Song discussion - HIStory


Proud Member
Nov 28, 2003
Hi guys,

This is a song that seems to kind of slip under the radar in many threads. Never really high on a list of people's favourite songs, never high on a list of people's least favourite songs. Just want to see what everyone actually thinks of this track?

Putting aside the fact that this song replaced Man in the Mirror as the closing song for the HIStory tour (which I know a lot of people question now) what does this song say to you?

Personally, I find this to be his most inspiring song. The verses just speak straight to me. While in Man in the Mirror and Keep the Faith Michael is singing the verses to you in a lighter tone, here I can relate more to the aggressive way that Michael sings. These are the times you need your inspiration, when you really are grabbing life by the balls and giving it your best shot to get what you need done. The aggressive tones seem to symbolise the struggle that we all go through, eachdifferent everyday, and then by the time we get to the bridge, we feel a sense of relief coming- still angry but less aggressive, I like how Michael questions what we need to do to get to where we need to go. Then, when we get to the chorus, aaaaaaahhhh thats it, relax! this is your moment, this is your history. I think the song is perfectly structured and fitting to what he had been going through, making it easily identifiable with anyone going through any struggle (which I can safely say is every single one of us at some point in our lives).

Being Irish, I am not that overly connected with most of the audio clips and quotes that are present in the song, but I am aware and appreciate all of them as majorly historic and hugely influential moments. But in my head I can hear equally relevant quotes from our own history and the struggles that Ireland have also put up with. The song just makes everything so relative.

In the last year, I have become a marathon runner also, and this song hands down is the song I turn to in my head each and every race when I need to. I never listen to music when I run a race but this song, coming up to mile 20, starts playing in my head and it is everything I need. Those verses pound through my head with Michael roaring at me "He dares to be recognised, the fires deep in his eyes" "No force of nature can break your will to self motivate" "he said one day you will see his face in world history" "keep flyin until you are the king of the hill"... I could literally just type the 2 verses from the song.

In the end, the immortal phrase that keeps me going each time "Every day create your history, every path you take youre leaving your legacy". Just saying that over and over just gets me. Deep down it reminds you that everything you do is a part of your own history no matter how big or small it is.

This post seems to be a big unorganised mess, but as the song came on at work (listening to HIStory/BODFT on shuffle) it just reminded me of how it kicked me to up my pace last saturday in the last marathon I did. I just wanted to share my thoughts on the song which has been a favourite of mine since 95. I'm glad to say that I saw Michael perform this in Dublin, and I can also say hand on heart that I prefer the fact I saw this song over Man in the Mirror. It was the last song Michael performed that night (obviously, everyone is aware) and to say that it has left a lasting impression on me is an understatement.

I enjoy creating my history every day, and thanks to this song, I'm motivated to do just THAT tiny bit extra each day.
Hi guys,

This is a song that seems to kind of slip under the radar in many threads. Never really high on a list of people's favourite songs, never high on a list of people's least favourite songs. Just want to see what everyone actually thinks of this track?

Putting aside the fact that this song replaced Man in the Mirror as the closing song for the HIStory tour (which I know a lot of people question now) what does this song say to you?

Personally, I find this to be his most inspiring song. The verses just speak straight to me. While in Man in the Mirror and Keep the Faith Michael is singing the verses to you in a lighter tone, here I can relate more to the aggressive way that Michael sings. These are the times you need your inspiration, when you really are grabbing life by the balls and giving it your best shot to get what you need done. The aggressive tones seem to symbolise the struggle that we all go through, eachdifferent everyday, and then by the time we get to the bridge, we feel a sense of relief coming- still angry but less aggressive, I like how Michael questions what we need to do to get to where we need to go. Then, when we get to the chorus, aaaaaaahhhh thats it, relax! this is your moment, this is your history. I think the song is perfectly structured and fitting to what he had been going through, making it easily identifiable with anyone going through any struggle (which I can safely say is every single one of us at some point in our lives).

Being Irish, I am not that overly connected with most of the audio clips and quotes that are present in the song, but I am aware and appreciate all of them as majorly historic and hugely influential moments. But in my head I can hear equally relevant quotes from our own history and the struggles that Ireland have also put up with. The song just makes everything so relative.

In the last year, I have become a marathon runner also, and this song hands down is the song I turn to in my head each and every race when I need to. I never listen to music when I run a race but this song, coming up to mile 20, starts playing in my head and it is everything I need. Those verses pound through my head with Michael roaring at me "He dares to be recognised, the fires deep in his eyes" "No force of nature can break your will to self motivate" "he said one day you will see his face in world history" "keep flyin until you are the king of the hill"... I could literally just type the 2 verses from the song.

In the end, the immortal phrase that keeps me going each time "Every day create your history, every path you take youre leaving your legacy". Just saying that over and over just gets me. Deep down it reminds you that everything you do is a part of your own history no matter how big or small it is.

This post seems to be a big unorganised mess, but as the song came on at work (listening to HIStory/BODFT on shuffle) it just reminded me of how it kicked me to up my pace last saturday in the last marathon I did. I just wanted to share my thoughts on the song which has been a favourite of mine since 95. I'm glad to say that I saw Michael perform this in Dublin, and I can also say hand on heart that I prefer the fact I saw this song over Man in the Mirror. It was the last song Michael performed that night (obviously, everyone is aware) and to say that it has left a lasting impression on me is an understatement.

I enjoy creating my history every day, and thanks to this song, I'm motivated to do just THAT tiny bit extra each day.

There was nothing messy about all of the above. That was very beautiful and most sincere. It really is an underrated song. I also love it a lot. I can see why it would inspire you so much.

The live version is pretty great as well. Especially when you see all those flags. It really reminds you that we all are one family called.....humanity. There are no such things as unimportant people and small nations. Everyone matters!!!

Luv your country btw. One of my newest and greatest friends is an Irish man I met last year, which reminds me that I need to write him soon.

Keep running soldier and create your own story every day :)
I totally agree!!! I've always loved this song, the tone, the lyrics and the aggression. The lyrics and the meaning of this song just seem to jump right out and grab the listener.
The live version is pretty great as well. Especially when you see all those flags. It really reminds you that we all are one family called.....humanity. There are no such things as unimportant people and small nations. Everyone matters!!!

Yes, I love the live version. I love how it contrasts from the earlier aggressive military element of TDCAU. If ONLY he sang some of it!!!!! Also thank you for your comments!

I totally agree!!! I've always loved this song, the tone, the lyrics and the aggression. The lyrics and the meaning of this song just seem to jump right out and grab the listener.

Exactly. Gets me every time!
I loved this song back in June of 1995 and still do 20 years on (two decades... crazy). "He got kicked in the back, he said 'I needed that'." is such a simple but motivating lyric.

Along with "They Don't Care About Us", this song also had to be amended for subsequent pressings of the HIStory though only due to some historical samples not being cleared. I love both though the faster tempo and wicked chord changes behind the verses on the Tony Moran remix (Blood On The Dance Floor and King Of Pop UK Edition) give that version the slight edge for me these days.
^ Goofed the above lyric... "he said HE needed that" it should be.

Come to think of it, the flow and delivery of the verses is quite similar to "Come Together". I wonder if that inspired him to grab that track from the Moonwalker vault for inclusion on HIStory, too. :)
I Have always considered getting section of the lyrics from the song tattooed on me.... That says something (I don't have tattoos as of yet)... THAN when I break down the lyrics in sections it is too difficult to chose one over the other.... That says something as well
I Have always considered getting section of the lyrics from the song tattooed on me.... That says something (I don't have tattoos as of yet)... THAN when I break down the lyrics in sections it is too difficult to chose one over the other.... That says something as well

Well, I even found it hard choosing some for a forum post, let alone a tattoo!
Yes, I love the live version. I love how it contrasts from the earlier aggressive military element of TDCAU. If ONLY he sang some of it!!!!! Also thank you for your comments!

Live you mean, right? :p Well, remember the beggars aren't choosers line LOL I think we should just be thankful for the things he was comfortable giving and leave it at that. And he does sing live certain parts, doesn't he? I've only seen a couple of concerts so I can't say, but in any case, the spirit of the song is much more important than its delivery, at least to me.

I loved this song back in June of 1995 and still do 20 years on (two decades... crazy). "He got kicked in the back, he said 'I needed that'." is such a simple but motivating lyric.

Along with "They Don't Care About Us", this song also had to be amended for subsequent pressings of the HIStory though only due to some historical samples not being cleared. I love both though the faster tempo and wicked chord changes behind the verses on the Tony Moran remix (Blood On The Dance Floor and King Of Pop UK Edition) give that version the slight edge for me these days.

Yeah, I'm enjoying that one as well these days. Hadn't heard it in ages. I still remember seeing it on MTV Europe in 1997 and not being terribly impressed by the video lol. Not much of an electronic music fan, but somehow I'm appreciating it a bit more now.

O/T innuendo, earlier this morning I managed to write to my friend in Ireland. He is supposed to go back there soon. Sure wish I could join him. I've never been to Ireland and I think it's lovely. And btw, there's no need to thank me either. I just said what I felt :)
I love HIStory! It was one of the first songs I loved off Disc 2. Can remember spending many nights listening to it on my iPod :)
O/T innuendo, earlier this morning I managed to write to my friend in Ireland. He is supposed to go back there soon. Sure wish I could join him. I've never been to Ireland and I think it's lovely. And btw, there's no need to thank me either. I just said what I felt :)

It's not so bad here, I like it anyway ;) Glad you caught up with your friend!

I love HIStory! It was one of the first songs I loved off Disc 2. Can remember spending many nights listening to it on my iPod :)

Me too, one of the first things I remember about this song was that I loved the hard beat in the verses, it really reminded me of the Bad era for some reason. Also, the sound of the piano (especially in the first chorus you can hear it much clearer because there aren't as many backing vocals) was just heaven. It's a mind boggling song how it goes from ice to fire.

I must say I was disappointed that Joe Vogel didn't share my opinions about this song ins Man in the Music. He thinks it missed the mark for what it was going for. Each to their own however. Still top 5 MJ songs for me.
I find it a little 'odd'. I think it's too ambitious, and a little alienating as a result.

However, it's testament to the height of Michael's vision and that's why it's a credit to him. Who else would create a canvas like that? Is there even an example in pop music that is similar?

It's worth adding in that Tony Moran's mix of the track was the one chosen to be released as a single and was a top 5 hit in the UK of Summer 1997. And it's one of the music videos not included on Michael Jackson's Vision.
Over the past year I have really grown to love the History song. It is different but great. For years that song would alway skip on my cd so I would pass over it. I purchased a digital copy a while back and now listen to it all the time. History is a great album. I bought one of the early pressings of the album so I have TDCAU uncencerd
I find it a little 'odd'. I think it's too ambitious, and a little alienating as a result.

However, it's testament to the height of Michael's vision and that's why it's a credit to him. Who else would create a canvas like that? Is there even an example in pop music that is similar?

It's worth adding in that Tony Moran's mix of the track was the one chosen to be released as a single and was a top 5 hit in the UK of Summer 1997. And it's one of the music videos not included on Michael Jackson's Vision.

I understand, good to hear people's opinions from the other side.

Over the past year I have really grown to love the History song. It is different but great. For years that song would alway skip on my cd so I would pass over it. I purchased a digital copy a while back and now listen to it all the time. History is a great album. I bought one of the early pressings of the album so I have TDCAU uncencerd

Same here. I managed to get a copy of the newer version of the album a few years ago and TDCAU and HIStory just don't sound right to me at all.
what a shame that they released that cheap dance remix as a single. Not that the original would have done better chart-wise,
but that remix is so tasteless.

later pressings of the HIStory CD also include a HIStory song with different samples, right?
I remember something like that, because of copyright issues.
Never fully enjoyed it, certain parts I like, for example the verses and the bridge but the chorus doesn't fit and the samples tire after a while. I want to hear music not the history channel.

I see what it was trying to do and as part of the concept of the HIStory album I get it, but it falls short in my opinion.
later pressings of the HIStory CD also include a HIStory song with different samples, right?
I remember something like that, because of copyright issues.

I'm not sure why exactly but you are right. The orchestral opening - the Mussorgsky piece - is different on the later pressings. I'm not even sure if it's still Mussorgsky?
I Have always considered getting section of the lyrics from the song tattooed on me ... that says something (I don't have tattoos as of yet) ...

I wish the MJ tattoo thread was still active. I got stop existing on my left inside arm and start living on the right years ago :p
I'm not sure why exactly but you are right. The orchestral opening - the Mussorgsky piece - is different on the later pressings. I'm not even sure if it's still Mussorgsky?

Yeah i cant remember why this was changed... and im too lazy to search haha. Was it changed after 97? Also must have something to do with rights- the TDCAU clip released of TII had the original music from HIStory (taken from Munich 97) but the film had a different piece instead. Must have cost too much i guess.

The original is the ONLY version for me anyway. Newer version just sounds odd
Sorry for the o/t veer peeps, I tend to do that a bit too much :blush: but I just have to

I wish the MJ tattoo thread was still active. I got stop existing on my left inside arm and start living on the right years ago :p

Wow, that's uber cool and brave of you :D I love them five words, but I am far too much of a coward to get a real tattoo, with those words or anything else for that matter. I've only dealt with henna, once done by pros many years ago and the one I did myself, well don't even get me started on that one lol.

But those five words really are awesome. Truly wise, stuff to live by........
Oh Girl don't get my started on tattoos :) They're addicting, I'll tell you that much. It's funny, I had wanted them years before 2009, but I hesitated (who knows why?) I got them about a year after he passed / after my Neverland / LA trip. To this day, sometimes I forget they're there, and when I catch a glimpse of them thinking it's a bug or something, I laugh. I can't tell you how many people stop me to ask about them, thinking they're a deep mantra that's so profound ... and then I tell them they are lyrics to a Michael Jackson song called Heal The World, and I never tire of their reactions :p They're there in plain sight, forever, and are a constant reminder to not waste my time on this Earth, which I think is a pretty good tribute to him and what he meant to me personally.
innuendo141;4099961 said:
I enjoy creating my history every day, and thanks to this song, I'm motivated to do just THAT tiny bit extra each day.

Although I am not really a fan of the ‘HIStory’ song, I can completely understand how people (included you) can be inspired/motivated by this song & its message(s).

For me, the fact that MJ sounds commanding but also pleading (during the verses) is one of the reasons that makes this song to stand out.

My slight disagreement has to do with the live performance of the song & particularly with its ending. I never understood why MJ had to leave the stage in such an abrupt & ordinary way.
My slight disagreement has to do with the live performance of the song & particularly with its ending. I never understood why MJ had to leave the stage in such an abrupt & ordinary way.

I really think that Michael should have been able to sing the bridges and the Choruses- even the adlibs. Motown Medley and WBSS are much harder on the throat than these parts! The live performance really did leave a lot to be desired but at the same time I do love how subtle a grandiose concert was able to end. The aggressive marching from earlier in the show (TDCAU) now seems tepid and relaxed. The flags gave out a simple message but a bit needless (Jennifer Batten must have been p*ssed she was holding a flag for the last song and not jamming!).

It could have been a lot more. If there is even 1 soundboard audio of Michael's vocals for this song I'd love to hear it.
I like the remix version better if I'm being honest (ducks for cover)

I wouldn't knock you for that- its a great remix, although I think I'm basing this on nostalgia and remembering when it came out so... bit biased :blush: