a lot of people throw around that term to suggest inferiority in a way and I do think that term is overused for all the wrong reasons.
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If people spent more time worrying about whether or not a song is good instead of worrying about whether or not a song sounds ''current'' then there would be a lot more better music in the world.
LOL, I was going to rant about the term "outdated" as well. It's so overused and people use it indeed as if today's music is somehow superior. Well, the Beatles sound outdated. They totally sound 1960s. So what? Does that mean it's somehow inferior to today's music? And today's music will sound outdated in 10 years. So it's such a shallow term IMO. Just a way to look down on older music.

ETA: I don't mean anyone in this thread. I know you did not mean to look down on MJ's music, but I know a lot of people throw around that term to suggest inferiority in a way and I do think that term is overused for all the wrong reasons.
Make that 6 months. :p

I generally do not get the use of the term 'outdated' either. Sometimes it is used to refer to a production style of a particular time that someone dislikes. In that case I see where people are coming from, but their dislike has nothing to do with the fact that time has passed since then, but rather with particular characteristics of music made during that time. Thus it does not really make sense to use the term 'outdated' for that, imo. The more literal use of the word is more frequent however, where it simply is, as you said, meant to refer to old music as inherently negative - it's bad just because it's old. That's just plain ridiculous, of course.

And it's particularly ironic when the term is used to defend current mainstream music, because rather than being innovative, most of it relies on trends developed decades ago.

*My apologies for the offtopic rant!!* As for Song Groove: in all honesty, it is still my least favourite of the Bad 25 demos. I like the groove, like the strings, but dislike the vocal melodies.
If people spent more time worrying about whether or not a song is good instead of worrying about whether or not a song sounds ''current'' then there would be a lot more better music in the world.
I really hate the term ''outdated''. It makes it sound like people are saying that today's music (2013) is better than the music from the past

But the song does sound out of date? Abortion Papers sounds incredibly 1980s and I, personally, don't intend that as an insult, to me it's just... well, a fact.

I'm sure there are others who use the term as an insult, but there are others, like me, who don't and instead use it to describe a production that has multiple characteristics of the past era that it was produced in. It doesn't necessarily mean it's worse, it just means it sounds older. Hell, a number of the earlier Beatles songs especially sound out of date, but I still quite enjoy them and they're obviously still very good songs.

In saying that, I can definitely see the term being interpreted and used in a negative fashion, I just thought I'd clarify what I personally meant when I posted earlier :)
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But the song does sound out of date? Abortion Papers sounds incredibly 1980s and I, personally, don't intend that as an insult, to me it's just... well, a fact.

I'm sure there are others who use the term as an insult, but there are others, like me, who don't and instead use it to describe a production that has multiple characteristics of the past era that it was produced in. It doesn't necessarily mean it's worse, it just means it sounds older. Hell, a number of the earlier Beatles songs especially sound out of date, but I still quite enjoy them and they're obviously still very good songs.
I see what you are saying, but the problem is that most people do not use the term descriptively in the way you mention here, but with a negative connotation. The word itself already implies it - something that is outdated is obsolete, it's old hat, something to throw out like a bottle of milk that is beyond its expiration date. It's the assumption that something that does not sound like it was made according to the production standards that happen to be popular in mainstream music at the present, must be lacking in quality. That implication still seems to be there even in your description ("a number of the earlier Beatles songs especially sound out of date, but I still quite enjoy them"). (I am only pointing this out because I think it shows how the term 'outdated' is associated with something negative, I know you do not mean to use it in this way).

**Second apology for going offtopic** It's an interesting discussion though. Maybe something that warrants a topic of its own?
But the song does sound out of date? Abortion Papers sounds incredibly 1980s and I, personally, don't intend that as an insult, to me it's just... well, a fact.

I'm sure there are others who use the term as an insult, but there are others, like me, who don't and instead use it to describe a production that has multiple characteristics of the past era that it was produced in. It doesn't necessarily mean it's worse, it just means it sounds older. Hell, a number of the earlier Beatles songs especially sound out of date, but I still quite enjoy them and they're obviously still very good songs.

In saying that, I can definitely see the term being interpreted and used in a negative fashion, I just thought I'd clarify what I personally meant when I posted earlier :)

I know you did not intend that way, no one here looks down on MJ's music whether it was made in the 70s, 80s or 90s. But like SoCav said the term usually has a negative connotation to it, as a way to say "because it does not sound like it was produced in the 2010s (of course, it does not, because it wasn't produced in the 2010s!) it sucks". There are music genres which are less prone to becoming "outdated" - eg. certain genres of rock sound more or less the same in all ages - but mainstream is more prone to trends, to changing production styles which can all be linked to a certain era etc, so a lot of mainstream music will sound "outdated" after a while. But that does not say in itself anything about whether a music is good or still enjoyable or not. The Beatles is a great example. Outdated? Yes. Much of their music sounds very 60s - of course, because they worked in the 60s. But, honestly, who cares? A lot of people still listen to and enjoy their music. Much of Prince's 80s stuff sounds very 80s. Who cares? It's still better than most things on the charts today.

Production styles are just like fashion and they change like fashion. To say today's fashion is somehow superior to earlier fashions just because it's current is stupid. Today's fashion will be yesterday's fashion tomorrow - and people will then say it's "outdated".
Well, yes, keyword 'production style'... It's the difference between 'Much too soon' and 'Much too soon' with production style accordions driving me insane...a clear case of paralysis by analysis - clearly only the genius survives that one.

But let's face it, a demo is a demo and every photographer shoots countless times before a very few select ones are what he even submits.

One cannot learn and develop without actually developing something, that's the magic.
I still enjoy it, because it is what it is. And I just love the dude for expressing layers that make up not just him, but the world at large etcetc.
He's playing. Music really really consists of playing playing playing, listening to others and drive yourself insane- and then suddenly boom, see the heavens while making a sandwich, or driving around.

And I usually put on my flame retardant suit for saying that I admire Michael for getting of the Thriller train- why I love Dangerous so much.
I still love Billie Jean and countless other songs, but yeah, production apparently can make it, or really break it beyond repair.

Mozart and and Beethoven worked away until exhaustion and more, fleshing out an orchestration, no symphony gets realized without serious work and banging your head against the wall, getting it right.

And sometimes it just involves having a good time and just playing for the sake of playing, which usually leads to some kind of aha effect.
Yep, I get your point Respect77 and agree with pretty much all of it. Personally I couldn't care how old a song is or who the artist is - if I like a song then I like that song :D
I love it. My favourite Bad 25 song (with Al Capone a close second) and probably in my top 5 unreleased MJ songs.

The middle eight section for some reason reminds me a bit of Papa Don't Preach by Madonna (coincidentally both songs have a similar subject matter). Does anyone else know what I mean?
I love it. My favourite Bad 25 song (with Al Capone a close second) and probably in my top 5 unreleased MJ songs.

The middle eight section for some reason reminds me a bit of Papa Don't Preach by Madonna (coincidentally both songs have a similar subject matter). Does anyone else know what I mean?

I love both songs, most MJFam could hate me by saying this but I like some of Madonna's old stuff
I think it's very good that he did not release it. It would have been so bad for him from a business perspective, to be honest it's difficult for me to listen to. I listened once, but not since then. The way he calls out the word "abortion" makes me uncomfortable because it is a word that is just so charged with meaning, and that meaning can change for everyone (I am referring to emotional implications). The media would have come down on him for addressing such a controversial topic in such an "in your face" way. Fans would have shifted, he might have been known more as a religious entertainer then an entertainer for everyone. I think some fans would have been hurt or offended, and I really think it would have been a bad idea. I think he made the right choice not to release it.

Having said that, I actually love the fact that he doesn't hold back, same as all his other songs. Musically, I do think it's a good song as well. But this isn't the only one I can't listen to-- even though I think it's musically brilliant, I can't bring myself to listen to In The Closet. I just never grew up looking at Michael that way, it is way too sexual. Like listening to your dad or your brother sing something like that! Too weird. (I was also six years old when Dangerous was released)

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I think it's very good that he did not release it. It would have been so bad for him from a business perspective, to be honest it's difficult for me to listen to. I listened once, but not since then. The way he calls out the word "abortion" makes me uncomfortable because it is a word that is just so charged with meaning, and that meaning can change for everyone (I am referring to emotional implications). The media would have come down on him for addressing such a controversial topic in such an "in your face" way. Fans would have shifted, he might have been known more as a religious entertainer then an entertainer for everyone. I think some fans would have been hurt or offended, and I really think it would have been a bad idea. I think he made the right choice not to release it.

Having said that, I actually love the fact that he doesn't hold back, same as all his other songs. Musically, I do think it's a good song as well. But this isn't the only one I can't listen to-- even though I think it's musically brilliant, I can't bring myself to listen to In The Closet. I just never grew up looking at Michael that way, it is way too sexual. Like listening to your dad or your brother sing something like that! Too weird.

I so agree with you regarding the "abortion papers" song. IMO the song is really good, but I also think he made the RIGHT choice in not releasing this song. unfortunately it would have indeed have been bad for him. abortion is a very, very, touchy subject for some. he made the right choice and I think he knew he made the right choice in not releasing this song. Michael was a very smart man.

as for "in the closet" oh I have no problem watching that video. I definitely look at Michael in that he was so SEXY in that video.
Giving the controversial subject of the song I'm surprised that the estate choose to include it on Bad 25
Giving the controversial subject of the song I'm surprised that the estate choose to include it on Bad 25

Michael has always had a giant fan base in both Europe and Asia.
It's been a few years now, and it's not as if this was the first published item since 2009.

He'd be more lauded, if anything. For understanding the shades of grey.
What one believes to be black and white, can be very much grey later on, or remain black or white. No person is alike in that.

What's more controversial to some- singing 'stop ****ing with me', or this song? Hm.
He did both.
Michael has always had a giant fan base in both Europe and Asia.
It's been a few years now, and it's not as if this was the first published item since 2009.

He'd be more lauded, if anything. For understanding the shades of grey.
What one believes to be black and white, can be very much grey later on, or remain black or white. No person is alike in that.

What's more controversial to some- singing 'stop ****ing with me', or this song? Hm.
He did both.

I'm failing to see what a giant fanbase in Europe and Asia has to do with the subject of the song. Abortion is a far more sensitive and controversial subject than a swear word.

It's a topic that can bring up horrible memories for many people whereas a swear word is just merely a word one chooses to be offended by. There's a major difference.
Michael has always had a giant fan base in both Europe and Asia.
It's been a few years now, and it's not as if this was the first published item since 2009.

He'd be more lauded, if anything. For understanding the shades of grey.
What one believes to be black and white, can be very much grey later on, or remain black or white. No person is alike in that.

What's more controversial to some- singing 'stop ****ing with me', or this song? Hm.
He did both.

I disagree entirely. Abortion is still enormously controversial, and will be for a very very long time.

You can't compare bad language to termination!!!!

I remember being a bit apprehensive of the song before i heard it, but the way Michael approached it in a third person kind of way really made it work.